

Several cracking sounds came clearly from behind him.

Gad Pa turned to see the obvious. Yes, the eggs were cracking one after the other!

Following the line that he had used as he jumped from one egg to another, all the eggs he had stepped on were now cracking.

"What have I done!" He lamented.

He looked around and saw the man in the membrane equipment. He was his mission to, his responsibility to release him, free from his captivity!

But how?

Recalling that the Divine Mind was active he quickly turned to it for a way out.

"Hey DM?"

He waited.

The view them n his eyes changed as he found himself in a virtual world. Before him a beautiful girl stood. All around it was all white.

"Wow! You, you look amazing!" Gad Pa said.

"Do you like my looks?" she asked.

Gad Pa was about to respond when something else clicked in his mind.

The girl in front of him was more familiar than he had initially thought. He cracked up his mind trying to remember who she was resembling although he knew the one in front was merely a hologram generated by the Divine Mind.

But why does she look familiar to him.

Then it hit him.

Su Mil!

The hologram was a resemblance of Su Mil, the only girl he had ever crushed on, at least in the previous life.

"Hey DM, why do you look like someone I know?"

"That's right! I use your favorite imagination to create my looks! But is that why you summoned me?"

The girl spoke so nicely.

"Ah not really! I want help, how do I set this prisoner free?" he asked.

"Easy, make use of your storeroom and see the tools you have!"

"Oh yes, of course!"

At the same time,

Several crackling sound persisted as Gad Pa shifted to his virtual storeroom in his Divine Mind mode.

A smile crossed his face as he saw an assortment of tools and weapons in the cubicle space inside the virtual storeroom.

Swords, hammers, knives, laser guns, explosives, helmets, body armors, boots, healing box, healing portions in liquid form, various other drugs and many other equipment he could not identify were all neatly arranged in various places within this cubicle.

Gad Pa wanted to explore further but realized he needed to act quickly.

He picked the gun, sword, knives and hammer. The screen brought forth a button with the words:



Immediately the items materialized in his hands. He went back and selected the body armor and immediately his body was clothed with a dark red body armor from ankles to the neck.

The hammer automatically attached itself on his one side and the sword on the other. The two knives each aligned with his hands by the arm length. Then he held the laser guns in his hands ready to defend himself.

"This is great!"

Gad Pa recalled so me action movies and the online games that he occasionally played. He felt like an actor in one.

"I suppose these would suffice!" he said as he turned to face the crackling eggs.

They seemed to be cracking bit by bit and there was nothing forthcoming yet.

Gad Pa therefore, shifted his eyes to the membrane equipment before him. He analyzed every one of it's aspects and the tubes running in and out of it.

The man was awake and conscious but tubes ran into his mouth and nose and his hands were secured against the wall of the membrane structure.

Gad Pa moved closer and found screws to the equipment. Using the pointed ends of the knife he had, he removed the lid. The liquid inside the membrane poured down and the tubes automatically detached themselves from the man.

He began breathing normally but was still secured against the walls.

Gad Pa quickly undid the rails holding him and brought the man down.

He collapsed on the ground and tool several minutes to regain composure.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"I should ask you that, but first we need to get out of here before those eggs completely hatch!"

Gad Pa responded taking a sweep at all the crackling eggs on the single line he had stepped on as he came to the man's rescue.

Right at that moments all the more than a hundred eggs in front of him crumbled completely to the ground and what appeared to be spiders emerged from them.

They were huge and scary. They gave out terrifying snipping sounds from their spencer's.

They appeared dazed for a moment as they looked around their new environment.

"Oh no! How are we getting out of here?" Gad Pa remarked seeing those giant eight legged arachnids.

Spiders were not his favorite existence on any world and he felt terrible.

"I agree with you, we can't stay here longer. The rest of the eggs will hatch soon!" the rescued prisoner said.

Gad Pa wanted to ask him how he would know that but kept quiet. Dealing with over a hundred giant spiders was already posing a terrible challenge, what about a thousand more!

Quickly he pulled the man to the other side and asked him to climb over the eggs. He wanted to jump once again over a different line of eggs towards the entrance.

But the man hesitated and at the very moment the hatched spiders seemed to have sniffed their presence. They madly rushed towards them.

Gad Pa raised his laser gun and shot at the spiders nearest him.





Surprisingly, it took at least four shots to crush one spider.

"This is not as easy as I thought!" Gad Pa said.

But the death of one spider momentarily stunned the others and they moved back a few steps.

Gad Pa was encouraged and stepped forward ready to shoot and kill more of them.

"Wait!" the rescued man said.

Gad Pa looked at him.

"No need to go to them. There's no exit on the other end but this side," he directed.

This guy, Gad Pa thought, he must have been a worker in this underground laboratory.

The problem was that the area he pointed as having the exit was lined with many more unhatched eggs.

"Where exactly is the door?" Gad Pa asked.

"Somewhere along that wall, you will have to blast away all those eggs!" he said.

"What? Won't that be more dangerous?"

Gad Pa envisioned a sight when numerous other spiders would emerge from the blasted eggs.

"You might just kill them by the blasts since they are not yet hatched!" the man said, reading his thoughts.

"Are you sure?"

"No! But that's the only exit from here!"

The other spiders were regaining their focus and madly started charging against the two.

Quickly Gad Pa sprayer his laser gun on the ones nearest them and turned the stream to the eggs on the wall shown to him.

Luckily all the eggs crushed and no spider emerged. He then saw the door and rushed to it. The man was right behind him.

"Push!" the man said.

Gad Pa and the man soon were out of the room with spiders and entered another huge room which looked like a pharmacy.

All sorts of equipment neatly arranged in cabinets of various sizes dominated the room. There were also computers and huge cylinders which were locked.

As much as he wanted to explore Gad Pa chose to rush out of the building.

"Which is the way out? I didn't expect we would be entering another room!" Gad Pa complained to the man.

"Right up ahead there's a parking lot and an exit!"

"Lead the way then!" he said and followed the man.

The man led the way and entered an elevator! They rose from the ground upwards and the elevator stopped after a few moments.

Soon they entered another room. A parking bay but without any vehicles on sight.

As soon as they reached this point a terrific earthquake hit the whole building and they scampered to the floor.

"What was that?"

"That was terrible!"

"Is it an earthquake?"

"No! I think all the eggs have hatched and the spiders are moving out of the incubators!" the man explained.

"Quick, this way we will be out of this building before it collapses!"

The two rushed towards a door and Gad Pa found that he was no longer underground but on the surface, on green damp grass in a thick forest.

He could not get his bearings. He looked at the man who said nothing.

Gad Pa quickly activated the Divine Mind mode and this time round it responded without delay. He chose the map function and saw where they were.

He was in the midst of the forest which he had previously explored virtually.

"What's your name?" Gad Pa asked the man.

"Chang," the man replied and kept quiet.

"Do you know where you are and why?" Gad Pa continued to prod him.

"I just remember that my bosses brought me to this laboratory to work for them in their project then….!"

Before he could speak further, the trees some meters away came crushing down and behind the fallen trees hundreds of spiders could be seen.

Gad Pa and the man started running in the opposite direction.