

"No, I can't just die!"

The thought fought hard in Gad Pa's mind.

He struggled with the knowledge he held from childhood that he was a human and not a cannibal. How had it happened that he was now required to literally eat another human for him to live?

But he pushed aside all these thoughts and dealt with his reluctance.

"I am going to shutdown any minute from now if I don't eat his heart!"

His fingers trembled.

He was now in contact with the man's corpse.

With eyes closed, he bit off a piece of the human flesh and started chewing on it.

To his utter surprise, the raw meat tasted good. Even the blood itself! It felt like a warm stew specially prepared by a professional chef. At the same time he felt changes occurring in his body. He felt himself regaining lost energy and strength!

"Not bad! Not bad at all!" he commented.

Soon he forgot all about his reservations and fears as he bit and chewed chunk after chunk from the corpse.

He teared up the flesh from the chest downwards with his bare hands. He no longer felt scared.

He got the heart and ate it. A nice warm feeling flooded every part of his being as he chewed on that soft piece of raw meat. His muscles vibrated as more power entered his system.

The heart was gone yet he still wanted more of the flesh! He continued biting off and chewing.

He ate to his fill, until he belched. That is when he stood up and stretched. He felt satisfied and pleased with himself.

Looking down on the ground, he couldn't believe the amount of work he had done!

Literally half of that man's torso was gone!

"You mean I was this hungry!" He remarked amazed even as he felt more strong. He realized his eyesight was even better than before. His hearing ability had also been enhanced!




Several notifications rang through his mind and a system clearly came to life.

It was as if he was looking at a screen in front of him, but it was actually a virtual display in his mind.


{Your LifeLine Power is fully restored}

{LLP: 10/10}.


One line of notification vanished as others appeared.


{LLP: 10/10}

{All Attributes enhanced, Physical Strength, PS 9, Spiritual Energy, SE 8, Intelligence Power, IP 7, =Ability Point 2.4}

{Ability: Divine Mind, Grade F}

Gad Pa stared at the screen and blanked. Just by eating a human flesh he had regained back his Life Power and was this out of danger. He would no longer shutdown.

Furthermore, he realized he had attributes which were graded into Physical Strength, Spiritual Energy and intelligence Power! With these three attributes ranked he felt like a different person from his previous self.

A new awareness engulfed him and certain pieces of information automatically downloaded into his mind as if he had known all that information long ago. However, at this point it was like he was awakening and thus recalled a lot of information which he seemed to have forgotten or unaware of earlier.

For instance, he automatically understood that the three attributes totaled up to give his Ability power, which in turn expressed how powerful he really was in the society. The more powerful one was, the more useful he would be to the G7.

Gad Pa's Ability Point was at a mere 2.4 from the total 24 points of his three main attributes. Despite the strength he was now feeling, his ability point was still low meaning he was such a weakling and less useful to the G7.

"I wonder what my contribution would be!"

He said as he recalled the first message he received while in the hall.

'Prove your Worth to the G7' the system had told him.

"How am I going to prove my worth being this weak at only 2.4 points?" he asked looking again at the display.

His eyes landed on the glittering line showing his ability.

"Divine Mind! What does that mean?"

He had never heard of abilities before and thus wondered what his Divine Mind ability meant or what it does.

"But it seems to be a useless ability considering the rank it has been given, Grade F!" he concluded and threw aside further thoughts about his low level ability.

Generally speaking, any rank below Grade D was same as a useless. Only Grade C to A could be considered something in this system. Gad Pa judged by the fact that he had been given Grade F ability that he was not any important person in this realm, just like in his previous self.

With that thought suddenly his mind jolted and he got glimpses of what had happened previously. His memory somehow started flowing back and he recalled that he had been in a certain function.

Yes, the annual student talent search! They were at the auditorium.

"Ney Shu!" he shouted.

"Where are you my friend?" Gad Pa asked and started walking.

Then he realized he still didn't know where he was, neither could he locate the auditorium!

"Divine Mind, Activate!" he commanded out of instinct.

An incredible thing happened.

Dazzling lights swirled around Gad Pa and his vision changed. He found himself in a virtual space. A white area with nothing around but himself. He could see himself as if he was outside his body and was watching from a distance. Yet at the same time he felt the atmosphere inside that space where he was. In front of him another virtual screen appeared.

It was a navigation panel. There were several buttons with their functions highlighted.





Secret Chamber.

And many other buttons. But some were grayed meaning he could not select or view them. Access was no doubt limited at that point. This included the Self Upgrade and Secret Chamber buttons.

There were some instructions on the use and requirements for each button. Gad Pa who was pressed for time as he wanted to know where he was automatically selected the Map button.

The entire screen shifted and a global map appeared.

Gad Pa stared with an open mouth.

The map was nothing like he had ever seen. It was not the map of Earth, he could not see the usual continents he was familiar with. He was on a planet called Guramanda!

"Guramanda! Where is this place!"

Panic struck him to realize that indeed he was not on Earth. This planet was not even among the list he had known while on Earth! He was on a new world.

The map refreshed and zoomed in to a specific point.

It was on an island, surrounded by a huge ocean on all sides!