
The Fall

I tried to wriggle free from the strong grip squeezing me in the air. It hovered me over the empty air and then released me. I didn't drop very far.

The fall didn't injure me, but the moment I rested my six legs onto the ground I understood what was happening. I had been dropped into a field of fire ants.

"Aaaah. Get away!"

I shoved away some fire ants before they can bite me.

"Back off! Get away from me!"

I rushed to a hill away from the fire ants. They follow me. I can feel them nipping at my exoskeleton. When I got to the top of the hill, I tried to get a view of my terrain.

I tried to get a view of my terrain, but they are so close. I couldn't turn around. I couldn't see where I was. Then I felt a group of fire ants approached my side.

"Back off!"

I turned to swipe at the fire ants, and fell over the top of the hill. Down, down into a hole. I fell onto my back and tried to wriggle onto my side. It was too late.

I had fallen into a mass of fire ants.

Everything burnt. The pain radiated throughout my entire being. I tried to hold on, I tried to wait until I reached a safe place.

It was too late. They were viciously devouring me.

All female roaches are taught to protect their lives for the future of the colony. That if we felt intense danger to retreat. That if we felt are life slipping away we should find a safe place to lay our eggs.

I could feel the tiny mouths biting every piece of my body. No part of me could escape the torturous slow death. As my body began to convulse I knew my babies would not escape the same fate as their mother. I could not save them.

I could feel my antennae being torn off my body. My body jerked left and right, and then convulsed once again. Finally, my body slowly ejected my egg sac into the ravenous clutches of the fire ants.

I was paralyzed. I could not reach for my young as they were torn from their home and introduced to life.

As I slipped away into the darkness, I tried to comfort myself. Death would soon save my children from the abuse of life. I could seek their forgiveness when we reached the star colony. We would be reunited.

Darkness fell.


Influenced by


Roach devoured by fire ants.

Be Safe

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