
The Royal slave

Elizabeth, a young and beautiful princess, thought she had finally found her prince charming in Nicholas when they first met at the ball. However, she soon learned that he was indeed the devil. In one fateful night, her life came crashing down when her kingdom was destroyed, her parents were killed by the king of Eratreal, and she was taken as a slave to Eratreal. What happens when she finds out that her beloved Nicholas was the prince of Eratreal, and she is now his slave? He had one goal: to make her life a living hell.

Francesca_Anthony · Histoire
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38 Chs

Thirty Eight: The Meeting.

Elizabeth awoke to a dark hall, illuminated by flickering candles that cast dancing shadows. Confusion and disorientation enveloped her as she looked around. Gradually, the shadows surrounding her came into focus, and recognition set in. Her brother, Arthur, stood nearby, alongside Alice, and Arlene.

Perplexed, Elizabeth sat up and took in her surroundings. The dark hall, adorned with lit candles, created an atmosphere of secrecy. Before she could voice her questions, a man in his fifties stepped forward. He bore an air of authority and was also physically commanding.

"Welcome, Lady Elizabeth," he greeted with a bright smile. "I am Greyson, and we are the members of the resistance."

Elizabeth's eyes widened in astonishment. The Resistance? The pieces started falling into place, and she realized that she finally got to meet them. But she was confused about Arlene and Alice being present there; does this mean they were with the resistance?