
The Savior Return (Dxd)

This is the story of someone who has already made extraordinary feats in an unusual world. Why? that's because that person comes from the modern world where some people think that supernatural phenomena are illogical and a duping of science that has advanced civilization and made humans the top of the food chain. That person belongs to this society, at first he also did not believe in supernatural phenomena which according to him was just a fictitious story made up by the previous society to raise, frighten or worship other people. But who would have thought, he who doesn't believe in anything related to the supernatural instead supernatural phenomena occur to himself. At first, this man had just stepped into his teens. To be honest, he wasn't a pleasant person, everything he did was boring, unlike most teenagers who were always energetic all the time. Even after 15 years of his life, he still doesn't have anything to stand for or the motivation he wants to become. His mindset is like that of a grown man who thinks about work, eating, sleeping. That's the average man in the environment where he grew up. He also even thought of that life in his adulthood. It would be a pity if a man did not use his life to create something so great that it would be remembered by a number of people. The phenomenon that made him stranded in another world, people in his world often refer to this world as Isekai, which has so many stories in the form of novels, films, dramas, manga and even anime. Usually, in stories like this. the main character is excited to explore new worlds, adventure to new places, meet heroines who will go on a journey to defeat the demon king… and many more. However, for this one person. He was confused about what to do in this new world. His mindset was not like a normal teenager, so he did what he had to do there. In that world, for the first time he did what he wanted to do without having to following the flow of society. after gaining power beyond the understanding of modern humans. he is capable of being at the top of that world's society, even being able to side by side with beings of the embodiment of evil that is said to make the entire other world, engulfed in fear. After a very difficult and long battle, the man finally destroyed the creature, making himself a savior for the people of the other world. Time flies, still in another world. He doesn't have any goals anymore so he lives a leisurely life without any burden in his life now. But apart from his leisure life, he feels bored. with full life spur adrenaline, which can stretch life. When he was in a dangerous place known as the land of death, it was unexpected that he dared to challenge an ancient ruler. The ancient fairy's name was Oberon. The goal of him challenging Oberon was just for fun, thereby angering the Ancient Fairy. The result of the clash between the two great forces caused the spatial distortion to occur again. The same incident repeated itself to the man, sucked into the (Astrophysical) wormhole. He himself was not with Oberon, because the Ancient Fairy was very far away from the location where the spatial distortion occurred. That phenomenon made him return to his original world. With different traits and personality, as a result of his exposure to another world. But that didn't make him any better because he was back in the wrong place and situation.

Fuku_San · Anime et bandes dessinées
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25 Chs



Takashi Akio was a teenager who had just turned 15 and was planning to enter the next level of education. He was a boring teenager.

Akio's parents don't care about him, they only care about their lives. At first, Akio's parents decided not to have children (a term for a couple who decided not to have children) since they decided to get married, but Akio was accidentally born into a family that did not expect him so he was a toddler. Akio was not raised normally by parents who had the mindset that children were a hassle.

Because of this, Akio's mindset has been different since childhood. He always felt anxious and hesitant when doing something which made his life always follow the flow of society without his own will. He had no friends, was the child his family didn't expect him to be, wasn't smart, and his appearance was ordinary.

There was nothing really special about him, he was a normal guy who had a boring life every day because what he did was just repetitive without anything special.

However, his boring life came to an end.

Coincidentally, a spatial distortion occurred due to someone trying to cross a parallel world, ending in failure. As a result, Akio who happened to be at the location was sucked into a wormhole (Astrophysics) due to the spatial distortion and ended up in a parallel world.

On earth, people often refer to it as Isekai, meaning another world.

After years of living there and having even become a permanent resident of the other world, Akio no longer thinks of earth as his world. One day, when he was having fun, there was another spatial distortion that happened in the place where he was having fun and made strange events. the same thing happened again, where he returned to earth.

But in the wrong place and situation. now he is stuck in confusion because he is in the middle of the chaos that occurred.


He shouted angrily at the person who had made him experience all that.



The Demon Capital, Lilith.

It is located in a place called the Underworld, the abode of demons that is as large as the earth.

There was great chaos there caused by terrorists who were certainly only human but could make the center of the Demon government into such a mess.

The reason for the terrorists to cause such chaos is their leader who has the ideology that humans are superior to any creature. And that is evident from the long history of humans who gave birth to other creatures as a result of human imagination.

Demons were included in it, but at this time even the supernatural, especially the demon race, dominated the human world which made it necessary to take precautions against the expansion of supernatural powers in the human world so that humans would remain free without a noose around their necks.

The leader was still very young. He was still in his early twenties but unusually led other humans who possessed extraordinary powers to join his plan.

They called themselves the Hero Faction, not without reason why they named themselves that. It was because some of their Faction leaders were descendants of heroes from the past. In addition, they also had the same names as their ancestors.

Cao Cao, the leader of the Hero faction, was currently covered in blood and his skin had black spots that were slowly spreading as if they were eating away at his body. The more the black spots spread, the more pain could be seen on his face.

He tried not to kneel down and held on tightly to his spear, which was not just any spear. It was said that the spear that had injured God, was called the Holy Spear of Longinus.

With a gasp, his head was tilted slightly upwards to stare directly at the Dragon that had left him in such a state.

"Even this Spear itself does not recognize me"

Cao Cao chuckled as he felt his end was near.

"Cao-Cao... with your human body, you have very little time for the Satanel poison to consume you completely."

A red-haired woman, wearing a school uniform. she flew right beside the Dragon head. she told Cao Cao to surrender immediately behind her concerned words.

"Rias is right. Cao-Cao end your terror right now. There is no need to waste time and effort, only to end up in vain. What is a Hero to you who wreaks havoc on everyone?" The dragon spoke very fluently in human language.

Cao Cao's response was as expected, she smirked when they said it well because she was stubborn.

"Hyoudou Issei... don't get big-headed... Just because you are now a Dragon, are you trying to look wise? heh, you are the embodiment of lust... you know what!" Raising his voice and not caring if it could speed up the process of spreading the poison in his body.

Hyoudou Issei was the Dragon's identity, he was just an ordinary human before meeting Rias who was now his lover.

"Humans shouldn't be like this, the more you populate the less the human population! The golden generation they say? meh! You're no better than the colonizers! Do you think you can be trusted to control all the power under the pretext of security? What's more, you're the Devil! Pretending to be good, while you are still evil beings... what I am doing now is solely to reclaim the human freedom that you have taken away!" Cao Cao spoke wide-eyed and full of rage, even spewing blood every time he spoke.

Rias just sighed and so did Issei, they had tried to persuade and said that the Devil was not as they thought, but they gave in to a stubborn person like Cao-Cao.

"Cough! cough!" He fell down coughing up blood. He was in a very poor condition. All the efforts he was making right now were only for mankind and to restore human glory to its place.

Although his enemies felt sorry for him because it was a war. In desperation, he clung to his spear.

While muttering as if praying.

"O Holy Spear, you who pierced fate with your spear. I beg you, in exchange for my life. Please, grant me your mercy."

He muttered in a low voice that could not be heard by the enemy, he was pleading not to god, but to the spear. It seemed silly but what he prayed for would happen.

The Holy Spear surprisingly slipped out of Cao Cao's hand. The spear flew in front of Rias and Issei which confused them. A faint light began to shine on the tip of the spear that dazzled the eyes of those who saw it.

Then as a result of the light, the Holy Spear seemed to grant Cao-cao's prayer. A miracle appeared, a white-haired, blue-eyed man wearing a leather vest and an ordinary iron sword in his hand.

Silence fell as the man mysteriously appeared there after the Holy Spear of Longinus fell and hit the man's head.



Rubbing his head, he looked around for a while before looking up at the sky while shouting angrily.