


Amanda Estelle

/"Are you sure? I can rent an aparteme-/" Logan gestured to me to shut my mouth.

/"You can stay here./" I turned to see Queen Melissa walking to me.

/"Your Highness./" I bowed to her and she stood beside me.

/"It's okay to stay here in the palace besides you two will have your royal engagement soon./" She said and I smiled at her.

/"Thank you so much./"

/"Logan, I would like to talk to Amanda for a bit. Do you mind?/" She turned to Logan and he gestured her to take me. Queen Melissa put her hand on my back and led me to the 2nd floor.

/"Did you settle your company well?/" She asked.

/"Yes, Your Highness. It's all settle./" I said and she opened the door. I'm assuming that this room is her study room. She gestured me to come in and she closed the door.