
Challenge Notice!

"In this body, it takes a higher degree of flame energy for me to rank up when compared to the others. But the tradeoff is a fighting force well above my rank. At the Topaz rank, I was able to compete with upper-level Diamond warriors and if I use my own self-made skills, beat. That was 4 levels above my past rank, but I can't expect the same for the Immortal Balancing ranks. After all, Mortal Ascension focuses only on the body.

Okay, let's check my current progress and ability…"

Focusing his mind Hittan entered his mineral core to investigate his current status. The moment he entered he was able to summon the information he needed.

~~~ Mineral Core

Rank: Lower level Diamond

Flame Energy Tolerance: 3700°C

Power Level: 239,311 units of GSP

Dao Rank: Dao Beast King

Core Mineral: Diamond

Lineage: Dragon Phoenix

'It seems I won't be able to increase my Dao level until I've caught up with my body strength. Let's look at the Skill types I've gained.'

Innate Skills per Rank (based on lineage)

Rank 1 - 4: 15% stronger Mineral Core. A passive ability of a complete bloodline.

Rank 5: Dragon Phoenix Roar

Rank 6: Dragon Phoenix Breath

Rank 7: White Fire Wing Blades/Sword

Rank 8: Diamond Prism Knowledge (Access to the Spectrum power of other minerals. It gives immunity from their effects and a camouflage ability.)

Rank 9: Dragon Phoenix Force - 25% power boost, 25 minutes duration and drains 25% Stamina.

Rank 10 - Tier 1: Dragon Phoenix- Dragon Phoenix Body -Infant- 40% power boost (Skill - White Fire Body - True Supernova). Flight and High-speed Wing assisted flight.

'Truly, with so many top-ranked abilities it is no wonder Gilead was the Godbeast King! These abilities overshadow the other Godbeast that I have read up on. It is as if the Dragon Phoenix was born to rule, but rule what? If these lands were created by the debris of fallen Godbeast then is there somewhere else we belong to?

Well, I think I should spend the next two days familiarising and camouflaging these techniques with the Vermillion light.'

After spending 144 hours practising Hittan was now familiar in use and comfortable at hiding his techniques.

"It's time I pick up my wives and leave this realm. I wonder how they all did? Okay, let's get it in gear."


"He's on time sister," looking over to Kaija while Kaia herself stood up.


Hittan was now able to see the girls and noted their power levels clearly. This was now a benefit for those that had high Dao and Martial power. And with his power now in the Immortal Balancing Ranks, closer to his Dao realm, he could now see the base power of a fighter.

'Mmmh, both achieved Diamond tier 1 max. But their fighting force should be as before and boost the base strength to 111,678 and 105,297 units of GSP. With Kaija still slightly stronger than Kaia.'

"I hope I wasn't too late?"

"Who said we were waiting for you! Humph."

"Kaia, let's go and no you weren't too long in coming back."

Hittan was all smiles when he heard Kaija's reply.

"Look, sister! You can't give him too many encouragements as it goes straight to his head!"

*Cough, Cough… "I see that both of you have reached the Diamond Rank tier 2 threshold. Very good! You both should be able to defeat a tier 3 Diamond Ranks warrior with some amount of ease, now."

"You're able to see our base rank and guess our fighting force factor as well?" Kaija looked Hittan curiously as only those with extremely high Dao Ranks can see fighting force limits.

"Mmmh, to some extent. But mostly I'm extrapolating from our past sparring matches."

"Aren't you really one of those old goats pretending to be young for the fun of it? Confess!" Kaia jumped in almost instantly after Hittan finished his last word.

'Old goat… old goat? It's a common phrase in the young, I guess…'

"No, I'm far too tender to be an old tough goat." Looking at his arms in an observation manner he replied to Kaia.

"You, are, tender?" Pausing after each word with shock Kaia looked at him with wide eyes.

"Enough you two, let's go. I'm sure the others are waiting for us."


Soon the entire class was near the portal and everyone was more or less happy with their results. For having been to the flame realm only once since attending the academy the class result could be seen as exemplary. All the members of team New Hope had achieved Diamond Rank tier 1 with varying degrees of success. While on the Alicorn side Sang and the Princesses were the only ones to achieve a double breakthrough. Jager and Mark, who had stopped at 1230°C, both achieved Corundum Ranks.

Though Edan himself was less than pleased to still feel pressure when looking at Hittan. Made worse by even Hittan's "future wives" being stronger than him. This led to repeated mumblings to himself…

"That damned Hittan is one thing, but now I'm fourth strongest behind his women! How is life fair to me!? Who is spawning these monsters?? It was supposed to be the time of the Vermillion Bird!"

"Edan, we can hear you…"

"Yes, who is his woman?! I didn't say yes yet!"

"Yet??" Sang looked at Kaia depressed as the word yet left her mouth.

Pfft! "Hahaha, thank you, Edan. You are a true friend!"

"Kaija look at him smiling again!"

Kaija could only smile at the strange bunch. Something Hittan took note of and started to remember her lonely expression from years ago.


As the group stepped out of the portal they were greeted with a crowd of guards and senior students!

"Where is Substitute Teacher Hittan?!"

The group had naturally separated from the rest of the class and was the last to exit the portal. As soon as Hittan heard the voice he casually went to the front of the group.

"It seems you won't learn and your pride will be your downfall."

"I've learned enough not to challenge you directly and since I'm not your match…"

"You've brought reinforcement?"

"No! They are here to escort you to the guard office for assaulting one of their own. However, I am here to deliver a letter of challenge! Will you accept?"

"... Why not? Let me have it and guards, you may lead the way." Hittan looked back at the class and his group, "class dismissed. I'll be going with them for a little."

"Sister, do you think he'll get into trouble with the head guard?" Kaia looked at Kaija and asked with a bit of worry.

"He should be fine. I don't think the head guard is unreasonable and if not we will ask Aunt Ragna to look into it for us."

"Okay, let's wait for him to return."


As Hittan and the senior escorting guard entered a Corundum Ruby 3 storey building they eventually arrived on the 3rd floor to meet the Captain of the Guards.

"Greetings instructor Hittan, we meet again and so soon."

"Captain of the Guards, Elek. I offer my greetings."

"So Hittan can you explain why you attacked one of my guards as stated in the report before me?"

"Well, it's simple your guard was acting on personal affairs to restrict my class and me from entering the portal. At the behest of the…"

Taking out the challenge letter and looking at the crest at the top of the letter and turning it to show Elek.

"I see now, the Aapo Noble Clan. That clan has a few elders in the academy and they tend to abuse that fact. Unfortunately, some of my men have fallen into their plots and are pressured into following their orders."

"Hasn't the Headmaster been informed of this?" Hittan looked at Elek expectantly.

"Yes, he has been informed of it. But we need the Aapo clan and as such the Headmaster's hands are tied."

"I see. I'll handle this matter of the Aapo Family, but I ask your guards to be as neutral as possible or they will be beaten at each obstacle they present."

"That is the very least I should do. Once we find a reason to overlook their usefulness then we can act swiftly. Do you understand my meaning?"

"Certainly, but for the time being, I will have to put their dog down. Another time Captain Elek."

'Hittan, your power seems to have grown exponentially. But will it be enough?'


"You all waited?"

"Why would we leave you alone in this situation?" Edan quickly responded.

Hittan could only smile then slowly walk over to the Princesses. " I appreciate you both waiting on me, thank you. May I ask a favour?"

"What is it?" Kaija took the initiative to respond before Kaia.

"Given that this duel could be life-threatening can I have a last request?'

"Such as?"

"Can I hug both of you? It seems like forever, since I've been able to do just that... Sorry, these memories seem more active when I'm near you both. Though I don't mind and I hope you both aren't too bothered by it. Anyway, let's head to the Challenge Stage indicated in the letter."
