
The Runner's Odyssey

Following his death, Lex abruptly awakens in a world of steampunk machinery, which intertwines the enchantment of fantasy. Given a second chance at life, he is determined to carve his destiny - to rise through the ranks of the Revered Runners - to become a Legendary Runner. With steely resolve, he endures unknown lands, battles deadly creatures, and uncovers ancient mysteries. Guided by an unwavering spirit, this is Lex’s story to the top! ------------------------------------------------------------ Will be doing constant edits here and there, improving the grammar and story in general. Character artwork on Discord and in the comment sections. 1 chapter per day. 50 power stones= 1 extra chapter. https://discord.gg/rkyQyz85DJ

NegansPalace · Fantaisie
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158 Chs


Lex and Silika descended from the mountain, their gaze shifting to the northwest, where the capital was.

Pressing forward, the duo continued walking while Midnight leaped off Lex's shoulder, dashing ahead to serve as a vigilant scout.

Periodically, she'd return, emitting a meow that alerted Lex to the presence of monsters. In response, he swiftly dealt with them.

When Midnight returned, Lex grabbed her and started pampering her, which pleased the little black cat as she went limp in his arms.

Silika smiled and remarked, "She truly cares for you. I can sense her returning to check on you, and there's a noticeable joy in her eyes when she sees you're safe."

Lex turned his gaze toward the blue-haired girl and spoke. ''Yeah, she has kept me company during my journey back to the city.''

After speaking to the two went silent as they continued their walk. The air was heavy with an eerie stillness as Lex and Silika traversed the desolate road.