
Wedding Plans

Standing at the balcony door of the great hall overlooking the capital of the central continent. His face set in a state of deep thought as if constantly worrying about his people. A tall 7-foot man towered above most, wearing an all-white traditional long sleeve pearl button front collarless shirt. Embellished with alexandrite cufflinks. A sleeveless pearl white robe studded with alexandrite crystals draped his body. Barely showing his pearl white pants and moonstone shoes.

As he moved back into the great hall, made of clean marble walls and columns punctuated with Alexandrite and Moonstone crystals to capture light. He walked by a long white and grey veined igneous stone table with moonstone inlays. He headed for his throne, of a similar design on a raised platform at the head of the table. As he sat his white hair settled on his face and using his right hand to brush it back he revealed white pupils on a sombre but angelic face showing clear relations to Kaia and Kaija.


Appearing out of nowhere an astute looking middle-aged man in moonstone polished armour now stood 10 feet away from Vanya. Bowing to his Emperor he offered his greetings.

"Yes, Highlord Vanya, you've summoned for me?"

"Mmh, I need you to summon General Abbe (pronunciation, Ah-beh) and General Cadman. Inform them that we need to discuss the formal engagement ceremony."

"Sir, if you would permit this servant a question?"


"Lady Ragna has reported that the girls have actually found someone they both like. She also says he is from the Dragon and Phoenix Village."

"What is your point Abdiel?"

"Well, Sir, the prophecy of Lady Oracle speaks to a pair of twin Princesses marrying the King of the Dragon and Phoenix Village. Are you sure you want to disregard the prophecy by going ahead with this engagement ceremony?"

"Let me ask you a few questions, has there ever been a King of that village? The three parties in that village coexist but they aren't really united. If they were, then that would mean this planet would have a real ruler and not our 12 divided nations. Have you heard any report of such a person currently qualified for such a role in the village?"


"So, what I need to do, is ensure that our position of leadership in the 12 nations is steady. A marriage to the second and third strongest nations' ruling class will ensure that. As well as to ensure stability in the world when "they" see that we aren't infighting. But instead, we stand ready as a united country and planet for anything that they may try."

"I understand my lord, I just hope my little nieces won't be mistreated by those two boys. Their reputations aren't wonderful."

"They will have to handle those situations on their own. Ragna is in charge of their development so they should be fine."

"Yes, Sir."

"Also, inform Ragna to have the girls return. If they have reached the peak of Mortal Ascension then we can start the inheritance ceremony. That is the least I can do to prepare them for what they may face."

"Yes, Sir!"


"Let us prepare to leave Ragna, it is now time."

"Are you sure?"

A smile was the only reply she gave.

"Empress Samara! May I enter?"

"Come in, Abdiel."

Stepping into the private courtyard of Empress Samara, Abdiel found both ladies were sitting while having a quiet conversation. He noted that Lady Ragna seemed eager to him in contrast to how calm Empress Samara was.

"Greetings Sister and Lady Ragna. I hope you both have been well."

They both nodded in response.

"The Emperor has asked for the return of the Princesses to potentially undergo the inheritance ceremony and to take part in the engagement ceremony."

"What! My brother has allowed for the legacy ceremony to take place ahead of time?!"

"Yes, a precaution to any problems they may face in the near future. However, they must be at the peak of the Mortal Ascension Realm."

Abdiel applied the necessary polite manners in referring to the sons of the Generals.

"I wonder how they've progressed under Hittan's tutelage?"

"My son-in-law has taken very good care of my girls. Come, it's time to fetch the girls and meet our new in-law Ragna."

"Huh!? Both Abdiel and Ragna responded in surprise!

"What do you mean, sister?"

"Yes, please explain." Abdiel had a look of confusion with his question.

"You'll see in time, come. Let's go."


"Elder Aaron, I see you're enjoying your tea this Low Sun."

"Yes, have a seat and join me. What brings you to my humble home at this hour?"

"Well, I assume you've read the report concerning Hittan and the Aapo Clan?"

"Yes, Elder Sandor. I have read the report and even I am surprised at the turn of events. But I wonder if the village will be ready for such as drastic change?"

"We of the second generation can only do so much he will have to address them one way or another, as the young King."

"Indeed Elder Sandor. But there is also another problem that he faces."

Eldor Sandor poured himself a cup of green tea while wearing a knowing smile.

"You mean the engagement to the talented young miss of the Emerald Clan?"

"Yes, your Phoenix's set of third and fourth generation Elders are dead set on marriage between our two nations. I have heard that Elder Fahim has personally delivered her to Hittan."

"Yes, that is true. But, it is something that your Dragon's Clan Elders are also pushing and it could be seen as a rare moment for both sides to agree to something."

"True. I hope Lady Kata's inheritors are willing."

"The real question is how will he respond to this request. He needs to understand that as a leader some choices will have to be made based on the new environment and how well he can adapt to it. He will have to convince them if they are against it."


"Onora and Egil, we know that this is not what you wanted and we understand your reluctance. But the Elders from both sides have agreed that he must marry her. She is the young Lady of the most populated clan on Gilead."

"Chief Fan is right and unlike with you two where we were able to stop any such arguments. This time, both clans have grouped up to make this demand."

"Father, our Dragon Clan as long since believed that the Dragon Phoenix would return. Isn't that enough?"

"No son, the problem is that the use of force is not always available as that will breed unnecessary hate and resentment. But the council believes if we can form an alliance of our three Kingdoms then the others will naturally fall in line. If they won't gladly support us they will at least know that it is futile to fight us as we represent the strength, religious hope and the greater populace on the planet."

"Daughter-in-law, what do you say? Hittan has never gone against any order you've given him. If you to speak with him and encourage this union."

"... I will, at most state the reasons you have said to us. However, Father and Father-in-law, I will let him decide for himself. Also, I will support that decision no matter what it is."


288 hours have passed since the class entered the Flame Realm and the team had progressed according to Hittan's prediction. Pleased with the result of their intensive training for the first 72 hours he decided to descend. But before doing so he left strict instructions for the last 72 hours to be used for stabilising their new Ranks in slow meditation.

Hittan had taken the opportunity to go deeper in an attempt to challenge his limits once more. This time around, he expected better results has he no longer needed to rush the process.

What he needed now was to be calm and allow himself to enter enlightenment without any worry. Little did he know that these moments would be precious.

4499°C - Hittan slowly meditated on the characteristics of his Core Mineral - Diamond and Mineral Element - White Diamond Fire (White Fire Energy). He knew that his current life and his past life was still linked. How or why was still unclear, but his Core Mineral and Mineral Element must also be linked with both lives. So he decided to review his previous elemental knowledge.

'My main Elemental knowledge was that of the Corundum Element, Sapphire (Sea Dragon). But I also learned the Land Dragon Element- Ruby, in my progression to become a Corundum Dragon of Water and Fire. When water and fire are mixed then a storm would be born through the evaporation process, so the same can occur on the base mineral level. Blue Sapphire and Red Ruby overlap in the light spectrum to produce Magenta, the Lightning storm Element.

Wait, the Overlord had said in the fight that I had an Emerald Heart, Sapphire Bones and Ruby Blood? Mmh, if all three mineral Elements overlap in the light spectrum they form White... Energy?'