
The Runner's Odyssey

Following his death, Lex abruptly awakens in a world of steampunk machinery, which intertwines the enchantment of fantasy. Given a second chance at life, he is determined to carve his destiny - to rise through the ranks of the Revered Runners - to become a Legendary Runner. With steely resolve, he endures unknown lands, battles deadly creatures, and uncovers ancient mysteries. Guided by an unwavering spirit, this is Lex’s story to the top! ------------------------------------------------------------ Will be doing constant edits here and there, improving the grammar and story in general. Character artwork on Discord and in the comment sections. 1 chapter per day. 50 power stones= 1 extra chapter. https://discord.gg/rkyQyz85DJ

NegansPalace · Fantaisie
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158 Chs

Thunderous Boom

The streets echoed with ominous creaks and moans, adding to the unsettling feeling. Navigating the labyrinthine alleys, Lex and Silika quickened their breath with each step.

The village, once a beacon of potential refuge, now seemed like a haunting maze of shadows and mysterious noises.

The air hung heavy with an eerie stillness as Lex and Silika passed by dilapidated houses that stood like silent sentinels, their windows shattered and doors creaking in the wind.

A blanket of mist clung to the ground, adding to the unsettling atmosphere. Lex couldn't shake the feeling of being watched as they navigated the desolate streets.

Silika, her eyes scanning the surroundings, gripped his arm while a sense of dread washed over her.

The buildings cast long shadows, playing tricks on their imagination. But that's when Lex stopped walking and removed the Gear Rifle from his ring.

He gave it to Silika and spoke. ''Do you know how to use this?''