
The Rose (DC Universe Fanfic)

Richard Fisk, The Rose, is the son of Wilson Fisk, The Kingpin. My name is Richard Fisk, but I'm not that Richard Fisk, I merely share his memories and appearance. Suddenly finding myself in Gotham City, I must make use of my newly installed Memories to not drown in the sea that is the streets of Gotham. Only a few issues, I need to take care of a child, and I now work for a criminal named Penguin. At least the pay is good.

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Working as a Florist

---- 1 week before the present----

"Richard Dear, take over the till for now, I'm taking my break" Delilah Forrest, also known as Granny Forrest, or my boss, said as she took her daily break.

Old age was getting to her, she couldn't run the shop like she used to.

"Of course Delilah" And so just like every day for the past couple of months, I switched from working in the indoor greenhouse to working the cash register.

It was a slow day that week, not that we usually get many customers in our area of Gotham, at most we get an average of six a day, mostly buying flowers as a get-well-soon gift to a hospitalized friend or relative.

But we we're fine with that. Growing the flowers is therapeutic and the shop is quiet and homely, a far cry from other shops this side of Gotham. 


I turn to look at the door as the bell rang, a short man wearing a black suit walks in, he takes a look at the flowers on display before turning to look at me.

"Good afternoon sir, welcome to Forrest Flowers, please call if you need any help" I say the introduction that Granny instructed me to give to any costumer entering the shop.

"Yes I could use some help, You see, I'm searching for a Delilah Forrest, Is she here perhaps? and if so, could you call her over? Tell her Oswald is here to see her." And then he turned back to look at the flowers.

"Of course sir, please wait just a minute" And I lock the cash register and enter the employee lounge behind the employee's only door.

"Delilah, A mister Oswald is-" She cut me off before I could finish the sentence "Yeah, I know him, bring him in" She said before taking a sip from a cup of tea. Chamomile tea, the only type we have her at the shop, mostly because we grow it ourselves.

Personally I'm a Hibiscus type of person but The Rose really liked Darjeeling, not that I get many opportunities to drink any quality tea outside of work, but we're getting off topic.

I didn't think much of Mr Oswald at that time, Delilah had many visitors over the two years I've worked here. From family members visiting, to old friends. 

An hour later Oswald exited the Employee lounge with a frown on his face, on his way to the door of shop he stopped and turned to look at me.

"Kid, if any crooks try and mess with this shop, call this number. Not the cops, not Nine-One-One, this number" And he gave me a card, a black card with a phone number written in white. I pocketed it and turned to look back at Mr Oswald.

"Now listen well, Kid, These streets aren't as clean as they usually are around here, take care of Old Delilah back there, you hear me?" I simply nodded, he took that as a a confirmation and promptly exited the store.

He didn't buy anything.

---- Two Days Later, Five Days before the Present ----

I woke up early, brushed my teeth and took a shower, After getting dressed for today I left my apartment and walked down to the street. I don't have a car of my own but the shop isn't that far away so I simply walk.

I make a stop at Bonjour Barista, a coffee shop run by a half-french elderly man and his nephew, to buy a cup of coffee and an almond croissant for the morning before I continue my way to the store.

"Good Morning Richard," Jacques Anderson, the nephew of the Owner of Bonjour Barista greeted as I walked in, "Good morning Jacques" I replied to him.

Jacques is a young man in his early twenties, only a year or so older than me, with oily black hair and a wiry figure. He invites me to drink with him sometimes on Friday. That is to say, he can be considered a close acquaintance, not really a friend but not a normal acquaintance.

After a short talk with him, I continue my way to Forrest Flowers.

After a short five minute walk, I arrive at the store.

A small little place with planked wooden floorboards and a full length glass window on either sides of the door, showcasing the more colorful flowers inside.

Taking a key for the lock, I open the shop and get ready to start for the day. Wiping the floor and watering the plants in the back. Sheer some thorns off the roses in the greenhouse and snip some weeds growing in the pots.

Two hours later, Granny Forrest walks in with a walking cane. She's been using it more and more in recent weeks, her age is catching up to her.

Exchanging a "Good Morning" We finish are early chores and open up Forrest Flowers for the day.

An hour into another slow day, Delilah starts to talk to me.

"Richard, did I ever tell you about my grand-niece?" As a matter of fact, she did not, and that was how I answered her. "Well, I have a grand-niece, she's been hospitalized for some years now and will be put in my care soon" She explained.

"She's being discharged from the hospital? What happened?" I ask, curious to learn more about Delilah's family.

She sighs before grabbing a plastic chair from the corner to sit on, "She witnessed the murder of her parents and developed anger issues, It's a mental thing. I'm telling you because I need you to drive me to Metropolis in a few days to pick her up."

Someone witnessing their parents murder? I can't imagine how that must feel.

I do know how getting murdered by your parents feels like, but in that case Vanessa Fisk was mostly not to blame, Her Son tried to murder his Father after all.

But not as a comic-book character, but as a Human Person, I can't imagine what's it like to see you parent get killed.

"Oh, When will that be?" I ask Delilah, returning to the topic at hand. When will I be needing to drive her to Metropolis?

"This weekend, two days from now. I know you don't have a car so we'll be taking mine. Be here by Ten O'clock in the morning" She answered.

And after that talk we continued to sit behind the cash register waiting for a costumer to enter through the door.


"Good Morning Sir, Welcome to Forrest Flowers, please call if you need any help" And so continued another normal day at Forrest Flowers.