
The sacrafice

avacado_girl0509 · Romance
Pas assez d’évaluations
4 Chs

sweet blood

Damien opens the door of his private chamber and I walk in and notice how the only lighting in the room, are a few hanging candles, there is a window that spreads across one of the walls, with maroon red curtains, a black carpet on tje floor, the duvet was a silky red with black pillows, the walls were also black

"I see..you have a favorite colour"

*It's so dark...is he emo? Wait no maybe it's just a vampire thing*

Damien closed the door locking it and he looked towards victoria, even with the dim lighting his smerk was prominent

"No one will interrupt us.."

*I'm going to make my move, after all she is my bride, why wouldn't I?*

Victoria tilts her head in confusion and before she could answer he leaned in and tugged on the choker around her neck and leaned in, whispering in a husky voice, his breath tickling her ear

"It's difficult to hold back, your blood...it smells so sweet...so tempting...and that pretty little neck of yours, is all exposed because of the dress.."

He brushed his finger across her neck, causing her to shudder from his touch and from how cold his fingers are

"Y-your hands..they are so cold..."

She whispered and Damien chuckled against her skin, gently pushing her down onto the bed, the soft, silky fabric against her back and damien climbed ontop, one arm around her waist, the other by her neck, brushing her hair out the way, and he chuckled at her reddening face

"Relax sweetheart, I'm only going to have a sip okay, I won't do anything else, you have my word..unless ofcource you asked me to, I wouldn't complain to oblige if you asked"

She gets flushed and slightly embarrassed, not only by his words, but at the position she was in, laying on her back with him ontop, making her feel vulnerable and at his mercy, and all she could do was take his word for it.

"O-okay then..."

Her voice shook with nerves, and Damien leaned in kissing her cheek to try calm her down

"Don't worry, I promise you, it won't hurt a bit, you have my word"

He tilted her head up with his finger, leaning into her neck and inhaling deeply, growling in hunger and desire, but he knew he had to be gentle and take it slow so he was satisfied with just feeding...for now

His lips gently kissed her neck where her pulse was, and he could tell her heart was racing, his fangs grazed against her skin causing her to shudder and his hand went to her neck holding it in place as his fangs sunk into her neck, trying to be gentle and not cause her any pain.

He growls in satisfaction as her blood flowed into his mouth and his grip tightened around her waist as he fed at a faster pace, trying to get more of her blood, he was worried he was hurting her but when he hears her gasp and whine from pleasure, he smerked against her and continued to feed off her blood

He felt her arms go around his back, gripping his shirt tightly and he held her waist more firmly, he was starting to growl, from his desire for her and in satisfaction

When he felt her breathing slow down a little, her eyes getting heavy and the grip from her hands on his back start to loosen, and he immediately pulled his fangs, hus thumb brushing the left over blood from her neck

"I'm sorry sweetheart..I lost control..."

He held her close feeling her body go limp as she passed out from the blood loss and he stroked her hair and gently layed her head on the pillow and climbed off of her and pulled the duvet over her body

"I'm sorry...my love.. "