
Chapter Six

“I-“words were lost to me. There was no reasoning with Idris Woevern, he had already decided and what more could I expect from a King who was so paranoid that he had another man pretend to be him.

I could not blame the many who wanted him dead, but there was something ominous about the lengths this boy would go for control.

“Wedding blues,” he was unhinged, he could not listen to anyone other than himself.

I found my voice, unable to hear anymore of this, “Why would you want to marry me. No one would even know. You don’t,” I gestured to the sequestered room, “No one even knows your king.”

I touched a nerve, “I am a King and people know that. They just do not know what I look like. But a learned woman like you must not think that looks are all that matter.”

For the first time since I had the displeasure of meeting the king he had something that remotely made sense. But I wasn’t the forgiving type, even the cruellest of men could have moments of reason.