
The Ritual - The Moon Queen Book 1

In this fast paced, steamy romance, meet an entirely new breed of Werewolf. A Queen, Alpha Female, mated to an Alpha King, but much more than that, Kai Rivers is transformed into a Moon Queen, a rare and all-powerful type of wolf. Directly descended from the Moon Goddess herself, with power comes responsibly, and a lot of trouble. Learning who you can trust, is more trouble than not trusting anyone at all. Kai has grown up, anticipating the day she'll find her mate. Her one true love, designed for her from the Moon Goddess. She has always had a perfectly clear image of how her life was going to turn out, she would train for her Ritual, she would meet her mate, she would stay here with her pack as long as her brother and mate allowed. Until she finds him. Gabriel Zion Black. A possessive, unruly Alpha King who flips Kai's destiny into a parallel. Goddess help her.

torieileen7 · Fantaisie
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35 Chs



That was the only word I could fathom. What did The King want with me? Not like a regular king either, by the way, he was an Alpha King. That meant even my Dad had to obey his every command. He could turn all five packs in to just one if he wanted. He was the most powerful man on the continent.

I looked at the Committee Members keeping my breathing under control, trying to relax my body. Theo was tapping his heel and I could tell he felt my shift in energy. I sighed, this really was going to be a long day.

"Now that we know you are all here and where you're from. Let's get down to business." The Committee Member on the far right spoke, not sternly, but not playful either. More like, bored.

"Who here, knows about the Legend of Malachi?" A grin crossed the first man's face.

My blood ran cold. I could feel the color of my face drain. Gabriel looked at me again, not making eye contact. A shiver ran down my spine and Theo grabbed my hand. It almost felt like an 'I am so sorry for not believing you.' Hot tears welled up in my eyes. There were other gasps coming from within the room.

"You all look like you know it, so who wants to start. Let's discuss this legend."

Harlow, the girl with the deep auburn hair snarked, "what, are we all going to team together and kill everyone??" She giggled, "ooooh. So scary." She looked over her shoulder at everyone.

Gabriel's glare was solid, and Harlow just gave him a pout. It made my blood boil. Why? Was it because he couldn't look at me, or was she getting special treatment from him??

"Well, child, typically yes. That is what I would tell you, but as you can see, there are only five sets of twins here."

I wanted to sigh in relief, but as if on que there was a knock on the door and a girl's voice could be heard, "knock knoooock" she cooed from the stairwell. Everyone on the Committee froze. Even Gabriel, but it looked like something he already knew was coming too fruition. We all turned slowly in our chairs as the large wood door opened. A petite girl with pitch black hair, cold icy blue eyes, and distinguish scent hit me. No. If that's the rouge from this morning, she has a brother.

A very tall, broad shouldered man, with the same cold orbs and black hair pushed the door open further.

"Oh, shit." Hunter, one of the brother's spoke.

"Oh shit is right." The rouge brother repeated, "Pryor is the name. This here is Paisley, we're twins from The Lost Pack. Pleasure to crash your ritual, since nobody extended the invite." He had the same evil grin on his face his wolf did earlier today. They both scanned the crowd, looking at each twin until they were content with staring at me. I was uneasy.

Paisley smirked at me, "I absolutely adore those shoes. You're dressed like a queen."

My wolf shook off the stress of those words. Something felt so off about these two, other than the part where they were the sixth set of twins.

"Thank you," I gave a soft smile to hide what I was really thinking.

"Well then, the two of you can grab a seat. Get a refreshment. We haven't gotten started yet, so you both have impeccable timing."

The twins looked at each other and shared a smile, "well, if you say so." They walked over to the table and each grabbed a water and bowl of fruit. One of the committee members pulled out two extra chairs and put them in line with the rest. Pryor and Paisley each grabbed one of the chairs and slowly started dragging them over to behind Theo and I. The wooden chairs screeched in the marble flooring until settling directly behind me. I held my head up, not letting them get to me.

Once they were sitting, Pryor leaned forward, "so, birthday girl. Where am I taking you tonight?" His voice was quiet, and husky, I could hear the smirking continue. I didn't respond and tried to focus on the conversation about The Ritual.

"Alright then sweetheart, don't say I didn't ask."

I rolled my eyes, and heard Gabriel give a warning growl. It was a low rumbling, sound and I saw him staring at Pryor.

"Ah, there he is then."

"Don't disrespect your King," I snapped in a whisper. Shocked by my own attitude I looked up at Gabriel, being sure to not look at him, as he had been avoiding eye contact with me. Was he smirking? I thought he would have interrupted the Committee Member and adjust mine as well as Pryor's attitudes. I could feel his eyes on me and I took a deep breath, refocusing on the conversation.

"So, this year, we have all voted to host two Rituals." Another grin crossed the committee member's face. "The first one, will be somewhat like an elimination round. The second, will be the final round, one winner will prevail. You will have six months to train before you all come back here, to the arena of The Palace. We need time to get everything cleaned and open again since the Arena hasn't been used in 100 years."

Was what I was hearing real? Was I the only one that thought something was wrong? Nobody talks about what happened in that arena 100 years ago. It has been shut out of this world and never allowed to return.

"You're all going to kill each other."

The girl whom I believe was named Evelyn spit out her water in surprise. My eyes widened. Do I question them, or do I panic internally? Do I dare look around at everyone's faces so they haunt me later down the road? I took a drink of water to wet my suddenly dry mouth.

"Oh, you have it all wrong." Paisley spoke up, "we'll actually be killing all of you." She gave an evil grin and stood up, "why do you think we showed up? To let you kill all of the other ten twins that my brother and I need in order to fulfill our destinies?"

"Oh you stupid girl. Guard, collar her and her brother. Take them downstairs."

I watched as a security guard came and put big metal collars around their necks with matching cuffs around their wrists. They didn't fight it as I assumed they would have, but instead grabbed their waters, slammed them, and walked away willingly.

"See you later birthday girl." Pryor left with a wink on his face, "don't worry, I won't miss it."


"You will all be sent home, and begin training at your discretion. Do not think you can get out of this. We will not allow the Legend of Malachi to come true. There are wolves here that do not deserve to die for that destiny."

"Okay and what about us," again I was shocked at my response, "we do deserve to die? What if we don't want to kill anyone either. Just give us a normal task and be done with it."

Every single Committee Member turned towards me, eyes meeting mine, except The King's.

"Child, do you not learn? Gua-"

"NO." Gabriel cut him off, "she is the daughter of Clayton Rivers, let him deal with her. I will call him after this meeting is through."

My heart was racing, he hadn't said a word this whole time and somehow, if you ignore the actual words he said, it was magical. I had never spoke with this man, but it was a sound that I recognized. A sound that made my wolf dance.

Don't be stupid.

His voice rang in my head and I focused on the Committee Member once more, "look, I'm not trying to cause any problems. All I'm saying is, what if none of us want to fulfill the prophecy either?"

"Well then Ms. Rivers, that is just too bad then." The grin on his face disgusted me, his teeth were crooked and his brows over grown. "This is where we will end the meeting, feel free to grab some more refreshments before heading home. Happy birthday to you all."

"Meeting adjourned." Another member said and they all got up and left.

Shit. I don't want to go through that door. I spoke to my wolf.

Before long Harlow walked over to Gabriel and they exchanged words, a grin on both their faces and he looked her up and down, "be sure to change first." I read the whisper on his lips.

"Well Kai, I like your thought process but dad is going to be pissed when The King calls him. Shall we go now, that way he doesn't give the phone to you?" Theo asked, following my gaze over to Harlow and Gabriel. He towered over her, which meant he towered over me, she was about my size and weight by the looks of it.

"Uh, you go on a head, I better stick around." I looked at the ground, "I'd rather get it over with."

"Okay, but I'll be right through the doors okay?"

I nodded.

Soon the room was clear and it was just The King and I, he didn't reach for his phone, he didn't say a word. He just simply walked to the door on the right and turned the knob. I watched as he stepped through without a sound.

Alright, we can do it. This feels good. My wolf purred in my head.

One step in front of the other, I walked to the door and turned the golden handle. I gulped, and opened the door.

Up the stairs.

I followed as he said, and went right up the spiraling stairwell. It was almost identical to the one we originally walked up. After I took the first step an intoxicating scent hit me, my curiosity spiked and I wanted to fill my lungs completely with that smell. Pine trees, like the evergreen forest near home, and whiskey. Once around one turn the scent was getting strong, goddess is that what The King smells like?

Yes idiot, and I think he is ours. My wolf could hardly hold still. You need to look in his eyes, I need to recognize him.

I almost tripped and Gabriel's voice was inside my head again, close your eyes and guide yourself with your other senses. I gulped again, was my wolf right? Was I really a queen? What does Paisley know that I didn't, when she called me a queen earlier.

I flushed the thoughts from my mind and shut my eyes like he instructed. I could hear him breathing around the next turn but didn't dare say a word. My heart was racing and I took the last step.

Suddenly my throat was met with a large hand, and I was pushed against a wall. Though not in an aggressive manner by any means. His hand was warm, and it felt like his touch was lighting my skin on fire. I inhaled deeply, the intoxicating smell was stronger, and felt like it was wrapping itself around me. I stiffened a little when I felt him push himself closer to me, he traced his thumb over the exposed part of my collar bone and inhaled.

"Shit," his voice was not disappointed, but almost as if he felt bad about something. "When I tell you, you can open your eyes. Do not say a word, nor make a sound, or attempt to mind link me. I can't keep this from you, its not right."

I nodded, biting the inside of my lip. Okay this is it, moment of truth.

"Kai Rivers, don't bite your lip. Do I scare you?"

I shook my head, not wanting to talk as he instructed.

"Oh come on, maybe a little bit?"

I nodded and almost felt a grin crawl across his face.

"Good. Open your eyes."