
Preparations Pt 2: The Moon Goddess

Hittan watched as the group released their mythic origin forms and summoned their weapons. Then went a step further and an explosive release marked their use of the mythic origin force! All in anticipation of battle, a battle that for the first time they as a group, thought they could hold their own!

But the incredible growth they showed, seemed dismissive has Hittan slowly approached with a singular target!

Edan was the first to approach and his 3,706,560 units of power were on full display! He moved with the grace of a Vermillion bird in flight as his Vermillion Red Wings highlighted that grace. Charging in from the left Edan wielded his Vermillion Red sword from the Posta Di Coda longa guard, seemingly dragging the sword low to the ground like the tail feathers of a bird. Striking at Hittan's midsection, but before making landfall with his blade he disappeared with the Flicker Step and Phoenix Dance to rotate and strike from the right!

Unfortunately, the blade passed right through the defenceless Hittan! The moment the blade seemed to have exited his left side, that image of Hittan solidified and raised his right hand.


Edan was mercilessly smacked with the palm of Hittan's hand on the shoulder and sent flying! Falkner and Sahar came rushing in after that but it made little difference as Hittan kept his head straight, continuing to move slowly forward! Falkner, now powered up to 3,077,568 units attacked from the right aiming at his thigh with a downward slash! While Sahar, maxed out at 2,869,214 units, aim her thrust directly at his chest!

But hit nothing! Only the sounds of flies falling came to their minds!



Again, mercilessly with the palm of the hand, they were moved out of the way! Seeing the events unfold, the 3 at the back decided to attack from the left, right and centre positions.

"Ona, I'll take the right you go for the left and Valencia strike quickly to the centre!"

Nodding to Samir, Ona immediately made her way to the left.

Samir, now boasting 2,832,429 units, appeared to the right of Hittan swinging his great axe at Hittan's midsection! While Ona, showed 2,667,600 units, appeared on his left and gracefully executed the Phoenix Dance rotating through a counterclockwise spin to slice her sword towards the back of his neck!




Another two sent flying!


A SECOND STEP… His armour appeared!

A THIRD STEP… He released his mythic origin form!

By the 5th step, he stood before Valencia, cladded in her Sapphire Ice Armour! The armour hugged her every curve, her every movement made sultry as it highlighted every inch of beauty on her body! Her deep blue eyes called at him proudly while her sapphire dragon antlers crowned her head like a Queen.

Suddenly Valencia took a step forward and embraced Hittan lovingly! While an absent-minded Hittan reciprocated by lowering his head gently and softly began to kiss her like a delicate flower. He was in no rush to look away from her and back at the shocked eyes of the group members!

With two pairs of Sapphire eyes now looking at the world Kaia and Kaija walked out of the Alicorn ancestral hall.

"Kaija, do you think Father will accept our decision?"

"He may not accept it. However, that changes nothing about our choice. We must respect the current generation of fighters but what say do our descendants have upon us? We are the Moon Goddess and our Husband is the Godbeast King."

"Kaija, I think you've changed even a little more now after the inheritance."

"Yes, but that goes for you too."

"At least save some of the mystery, geez!"

"Of course, that greedy boy should be coming soon and with one more."

"Well, do we even have a choice?"

"Her sacrifice came first so we need to act accordingly."

"He truly is greedy!"

"Come, let's see our father."

In the throne room of the castle seated along the white marble table were the Generals, their sons, Empress Samara and Emperor Vanya.

"Emperor, is the news true? Are the Princesses already married?" Grumbled General Cadman.

Looking over to his wife Vanya stared at her for a moment before answering.

"My daughters are set to be engaged to your sons. However, should a more suitable candidate appear then this arrangement would be null and void."

Samara smiled at her husband as she knew the concession came because of his love for her.

Seated in the passage that led to the throne room was Lagina. The culprit of the current mess was brought along as a "witness". But it was then that Kaija and Kaia came along. Once the girls saw each other there was a small moment of awkwardness as Lagina was quietly looking into the blue eyes of the princesses. They simply smiled at her before calling her,

"Come, 4th sister. Husband will want to see all of us together."

Lagina looked to Kaia in confusion, because of Kaija statement and gestured questioningly, "fourth?"

"Hehe, you'll learn that he's a greedy one."

As they entered the throne room unannounced silence greeted them immediately.

"Hello, father, mother and greetings to the Generals." Kaija surveyed the room before coming to a stop near the head of the table with the other two in tow.

Cadman, feeling that his son was deliberately ignored felt insulted and became increasingly agitated. So he immediately stood up while shouting, "Princess Kaija! You seem to have forgotten the name of your future husband!"

"My husband? Do you know who you are addressing, General? Let me tell you this, I have only one husband and it has been that way long before you and long after your son is face down in the ground."

It was then that Samara stood up and bowed towards her own daughters.

"Greetings, Moon Goddess."

Snapping out of his trance-like state hittan found himself still embracing Valencia with their face glued together!

Slowly stepping back from Valencia, he looked at the stunned faces of his team then looked back to Valencia to see disappointment at his actions to back away from her. Knowing he had done something out of character he immediately reached out and grabbed her hand!

Seeing that a smile returned to her face he shouted, "Guardian! Send us to the Academy, immediately!"

"As you wish."