
The King

As I walk the back way to the King's chambers with the Duke of Somerset, I try not to think of anything but putting one foot in front of the other and at the same time attempt to breathe as calmly as possible. It all still feels like a strange dream that I will soon wake up from.

Faster than expected we reach our destination but I remain still, as does the Duke.

"Your Majesty is expecting you."

The room is even more magnificent than I had imagined. The sealing is high, the colours mesmerising and there he is, leaning against the biggest bed I've ever seen. Dressed in a thicker nightgown and completely stripped from his normal formal wear and jewels, he still manages to look intimidating to me.

"Your Majesty."

It feels like I do not curtsy low enough but the King is smiling.

"Lady Emily."

His voice is deep and smooth, so unlike the sound of the voice I so often heard in public. There is a jolt in my stomach and I swallow. I'm not sure what he wants me to do because all he does is look at me like he is seeing me for the first time.

"You care for some wine Lady Emily?"

Relieved, I reply quickly.

"Very much, thank you Your Majesty."

After he pours the wine and hands the cup to me, I empty it before he has even taken a sip from his own. There is a moment of sheer panic before the King starts to laugh. He sits down on the bed and I join him as he signals for me to do so. My body is tense to the point when I think I can feel every single muscle I possess. He takes a sip of his wine and touch my cheek with light fingers.

"What happened there?"

For a moment I do not understand what he's talking about but then I realise that my husband probably branded me before he let me go.

How can I be so silly to believe for even a second that I am good enough for the King of England? I am still a stupid, foolish girl as my mother used to say all too often.

"I'm truly sorry Your Majesty I..."

"It was the Duke?"

I know better than to talk about my private business, even if it is the King asking me. I have been raised to stand by my husband, no matter how he treats me.

"My husband would never hurt me Your Majesty, he is a good man."

The King leans forward and kiss my cheek while his hand finds my arm. It thrills and frightens me to have him so close.

"You are the good one Lady Emily. The Duke does not appreciate you or your astounding beauty."

I feel myself blushing and unwillingly I pull away. The King looks concerned but I do not know what to say.

"Your Majesty I am not worthy of such compliments."

As soon as I say it out loud I hear that it comes out as an insult. I'm going to defend myself but the King begin to speak before me.

"You are the most intoxicating woman I have laid eyes on. And I have laid eyes on quite a few women."

His eyes are locked on me and in them I see that he means what he says. I am not used to receiving praise, certainly not from the King, and if Your Majesty's hands would not have been caressing my collarbones I would probably have pulled away again.

"How many men have had you?" he asks in a calm voice.

"I'm faithful to my lord husband Your Majesty," I say plainly.

He stops touching me and quietly watches my stern face before speaking once more.

"Do you wish to leave?"

I hesitate because I can tell that the King's words are not empty. He is giving me a real choice to walk out of his chambers and go back to my life as I know it.

I begin to think of my husband, my reputation and my family. What would they say if they found out I had betrayed the vows I said in front of God? What if I did return to my husband with a bastard? Then I recall the King's warm lips on my cheek. It had sent a sensation through my body, unlike anything I had felt before. He fascinates me and I am curious about the person behind the facade.

As I stand up, it's not hard to see the disappointment in his handsome features. His face transforms as I unlace my nightgown with surprisingly steady hands and let it fall to the floor. My husband had not seen me properly undress since our wedding night and even then he did not appear to be interested in anything but doing his duty. With the King it is the complete opposite. His warm touch is nothing like my husband's rough treatment. The King looks at my naked body like it is a mesmerising painting he has never seen before and can't wait to absorb.

He takes me in his arms and gently puts me down on the bed. In the beginning I shiver but after he starts to kiss me over my entire body I begin to quiver. As his hand finds its way to the warmth between my legs, I feel myself quickly getting wet. A warmth that starts in my stomach spreads throughout my whole body and I feel a tingly-sensation all the way to my toes. I can't hold back the scream when his fingers, and later also his mouth, creates several explosions inside of me.

When I am still recovering from my latest high, I gasp for air as he finally enters me. As I fling my eyes open in shock and find his, all I see there is pure desire, and it's deeply intoxicating. His chest is smooth under my fingers and even though my head is still spinning, I have never been more awake. At first he is careful, moving on top of me slowly, but as I get used to his body and start moving with him, he gets more forceful and soon he collapses with a pleased moan.

Afterwards I am half asleep on his chest while he is trying to make sense of my tangled hair. Even though I know that I will never come back to his chamber or lay in his arms again, I have this moment of freedom and nobody can take it away from me. Even if I am destined to spend the rest of my days in my husband's cold bed he can never erase this one night from my memory.

"What are you hiding underneath that smile Lady Emily?"

Since we only have this night together, I will have to make the most of it. I climb on top of him and stroke a lock of hair from his forehead.

"I was thinking", I say while kissing his chest "that I will have to return Your Majesty's generous treatment."
