
The Saga Of Erdia

"Tryst is a young man living in a world of magic and war, a world of dragons, elves, and wizards. But when Zarak The Indomitable invades Erdia with a huge army, it is up to Tryst and the Knights of Faith to defend their home. Tryst is a charming but insecure young man who underestimates himself. His mentor Alaran knows that he will one day be an undefeatable being that will be able to bend reality with just the thought of it. Follow Tryst as he faces his own self-doubt and seeks to become the hero that his world needs." PS: This is my first story, and it's influenced by other stories. Chapters might be short in the beginning. I have some big events planned and a lot of big fights, so stay tuned and don't let the first chapters scare you off.

Jobvis · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

Chapter 3

"You have been asleep for quite a while, young man. You were lucky you survived." "Alaran, why am I here?"

"To tell you that Zarak has decided to take over Erdia and that we are not able to defeat him. Last time, we were lucky to have your father with his Aethersword..."

Tryst thinks and sits in silence for a few seconds before he looks up to Alaran again

"The Aethersword?"

"What? Don't you know about the Aethersword? It was your father's main weapon, it is passed from father to son in your family. It is the strongest and mightiest weapon known. We didn't even expect it from your father"

"So, what's the point? Why am I still here?"

Alaran stays quiet and sighs before he answers:

"We need your help to defeat Zarak and his army."

"I appreciate your trust in me, but no. I am a weakling and have no chance of beating him. The only reason why I am still alive is that you saved me."

"That's not true, you don't know how powerful you a.."

Alaran wasn't able to finish his sentence before Tryst spoke again:

"My answer stays no! I am a weakling and I thought my father was a strong guy, but what seems? The only reason he won is because of that stupid sword that I didn't get from him! I am not as strong as my father was."

Alaran stays silent and thinks by himself: "He is insecure and highly underestimates himself. He is right about one part though, he is not as strong as his father... He is way stronger. One day he will be undefeatable."

Alaran speaks again: "I am going to train you."