
CHAPTER 81 Dark Side

  Themedeus Point Of View

  After the whole night's search, we all returned to the palace of misfortune. Why is it so hard to see that legendary stone?! I've been around almost every place in Azguard but nothing. Is that even fucking real?

  "Eclipsa!" I ran out of his room. "Eclipsa! Get out!"

  When I heard footsteps, I moved away from the door, which was just open.

  "What's wrong with you, Themedeus? I'm taking a break, you're going to have a blast! Why? Just make sure your reason is valid if—"

  "Are you fooling me?!" I was angry with him. "I didn't find a Legendary Stone in the place you said! I searched the whole place and even the caves but I didn't find anything! Did you just make up that Legendary Stone just to gain my trust?! I told you that I don't like you at all, you make me a fool."

  "But that's impossible..." his face couldn't be painted. "No! That should be there... I am sure the Legendary Stone is there."

  "Then why?"