
chapter 6: leave


Alexa's POV

As I stood there waiting like a lamb about to be sacrificed to the gods, I could feel that I was not the only nervous one.

Aries was playing with his fingers and hands, a nervous habit I had come to under he had.

This eased my mind a little, at least he felt guilty for all he made me pass through yesterday.

"Alexa" the alpha called looking at me.

I looked up, a small smile on my face.

I probably looked crazy, like something a dog dragged out of the water.

But I didn't mind. I wanted my haunting looks to torment them and probably send them to the pit of hell but that would be wishing for too much.

" Beta Armstrong" I replied, mostly to piss him off.

He growled his wolf showing as his eyes flashed gold.

" That's alpha Armstrong" he said through his teeth.

I flinched a little, I could never get used to them baring their teeth and hair springing out of their bodies when they were furious.

He calmed down, probably realizing that scaring me or threatening me would do nothing to make me change my train of thoughts.

" The scene you caused yesterday was alarming and uncalled for. And I know it was probably a lot for you, but that gave you no right to ruin what should have been a perfect moment for the prospective alpha." He said.

I nearly exploded. Just slowly processing the words he was spewing out from the rotten hole in his face he called a mouth.

A scene? He said I created a scene. I was drunk, I was sad and I was upset. But I clearly remembered that I did the exact opposite of creating a scene. I had tried to walk out there like the brave little girl that I was.

And he sat there, in my father's chair, accusing me of creating a scene?

He seemed to see where my train of thoughts were because he quickly corrected himself.

" I know you did not mean it, but stumbling out of an event is bound to draw attention away from the people who attention are supposed to be on" he said, sounding more stupid with every word that escaped his lips.

At first, I thought there was just no way I could hate him more, he has managed to prove me wrong twice in the last ten minutes.

" Attention? Did little sir here want attention? You! You made me come. I was perfectly fine, scrubbing dirty toilets for the rest of the day but you made me come. So what did you expect, that I would jump into her arms and welcome her into the family while holding a hand written card? " I said, turning my attention to Aries.

His father was too unaware for me to have this sort of conversation with him.

Aries just sat there, looking lost and short of words.

" Aries Armstrong! An omega just raised her voice at you and you won't do anything to caution the unruly fellow?" His father said, his voice loud and booming through the office, shaking the frames.

Aries got up robotically, moving towards me, his eyes that formerlu held love and care turned stone cold.

With a swift movement,his hands landed on my face heavily.

My head whipped backwards, the sheer force enough to draw out a gasp.

I swallowed. Just looking at him.

" The handing over ceremony is tomorrow night. I don't want to see you anywhere near it. It seems you have not been given enough jobs to do so I would see to it that you are fully booked for tomorrow. Now leave my office you reject" his father said.

The words came out in a rush, barely hitting me, barely sticking in my ears long enough for me to comprehend them.

But one stuck out, like always, that one word tormented me.

Reject. Maybe he was right. Maybe the thief was actually on to something.

Maybe I was a reject, a good for nothing that the moon goddess made out of spite for mortals.

As I walked out of the office, only one thought ran through my head.
