
The Royal Decree

The sweet orphaned Kyra's life changed forever when she had a chance meeting with royalty. love and hate enterwinds. All she wants is a job to survive. But all he wants is to make this girl bend to his will. "Disobey me again and I will whip you. For the world to see. No one can defy me. Especially not a peasant as yourself." "Take your best shot." her glare matched his as she uttered those words. And he did as she dared.

EccentricLove99 · Histoire
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: It's a mans world.

The kingdom of Zemira was known for its beauty and abundance. It sat amongst the shadows of a great forest that stretched out for miles. However, civilization thrived here because of their sun king whose ruthlessness was well known throughout the nation.

However, despite the growing economy life was not easy for those who are not born noble, and most importantly, the life of a poor woman is even more difficult because only men can have jobs that can get a person a decent amount of pay.

Kyra could not fathom the unfairness of it all.

she looked at the Brothel and immediately knew she'd rather stay far away.

Was it the loud obnoxious voices coming from within? Or was it the drunk men that would leer at absolutely anything?

Going to a brothel was never fun and she didn't know why people did it in the first place. But in this case, she felt like she had to. With a deep breath, She stepped through the doors.

"Oh sweet Lord I hate this place," she mumbled under her breath whilst evading the drunk people coming her way. She made sure not to make eye contact with the ladies in...those well, creative clothing. glancing at the women who were wearing a transparent fabric Kyra quickly looked away. A blush staining her cheeks.

"Ay, what can I do for ya?" she looked at the man behind the counter and gave him a half-smile. Fidgeting.

She was praying to whatever God out there that he wouldn't notice that she's a girl in disguise. It took her all morning to make her outfit to make sure she passes off as a man but to her chagrin Kyra's small figure made her look more of a boy than a man.

"I'm looking for a job Sir. I was hoping if you could hire me."

A brothel was not her first choice. She had tried every other place and this happened to be her last option.

"Thar be too much rough housin' goin' on ere. teenagers like ye should stay safe n' far." His toothy grin didn't do anything to ease her nerves but he's the friendliest you'd get here.

well, then the time to beg has arrived. She thought silently.

"Please Sir my brother is dying and I need the money. I know I'm young but I'll work hard. give me a chance." she gave him the eyes of an innocent beggar girl- boy. Although acting helpless wasn't that hard because it was the half-truth. She truly needed the money fast so she could save someone really important to her.

The man eyed her from head to toe critically as she started praying once more in her head.

"I'll hire ye fer three silver coins today. I need extra hands t' swab the rooms upstairs anyway." the man said with a nod. Kyra thanked the lord internally and smiled. He threw a stack of keys at her and pointed towards the stairs and said "Wait for me upstairs ill be thar soon."

nodding fast she went upstairs fast. Taking two steps at a time.

She found herself in a dark corridor illuminated by dim candlelight. She despised the place already and didn't find it alluring at all. Honestly, she didn't understand why anyone would waste their money on such a place.

A muffled sound came from one of the rooms. She looked around and heard it again.

what is going on?

walking down the hallway feeling nervous she was just about to turn and leave but to her surprise and shock, she heard a woman's shout.

was someone was in trouble?

Kyra quickly ran after the sound which led her in front of a door and without a second thought she took the keys, unlocked them, and slammed them open.

And maybe her fate would have been different if she had never done that.

Kyra stood there frozen as her eyes made contact with a man lounging lazily on a bed with a very naked woman straddling his waist.

unsee. unsee immediately! she thought frantically.

The man's dark eyes met hers and his gaze never faltered for a second.

"You should learn how to knock." He says with a bored, unemotional tone, and her face heated up involuntarily.

The girl screamed and scrambled off the bed. She clutched the sheets that were covering her and ran past her like a bat out of hell.

Kyra watched the woman run down the hall curiously.

"you scared her away. look at what you've done." she looked at the man who was slowly stalking towards her in a predatory manner. His pants lay low on him showing off his bare chest and muscular torso.

"If you have to pay in order to sleep with women then I feel sorry for you." she muttered backing off slowly. She felt so stupid. The woman was making such sounds out of pleasure and that this man wasn't hurting her. yet, She was a clueless idiot that barged in on their tyrst.

At that very moment, she noticed the heap of clothes on the ground and came to a realization. he was a noble. Those markings are a clear symbol. His gaze followed her line of sight and he glared, grabbing her by the neck before she could run.

"No one is supposed to know I'm here but looks like you figured that out."

She honestly did not care about what blue bloods did with their free time nor did she want to know.

Kyra struggled to be set free yet he was strong. Too strong actually. He towered over her and she felt like a little duckling in his shadow and that was truly frightening.

"I saw nothing." she croaked out her voice straining.

"What's your name boy?" boy? oh right. Fake name. fake name. what must I say? her thoughts were in shambles before she answered. "Neil," she says quickly and to her relief he lets her go making her plop down like a sack of potatoes.

The nerve of this man. Does he not know how to treat people? she thought rubbing her neck.

"Now that you've successfully ruined my night you shall take responsibility." before the panic started to set in they stepped away and started to get dressed. Kyra watched the man's scarred back disappear underneath the expensive fabric and soon he stood before her as a proud noble of high society. Then he proceeded to wear a hooded cloak hiding his appearance.

"Why should I take responsibility. I simply thoughtsomeone was in trouble. maybe if you were more quiet-" as she said those words she saw his eye twitch from underneath his hood. It was all the emotion he's shown her thus far.

"You cannot be that naivè. what do you think this place is for? This is why children aren't allowed here." he pushed Kyra out of the room and dragged her by the collar downstairs. People made their way as they watched a tall hooded figure drag a pathetic boy behind him and she wondered how she got into this pathetic situation in the first place.

The man stopped behind the counter and grabbed the manager with his other hand and pulled him close to his face in a menacing manner. It was truly scary to watch.

"If you ever let those who aren't of age into this establishment, mark my words I will burn this place to the ground."

Even though he said it so silently his deep voice was the most threatening thing she'd ever heard.

'Well, there goes my first paycheck.' Kyra thought in dismay

She wanted to yell at him and tell him that she's in fact, a legal adult not a child. However, if she did that her disguise would be in ruins. Now that she thought about it, this mystery man looks like he's in his early 20's. he seemed to be only a couple of years older than her but why does his aura feel so commanding? she wondered.

She saw the manager nod frantically as he finally let him go.

Kyra assumed he was gonna let her go after they left but to her horrific realization he continued to drag her along. The nerve of this man.

"w-where you taking me?" she stuttered. Trying to set herself free.

"you shall find out soon."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. <3

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