
The Ritual - The Moon Queen Book 1

In this fast paced, steamy romance, meet an entirely new breed of Werewolf. A Queen, Alpha Female, mated to an Alpha King, but much more than that, Kai Rivers is transformed into a Moon Queen, a rare and all-powerful type of wolf. Directly descended from the Moon Goddess herself, with power comes responsibly, and a lot of trouble. Learning who you can trust, is more trouble than not trusting anyone at all. Kai has grown up, anticipating the day she'll find her mate. Her one true love, designed for her from the Moon Goddess. She has always had a perfectly clear image of how her life was going to turn out, she would train for her Ritual, she would meet her mate, she would stay here with her pack as long as her brother and mate allowed. Until she finds him. Gabriel Zion Black. A possessive, unruly Alpha King who flips Kai's destiny into a parallel. Goddess help her.

torieileen7 · Fantaisie
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35 Chs


Theo handed me my jacket right before we got outside and I put it on, I did not look this fucking good today, to be treated that fucking bad. My blood boiled at the thought of Harlow and the king. The only logical reasoning was her, as to why I had to be a secret. I can maybe understand that he didn't want to make eye contact with me during the meeting, but WHY was she such a special piece of his day. Maybe I did need to go out with Pryor, I choked on my water at my own thought process.


My wolf was not fascinated at the thought and I giggled to myself.

"Kai are you okay? What happened? Hey you're walking really damn fast slow down.." He grabbed my elbow, "breathe, we'll talk in the car."

"We won't." I pulled my elbow away and kept walking. Is this was it feels like to be rejected, because if this is all, I can handle that. I have Fern, and maybe Bex, if he doesn't find a mate. Though highly unlikely, male werewolves often have to wait much longer to find their mates, which makes sense as to how the King could be mine. How old is he really?

Theo and I had made it to the edge of the dome finally, and I was relieved to see the Jeep waiting right where we left it. I started taking my jacket off just before reaching for the handle since Theo already had it running, and there he was. Gabriel, opening the door for Harlow, getting into his car. He turned around as if on cue and we made eye contact. I glared at him and he shut Harlow's door. There was no emotion on his face, and he held his chin high. I contemplated putting my jacket back on, but instead slowly let it fall off my shoulders. I clenched my jaw and rolled my eyes at him, grabbing my own door handle, and getting into the car.

I let the frustration take over and I slammed the door, huffing once I was alone. Theo and I were going to have a great 21st birthday, and it was starting, now. I blinked and my emotions switched, something I was proud of myself for mastering.

I grabbed the back pack I had put in the car last night as Theo was finally getting in, "c'mon slow poke! We have a party to get to!!" I handed him the backpack and smirked, "well, are you going to open it orrrr...?"

"Are you fucking kidding me..." He wasn't amused, and I started giggling. Theo pulled out a Smirnoff Ice and gave me a disappointed frown, "I'm the driver..."

I reached under my seat and pulled another one out, "don't worry, I wouldn't let you drink alone. Plus, something this mellow, you'll be fine." We both twisted the caps off, clinked the bottles together, and chugged the drinks as fast as we could. Once finished, I took the bottle from him and put it back in the backpack, handing him a water.

"Okay now drink this too, and just know, I don't condone drinking and driving, but we have had a hell of a day and one drink on a werewolf of your size, chased by water, will be fine." I turned on Jeykll and Hyde by Five Finger Death Punch to start our drive and let the music shuffle from there.


The tires finally touched the gravel of my parents' driveway and I was slightly less stressed out.

Fern came barreling out of the house, "oh my gosh are you okay?!" She wrapped me in a hug, I was concerned because I hadn't said a word to her and I looked at Theo, who shrugged and scratched the back of his head with one hand, in slight embarrassment.

"Yeah I'm fine, let's get this party started! We're wasting precious pregame here!" I squeezed her back, "but also please tell me which part of my day you're referring to?" I grabbed her hand and lead them all back inside the house.

Once inside my parents came down from their offices, embracing my brother and I.

"Nobody is dying. Swear it." My mom was already in a panic, as expected.

"Mom, we have 6 months to decide, but we only have one night for our 21st birthday, so I'm sorry, but that is a problem for me in two days." I wrapped her in a hug and quickly went to the basement, happily finding Bex, preparing shots.

"This, is why you're my favorite," I winked at him.

"I heard you might want something strong," he grinned at me, pulling the tequila out of the freezer, "I only had 4 hours to chill it."

I walked around to the other side of the bar to help him cut limes, "4 hours might be enough time. Honestly, this might be the best part of my day."

Finally I heard footsteps coming down the stairs, Theo and Fern followed by my parents and the betas too. I smiled, "now this is going to be a pre-game!" I hit play on Shots by LMFAO on my phone, the speakers started bumping and Bex and I lined the shots, limes and salt along the bar in front of all of us.

I poured salt on my left hand, held my shot in my right, and lifted it into the air, "here is to good friends, a mediocre twin brother, the best parents, and great times. Let's make the most of tonight." I smiled and we all licked the salt from our wrists, took the shots and bit into the limes.

Fern looked at me, and her voice came through the mind link, "ooooh girl, I know someone did you dirty today. You didn't even flinch taking that."

I eyed her, "nothing to worry about."


Close to 10 we finally made our way downtown, our parents had dropped us all off and we graciously waved goodbye. By the time we had gotten here, I was definitely buzzed and way more giggly than I had been all day. I could hear the bass bumping inside the Club, it was one of the most lavish places in town and usually only werewolves could get in, partially due to fees at the door, and also because of the bouncer. Renier.

Other bars downtown were full of humans, something that one might say can be a pet peeve of mine, but tonight, since it was a birthday night, everyone was invited, and the cover charges were waived.

"Heyyy Ren!!" Fern and I both cooed as he opened the door for us, letting us skip the line of humans waiting, Bex and Theo followed and I could hear an uproar of men not liking the decision. I rolled my eyes.

As usual, Fern and I wrapped arms with each other and lead our brothers through the crowd, I grabbed Bex's hand and she had Theo's.

"Should we do more shots?!" I shouted over the music, Fern jumped in excitement and I waved down a bartender, "can we get four tequila shots, no salt or limes." I smiled at the girl, I didn't know her, and she was human, which was a rare thing for working here.

"Yes biiiiitch," she smirked, and grabbed the four glasses. "Happy birthday, this one is on me!" She poured a fifth shot and and we all gathered around as if she was going to read us a story, "cheers."

We clinked glasses together and tapped them on the bar before emptying the liquid into our mouths.

It burned. The alcohol. It burned, but I enjoyed it. It fueled my bad behavior, it made me more confident than my normal self, it made me make rash decisions, but it also made me over emotional. I looked at Fern, "what are we drinking tonight, we need something for the dance floor!"

She whispered to the bartender and the girl smirked, she gave a quick nod and ran off to make some mystery drinks. I raised an eyebrow at Fern who just shrugged in a 'you'll see' kind of way.

The bartender came back with four drinks, all lime green colored, "alright here you are, these are a specialty of mine." We thanked her, Theo bought the round, and we all made our way to the dance floor.

The music was loud, and everyone was dancing, the bass was getting ready to drop during an EDM song, Fern was giggling, Theo was dancing and showing off, and Bex was standing near the wall, keeping an eye on everything.

I was finally content. I took a drink of the green substance in my hand, vodka, lemonade, lime liquor, honestly exactly what I expected.

The bass dropped and everyone lost their minds. People were head banging, some were shuffling, some were doing both.

I stood in admiration of my friends, happy.