
Dreaming of the Past: The Moon Arrives

Shifting once more through the passage of time and memories, 400 years had passed.

"Why should we move the Village?! Let them come and attack us, the fools!"

"We have lost 3 first-generation Elders already Sade! It is prudent to take this action to safeguard the future of the planet."

"Elder Sade and Elder Seager please calm yourselves. The Village Leader is coming and along with the new Dragon Highlord of the Sapphire Ice Dragons."

"Thank you, Aart. But I am also of the opinion of moving the Village."

"Welcome Village Leader Hittan!" The group responded once Hittan and Valencia stepped into the hall.

"Thank you all, please sit." His Sapphire blue hair flowed down his lower back like a calm river, unaffected by its surroundings. But clashed with his cold and domineering stare which greeted the room moments after the chill air echoed his voice. Yet his cold demeanour paled in comparison to the emotionless face of Valencia by his side. She uttered not a word yet they could feel a chill pass over them as she observed their every movement.

The pair had long since risen to a level of power equal to the Elders. But their combined skills as a duo made them unstoppable! It showed they had utter trust and confidence in each other.

"So, you disagree with my suggestion to move the Village?"

"No, Lady Valencia, it is not that we disagree. But we do have concerns." Aart responded politely, taking on the role of a politician.

"Really? Do share." Though her words requested an answer her eyes seemed to say otherwise. A point only one person seemed to be aware of.

"Right, the Elders believe that should we abandon this location, we would be abandoning... Lord Gilead."

As soon as this was said the air in the room became even crisper and a kind of stillness could be felt. All eyes had landed on Hittan instinctively, but he had no signs of movement, no inclination of a disturbance noted.

But that could not be said of Valencia! A cold light could be seen emanating from her eyes. An Insult! In her mind, these people clearly believe that Hittan was the reincarnation of Gilead but failed to truly acknowledge him as their Lord! Why else would they think of themselves as his equals, with the right to object to his command, while being mere Elders?! To disagree with his words, the audacity?! As her thoughts raged the temperature dropped but Hittan stood.

Aware that if he allowed this conversation to continue, his wife would most likely attack the Elders of the other clans in the village.

Releasing a deep breath he approached his wife from behind and touched her on the shoulder.

"Elders, rest assured, I have never identified as Gilead. I am Hittan, now and forever, I am Hittan. As for the Village moving, this is not a debate about historical ties or feelings of loyalties." Scanning the room Hittan made his way to the centre of the Hall. "Moving the Village is about protecting what 'they' sacrificed their lives for and that is our future. So I'm afraid this issue is not up for nonsensical chatter."

"But-- "



An ice wall had stopped the ice blade that extended towards Sade's neck! The shocked Elder, clearly unaware of the lethal and sudden attack of Valencia, was not responsible for the ice wall. But standing above her fallen body, Hittan slowly dropped his arm while looking to the rest of the Elders.

"Apologies, I was not clear enough before. There will be no rebuttal about this issue. The only option is to comply." Walking back to his seat after clarifying his previous statement. It was clear that Hittan saved Sade's life just now, but the indifferent look on Valencia's face showed no remorse. As it was clear, disrespect was not to be tolerated.

The others had long known of Valencia's nature and were not planning to object, at the very least, not while in the meeting. Only Sade, a Ruby Fire Dragon clan supreme Elder, dared to speak up in these moments. Showing the friction between the camps.

Cautiously, Elder Sade got to her feet and silently stood there to hear the rest of Hittan's judgments.

"Over the past few hundred years, the rate at which our clan members are dying or going missing has increased dramatically. From what we've heard it is the same for the other surviving Godbeast Clans. It is also clear, that the Village being open has contributed to unnecessary attacks. Especially when we want to ensure the growth of the Village and the next generation to come-- "

Knock, Knock!

A nervous guard entered the meeting Hall with a message he hoped was as important as his life! "Pardon the interruption Village Leader and various Elders. But the delegates from the central continent has just arrived... They are asking for an audience with the Village Leader and Elders."

Valencia and the rest of the Elders looked to Hittan with some expectations. On previous occasions of their visit, Hittan would suddenly find himself busy with duties. But it seemed that their visit today was well planned and unavoidable.

"... Let them in."

Walking into the room, the delegates from the Alicorn Empire could feel a sense of unease. Something was wrong with this trip to the village. They found it odd that the Moon Clan had heavily imposed on the Emperor to send one of their own for this visit. Now their arrival was met with tension. Something was different this time, but what or was it a who?

"Greetings, Village Leader and clan Elders. Let me apologise for the abrupt arrival and subsequent interruption of your meeting. The guard is not to be blamed. We all but forced our way in despite his repeated warnings of the meeting."

"I'm guessing it could not be helped." Elder Aart said to Tait, the leader of the delegates, as he scanned the group. Seemingly looking for someone.

"Ah yes, I should introduce to you all to the new Oracle and inheritor of the Moon Goddess, Lady Kata."