
the rogue heir’s redemption: Aria’s vengeance

In a dangerous world filled with hidden evils, Aria Holloway's life is shattered when a devastating tragedy rips away everything she held precious to her leaving her alone and betrayed by those she once trusted. Consumed by her thirst for vengeance, she decides to break her pack's bonds, becoming a rogue and sets on her quest to avenge her parent's murder. However, fate takes an unexpected turn when Aria discovers that her parent's killer is the last relative her mate has. As she confronts this painful revelation, Aria is torn between her desire for revenge and her growing feelings for her mate.

Glittering_gold · Urbain
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24 Chs

chapter fifteen: silent reverie

Aria's POV

The withdrawal process was nothing as I imagined. Healer Lucas, along with another named Rose, prepared a detoxifying tonic. From the smell, I knew it wouldn't taste like candies or fruits.

Xander had left for something urgent, I told him to go. Despite wishing he stayed, being an alpha, he had pack duties.

I hesitated before taking a sip; it tasted worse than any herbal tonic I've ever had.

"It doesn't have the best taste, but if you take three big gulps, it's quite manageable," Healer Rose advised.

I nodded and downed the remnants of the tonic with my eyes closed, following her suggestion.

When I finished, I passed Lucas's empty cup to him. Our eyes met; concern etched on his face. "Aria, you need to take a walk, let the detoxification tonic work its magic. Move around a bit," he urged.