
The rookie and the princess.

AU aiz wallensten and bell Carnell are arranged to be married by Zeus but at age fourteen she moves into the Loki familia two year later she encounters bell in a dungeon and now wants to make up for lost time.

Ian_Brooks_6315 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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6 Chs

I want to become strong (bell)

"That puny runt doesn't bel-"smack!.

Bell didn't pay. Attention after that he slammed his money down on the table and ran off he heard a voice call after him but it was to far away he ran straight past the towns shopping district and ran straight to the dungeon he pulled his knife and found the first monster he could a grey wolf he stabbed it in the throat and grabbed it's magic stone he continued killing monster after monster until the break of day he was exhausted and stumbled out of the dungeon until he came to a stop in front of goddess hestia.

"Hey kami sama I want to become strong."He said

"Oh bell." she sighed

Aiz came over to the hestia familia where she saw a blood cover sweat soaked bell he had a smile on his face as he collapsed into hestia's arms.

"Hestia sama." Aiz said.

"Well if it isn't Aiz walenwatzit."

"I appreciate you taking care of my fiancé " Aiz said.

Hestia scoffed "he may be your fiancé but he's my familia so when I tell you to leave him alone So he Can Become stronger." hestia told her

"I see... then I will go , will you please take care of bell for me." Aiz asked.

"Oh I'll take care of him but not because you asked me miss welenwhozit."

The next day bell woke to find hestia was frying up some bologna and eggs.

"Good morning kami Sama."bell Said.

"Oh bell I've got to go to the banquet being held for the gods today so I want you to stay away from the floors below dungeon five for a couple of days Okay!"She half shouted the last word.

"right I'll stay away from the more dangerous dungeon floors in the meantime do you think Maybe you could check my status."

Bell lay on his stomach with his arms folded under his breasts.

hestia pulled up the back of his shirt where his familia seal

"Wow bell just how many monsters did you slay in the dungeon last night."

"I didn't keep count but I think 30+ would be about right."

"Oh bell Hestia decided to keep the fact about liaris freeze A secret. Bell decided he would turn in his magic stones first before heading out to the hostess of fertility to pay his bill.

after turning in the thirty magic stones for 30,000 valis witch turned out to be half the amount of his bill.

After leaving the tavern he decided to Roam town for any odd jobs soon he found himself a job coming by the Loki familia as a sparring partner where he saw Aiz valenstein.

she turned and saw him she decided to approach him.

"Bell?!" she said.

he squealed and tried to run away but she caught him.

"Bell it's me don't you remember."

"Eep h-how c-could I F-forget you're the heroine who saved this poor young adventurer."

" bell why are you here?" Aiz asked out of pure curiosity.

"Well the goddess told me not to go to the lower floors of the dungeon while she's out so I'm looking for jobs to do while she's out, but one I found was to be a sparring partner for the Loki guild so I came here."

"Well I can tell you probably don't have any real training so I guess I should train you."

"Now tell me what is your go-to weapon."

"Well I usually use a knife, dagger or short sword."

"Hmm well I know a perfect martial art for you to use if that's the case."

Aiz then grabbed a pair of batons then handed bell one and began going over the most basic form of the martial art kali she also began teaching him some Taekwondo and some aikido

she crossed the knife with his then reached in grabbed his arm and back handed him with the rubber stopper of her baton she showed him the form again then let him have a try at it soon he began practicing this form.

then he began learning the unarmed form of this move instead of using the baton she used the edge of the heel of her hand.

then she taught him the next application the first move was to evade the blow of the opponent by ducking under the attack and then to strike the calve of the enemy soon he began learning more and more then Aiz asked him to spar with her.

Bell was quick but Aiz landed a swift thrust to bell's midsection.

bell got up and came at her again this time he dodged her thrust but she contracted her wrist bringing it out to the side he tried the duck and leg kick she fell and he came up with both hands crossed under her chin.

She smiled "now let's get serious." she said.

a minute later bell was on the floor covered in blows from her baton.

"hah…hah…I don't think I'm ready for this job yet."

After they finished sparring Bell went home and bathed then he came over to the hostess of fertility and ordered a blue plate special.

Then an elf came over and sat with him along with syr.

syr introduced her as ryu.

"So tell me bell how many monsters did you dispatch until you calmed down."

"At least 30+ and I did it until sunrise I've never been that upset before."

"Well I'll say that,if you could defeat that many monsters before daybreak in one night." Syr said.

"After that I'd say that if you keep hunting you can upgrade your status to the point of S ranking."

Bell decided to give it his all after training with Aiz for the day he decided that putting this training to good use.

he payed for his plate and then left for the dungeon he found himself on floor 3 and decided to face off against a hobgoblin there.

he drew his knife and took a fighting stance.

the goblin picked up a bone the size of a horse's shank.

bell dodged the make shift club and cut the goblin across the eye he kicked him in the chin with a thrust kick and then the arm with a slashing round house kick he then turned around and stabbed the hobgoblin in the left kidney and then turned around again and landed a front snap kick to his chin nearly cracking his neck after this bell preformed a vertical swipe with his knife killing the hobgoblin.

"I...will...become...stronger." he said each word between rapid breaths.

Then He picked up the magic stone.

He returned to the guildhall and cashed in his stones he had sixty in total meaning he killed fifty nine monsters last night he made a total of 3,600 Valis.

"hahah I think I have enough to buy that dagger I wanted." He said.

Bell returned to the hestia familia headquarters and found Aiz was there waiting for him she had a box in her hand he turned to her.

"Hello Miss valenstein."

"Aiz." she said.


"Call me Aiz!" she said.

Bell nodded

"okay Aiz."

"I made you dinner"

It was fire roasted chicken grilled corn on the cob and some yeast rolls.

He took a bite from it and turned to her.

"Geez Aiz your going to make one heck of a wife one day." He said.

"Listen about what happened at the tavern last night I gave bete a good piece of my mind." she explained.

"Okay…well…thank you." bell said shyly.

After the meal was finished Aiz left then Bell went to bed.

The next day bell found hestia had come back she had come barring a gift but had a condition.

Bell hang out with me today.

(to be continued)