
The Ritual - The Moon Queen Book 1

In this fast paced, steamy romance, meet an entirely new breed of Werewolf. A Queen, Alpha Female, mated to an Alpha King, but much more than that, Kai Rivers is transformed into a Moon Queen, a rare and all-powerful type of wolf. Directly descended from the Moon Goddess herself, with power comes responsibly, and a lot of trouble. Learning who you can trust, is more trouble than not trusting anyone at all. Kai has grown up, anticipating the day she'll find her mate. Her one true love, designed for her from the Moon Goddess. She has always had a perfectly clear image of how her life was going to turn out, she would train for her Ritual, she would meet her mate, she would stay here with her pack as long as her brother and mate allowed. Until she finds him. Gabriel Zion Black. A possessive, unruly Alpha King who flips Kai's destiny into a parallel. Goddess help her.

torieileen7 · Fantaisie
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35 Chs


I stared at the three steps leading from the deck to the driveway. Frozen. My heart was racing, but soon I snapped out of it and inhaled deeply through my nose and closed my eyes. I held my breath, Theo grabbed my hand and joined in with breathing. We exhaled slowly through our mouths, something I've been doing quite often lately.

"We've got this. Today is going to be absolutely amazing." He squeezed my hand.

"Right, cause we're badasses." I smiled, letting the last of my breath out and stepped down on to the first step.

Theo and I headed towards our Grand Cherokee, currently because we did everything together, we shared a car. I wasn't in the driving mood and he never seemed to care. I was better at choosing the music anyway, and today, I needed something that would light a fire under my ass.

I grabbed the Sting-Gray handle and opened the door to the passenger side. My favorite black, puffy jacket laid in the seat. I smiled, Mom must have put that there for me, you never know what the weather will turn into when you're high in the mountains. Away from the rest of the world, which was another reason I was so glad I was a wolf. You never have to deal with any regular humans.

"Alright, 4 hours. Let's go." Theo put the Jeep in drive, I got comfortable and started scrolling my phone for music. Today I needed something aggressive. Maybe some MGK? Unbeknown to the world, he was actually a wolf too. I pressed play on "Get the Broom" and rested my head against the seat, imaging possibilities my day could have in store.


By the time we reached the palace it was snowing. I was once again reminded why I love my mom, the jacket would come in handy once valet took the Jeep and we were being escorted in. My hands started getting warm and I realized I was nervous again. C'mon you are way more of a badass than this. I was frustrated at myself, for being nervous, for feeling intimidated. I am an Alpha. I am the best. The pep talk made a wave of confidence rush over me as Theo was pulling up to Valet Service. Perfect timing.

"Mr. and Ms. Rivers. Burning Embers." The Security Guard spoke into his radio once he opened my car door. "You two will be with Annie," he motioned with his arms to his left where a woman in a red, very tight, gown stood. I nodded and Theo and I both started getting out of the car, "Yes sir." The palace was nowhere to be seen, I was puzzled. Since I had never been here I trusted the people around me, and did as they did.

Annie smiled at us, "welcome children of Clayton Rivers. I have been so excited to meet you both. The top two contenders, partnered with ME? Ahh, my days just keep looking up." I was more confused than ever, Theo and I raised a brow at each other.


"What the hell does that mean?"

"I don't know, but something feels off. I know you don't believe it like I do Theo, but I really think the Legend of Malachi is real."

"Careful children. A weird voice chimed in, everyone who works for the palace can hear your mind link. It is one of the greatest features of the dome."

That makes sense, a dome. No wonder I couldn't see the palace before. Annie lead us forward up a hill, you could see the invisible shield giving off energy. Only visible to the eye of Werewolves. Annie stepped forward and walked right through the shield and I glanced at Theo, "shall we?" He nodded, and we both inhaled, stepping into the wall of energy.

The other side was weird, it was different, it felt magnetic and warm. It felt like we were surrounded by happiness, no stress, no problems. For a moment I was upset, why do these people get to live here without a care in the world. Why is the bubble of protection not surrounding all of the packs? I finally opened my eyes and the growl that was going to escape from my lips was replaced with a gasp. Beautiful, the Palace was beautiful. All the warmth and happiness made sense, how could you be mad or hurt in a place like this.

The Palace was a stunning white marble, something that looked like it was built ages ago. It had towers like out of a fairy tale, the roof was black. It was huge, there were columns in the front and a giant wall of stairs to climb, had to be at least 150 steps.

"Oh my gosh, its stunning," I scanned ahead of me, there were a lot of people. I assumed they were made up of the committee members, plus security, and the people escorting us to our destinations. At home this crowd would be overwhelming, we wouldn't have enough space for all of them, or chairs. The three of us kept walking, nobody saying a word.

The stairs were a beast to climb, and the top was a relief to see. I stopped and turned around to look at what was below us. You could see through the shield from this side, like a one way mirror. I could see some of the other twins arriving, a set of golden brown haired twins, it lead me to wonder if he was the Night Bane wolf from this morning.

"Right this way Ms. Rivers," another security guard pulled me from my thoughts. He was politely holding the door open and motioning with the other arm for me to walk inside. I smiled softly at the burly man and was about to turn around when he caught my eye.

Gabriel Black.

I don't know why I was shocked, he was our King after all. Something about him was mesmerizing but I shook my head and turned to walk inside the Palace.

The inside of the palace was even more shocking than the outside. The walls were the same white marble, the floors were a mix of dark gray, black, and white marble. There were statues of wolves and Kings sculpted out of more marble. The curtains were a gorgeous emerald green velvet material and the lighting fixtures were gold. If I had to guess, it was real gold. Annie led us through the ballroom to a stairwell, I giggled at the thought of there being dungeons below us. That would be ridiculous. We went up the stairs, they wound in circles and we passed multiple doors. Finally, what felt like a mile later, Annie opened a door for us.

"Alright, you may have a seat wherever you choose. Make sure you get to know each other. Refreshments and snacks are over on the table to the right. Happy birthday! It was nice meeting you both!"

Theo and I smiled at her, "thank you." We both responded back to her.

"Well, I need some water." I stepped in the room and B-lined it for the table. They had an assortment of options, bagels and cream cheese, coffee, bottled water, lemonade, bowls of fruit. I grabbed Theo and I each a bottle of water and went and sat down.

The chairs were in two rows, facing towards the panel at the front of the room with an isle between them. We sat in the back corner and waited for the rest of the people to join us.

"So, I know you're stressed, but what are my chances of talking you into a night out, with out needing Fern's help?" Theo nudged me and gave me a playful grin.

"If you're not careful I might think you're begging me to say yes. Like when you ask mom for a third plate at the table." We both started laughing, I opened my water and took a drink as the laughing slowed, "better make sure you hydrate if we're going to the Club then." Theo smiled at me.

We were quieted when the door opened, the golden brown haired twins walked in and I met the boy's gaze. He was the wolf from this morning, I could see it in those eyes. He stared at me, and gave me a quick wink like earlier, before walking over to the table of goodies and grabbing he and his sister something to drink. Soon the door opened and three more sets of twins walked in, good that's everyone. We all sat in silence, waiting for the committee members to fill the panel so we could get things rolling.

I observed the people around me, the Night Bane twins were directly to my left. I tried to guess where everyone else was from too, the more petite dirty blonde twins looked shy, nervous, almost scared. They must have been the Silver Valley wolves, their alpha was a drunk, their warriors untrained. The Blood Moon wolves were easy to pick, their hair was a deep red auburn, the girl wore black lipstick, and their eyes were so green they almost matched the emerald curtains over The Palace windows. That only left the Shadow Mountain wolves, they looked pretty average. They had the posture of warriors, but they didn't look like they were ready to kill someone, like the Blood Moon wolves.

Finally the door knob turned again. All whispers stopped and everyone looked at the door on the left wall, it opened and the committee members filed in. There were fourteen of them, plus the King. They all scanned us, but all of their eyes ended on Theo and I. Grins crossing their faces as their orbs locked on to me. I could feel Theo tense up at the sight, ready to budge in like always. I wanted to mind link him so bad, but I remembered Annie's warning. My wolf was tense to, she was anxious. Her authorities were all starring directly at her.

The King walked in last, his eyes too, scanning everyone. They landed on me, and I couldn't control my heart rate. He looked at my hair, the choker around my neck, the area of bare skin on my chest. His eyes lingered there for a moment longer before continuing down to my shoes, making sure to never make eye contact with me. I questioned it, but kept my thoughts under control. My wolf was ready to break out, something was very wrong, but so good at the same time. My wolf liked his eyes on her. She whimpered in my head as Gabriel sat down at the table and moved his focus to other matters.

"Alright, I'm going to make this simple for everyone." The committee member's voice grabbed everyone's attention. "I will say your names, and your pack and you will simply let me know who you are by saying 'here' does that make sense?"

We all nodded.

"Alright then. Eli and Evelyn, Silver Valley."

"Here, sir"

They were the two petite wolves, so far my intuition was spot on.

"Avery and Audi, Shadow Mountain"


Right again. My wolf was boastful inside my head.

"Hunter and Harlow, Blood Moon."


The girl was not very enthused, and her eyes were glued to Gabriel's.

"Bayne and Blair, Night Bane."

"Here, sir."

It was the golden haired boy and his sister, I was right. They had been with us this morning. I stole a look at Gabriel and he was eyeing them, maybe he was linking them.

"Last but not least, Theo and Kai..." his voice trailed in confusion, "Burning Embers." I was puzzled and I think the look stayed across my face.

"Here, sir," Theo and I spoke clearly at the same time.

Gabriel's eyes were on me again, he would move them away to Theo as soon as we were about to make eye contact. What was going on. Why was he avoiding me like that. My skin was starting to burn as if his eyes were lasers. My wolf almost blurring in my mind.

"Hush. After this meeting you are going to exit through the door on the right, and not say a word to anyone. Look at me for no more than a second if you understand, and do not say anything back to me."

Gabriel. His voice was stern, even coming through the mind link, I looked at his mouth and away quickly.
