
The Rogue Demon of the Shinobi World (Hiatus)

Silver, the best assassin of the world was betrayed by the very organization he worked away his life for. However, his soul survived and reincarnated in shinobi world thanks to a miracle. Now with the memories and skills of his previous life, he strives to leave a peaceful life since he is given a second chance. However, in this new world he must become stronger to live a peaceful life. So, he starts his journey to become the best shinobi of the world. However, fate plays a cruel twist in his life. Witness, the story of Kura Yuji, the Rogue Demon of the Shinobi world, hated and feared by the entire world. ---------------------- The story is about a villain cum anti-hero. The MC will kill anyone regardless of their identity, if they stand in his path. The story progression is very slow, so expect another lengthy novel of around 500 chapters. I don't own any rights to Naruto or related characters. My MC is my original creation and this novel is under creative common. ****I don't own the cover and if the original owner wants me to remove it. Please leave a message.**** Check out my patreon for advance chapters:- www.patreon.com/ForgottenLife Join my discord:- https://discord.gg/VB75gxpvyU

ForgottenLife · Anime et bandes dessinées
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66 Chs

46. Start of the Second Shinobi War

Three months later,

In one of the training fields in Konoha,

Swish… swish…

He makes quick hand signs.

"Ne> Tora> Tori> Saru…"


He condenses a small chakra senbon into his palm. Yuji points it toward a boulder.

"Time for the next step!"


Yuji takes a deep breath. He circulates wind chakra through his body and infuses it at the other end of the senbon.


The senbon makes a whistling noise and flies through the air at an extremely high speed.


It stabs into the giant stone boulder. The senbon pierces the boulder all the way to its length. Cracks appear on the boulder at the point of impact.


He takes another deep breath and makes more hand signs.

Whoosh… whoosh…

Two dark black chakra senbons appear in between his fingers. He aims them toward the giant boulder and infuses their back with the wind chakra to shoot them forward.

Peng… Peng…

The senbons stab into the boulder and crack it at the point of impact.

"It's not enough!"

He concentrates again and creates three senbons in between his fingers.

Peng… Peng… Peng…

The senbons pierce holes in the giant boulder.


Yuji creates five senbons and repeats the process.


He creates seven senbons and repeats the process. He repeats this process over and over again until he hits his limit at twelve senbons.

'Looks like twelve is the most I can create now. After twelve, it becomes very hard to maintain their shape with my spirit and shoot them away at high speeds.'

"Still, the result is quite good!" Yuji stares at the craggy rock area filled with lots of small and large craters.

The black senbons stabbed through the rocks slowly dissipate into the surroundings.

"This is the result of three months of continuous training. I think I will be able to create a small chakra dagger after I can create and manipulate fifteen of these senbons at the same time." He concludes.

Yuji lies down on the grass and stares at the sky.

"Lots of things happened in these past three months. First, the homeroom chunnin of our class was replaced since the previous homeroom teacher was declared MIA after a mission. It happened during the time I was in a coma.

Second, after the previous incident, most of the students maintain their distance from him since somehow, I am considered an omen of ill fortune in the village. Well, it's quite easy to guess who spread this rumor. But I don't have any energy or time to bother with such rumors.

Third, the kidnapping events stopped after that assault. The Hokage Office claimed to resolve the issue. Still, the wariness within villagers didn't die down. Even Shikaku, Inoichi, and Choza's parents disallowed them to go out late in the evening.

So, these past three months, I have been training all alone by myself. Minato, Kushina, and even Nawaki are taking lessons from Grandma Mito in Fuinjutsu techniques. Minato and Kushina have a high talent for Fuinjutsu, whereas Nawaki has to learn the techniques as a part of his clan duties. So, these past months, I had plenty of time to practice all by myself."

Yuji clenches his fists.

"The current me is still no match for that strange figure, but with my three months of training and 'Shadow Weave' technique, I can at least deal lethal damage to him in that same circumstance."

He opens his palm and stares at them.


A dark red and dark black diamond mark appears on his palm.

"I still have no clue what does this mark even do? Although I can hide this mark by infusing some chakra into it and by willing it to disappear. Even Tsunade-san and Grandma Mito don't know the purpose of this mark.'

He recalls his conversation with Tsunade when he revealed the secret mark to her. She instantly pulled him to Mito, who is more knowledgeable than her.

Even Grandma Mito, despite her vast knowledge, was unable to figure out the purpose of this mark. She only discovered that I can hide this mark if I infuse some chakra into them.

The sun slowly sets on the horizon.

"Yoshaa! Time to head back."

Yuji stands up and departs for the village.


At the Hokage Office,

Hiruzen, Danzo, and the rest of the village council elders and clan leaders are gathered in the meeting room beside the Hokage office.

"What's the situation, Lord Hokage?"

One of the elders asks him.

"Why did you summon us all for an emergency meeting?"

Hiruzen's expression turns serious as he explains.

"The border conflicts between Konoha, Suna, and Iwa aren't news to anyone."

Hiruzen highlights the border of three great nations and marks the disputed territory.

"As you can see, all our conflicts occurred around this area." Hiruzen circles a small area.

"This is the territory of Amegakure. Shinobi nations with friendly relations or control over Ame gained a territorial advantage over other nations since Ame shares its boundaries with all three great nations.

During the First Shinobi war, the second Hokage established a diplomatic relationship with the previous head of Amegakure. However, with the death of the previous leader and the rise of a new leader, the situation became tense again. The current head of Ame, Hanzo, sealed the borders of Ame and isolated the village to establish his power. He refused any diplomatic interaction with either village."


The village elders and clan leader ponder over the matter.

"That doesn't make sense. In such a situation, he should establish a strong relationship with other nations to further increase his power and political influence to solidify his position." One of the elder remarks.

"But that will also create a dilemma. If he extends a friendly relationship with one nation, then he will sour his relationship with other nations. And the other nations might use this as an excuse to attack him. If the situation isn't looking good, then even the nation with friendly terms might abandon him." Another villager elder remarks.

"Hmm… that makes sense!" The clan leader nods at the remark.

"However, this indecisiveness of Hanzo is gnawing at the hearts of us three shinobi nations." A clan leader remarks.

"So, Konoha sent a group of shinobis to infiltrate Ame and assess the situation.; all in hopes of establishing some contact with Hanzo." Danzo opens his eyes and remarks.

"However, Konoha wasn't the only nation with such intentions. Suna and Iwa also sent their people to do the same. With shinobis from three enemy nations gathered at a spot, some conflicts were bound to happen. So, the shinobis of Konoha, Suna, and Iwa attacked each other. This sequence of events disrupted the peaceful situation of Ame. And finally, Hanzo took action by issuing orders to kill every shinobi from other nations."

"That's insane! How could he issue such an order?" One of the clan leaders yells in surprise.

"Does he think he can face three great nations on his own?" Another clan leader voices his opinion.


Hiruzen sighs and continues.

"This declaration and hunt by Hanzo infuriated the prideful shinobis of three great nations. We don't know which party started first, but some shinobis from the three great nations invaded the base of Hanzo's forces and assassinated their members. This triggered the wrath of Hanzo, who led his people and indiscriminately killed all foreign shinobis, including the innocent ones. Not only that, he declared war against all three shinobi nations. This is the declaration!"

Hiruzen points towards a giant scroll placed on the table.

"Please see for yourself!"

The expression of every village elder and clan leader turns sour. They read the declaration and fury appear on their face.

"Does this Hanzo think that we Konoha shinobis are weak? To address us as cowards and sheltered shinobis." Some clan leader bangs their fists on the table.

"This declaration of war, we should answer him in the same. If it's a war that he wants, then it's a war he must have." The hot-blooded clan leaders reply.

"Is there no other way?" The clan leader of the Nara clan asks.

"Hanzo's forces are encroaching our borders as we speak. Even Iwa and Suna had made their move and declared their intention for war. Suna is suffering an economic crisis and is desperate for resources while Iwa lost some of its territories during the First Shinobi war. It can't wait to wash away its previous humiliation. We are left with no choice but to defend ourselves by declaring it as a full-blown war." Danzo supports their opinion.

All the village elders and clan leaders turn to Hiruzen for the final decision.

Hiruzen silently stares at their faces.

'Sensei, the flames of war have engulfed this world again. If I didn't take action, then these flames will extinguish the will of fire. So, to protect our village, I must take action.'

"Very well, I declare the start of the 'Second Shinobi War'."