
A dream wedding 1/2

In the imperial palace, Einar was gathered in the courtyard with all the important members of the kingdom.

On the outskirts of the palace, the entire population was gathered as they would see from below the wedding that would take place at the gates of the imperial palace.

Einar, who was somewhat nervous, adjusted his red suit and looked at his father-in-law and his father.

"What do you think my suit looks good?"

Sven stroked her chin "You look quite elegant and there is a big difference between the bearskin suit you used with your Kassia and Helmi.

Not only that, but the color red makes you look quite elegant but how did you make the suit look so smooth and shiny if it is made of wool? "

Einar smiled and stroked his suit "It was not easy, but because of some experiments that Sia carried out with wool.