
The Risky Sacrificial Love.

Anita would never dream of becoming an orphan but unfortunately, she is one.Her own view of life differs from the others,she believes there's still hope for her out there ,even when the orphan workers read her cover and misjudged her. Anita, over the years has related to one of the orphans named Nika who was like a sister to her.Anita know not the life story of Nika who kept it as a secret but Anita still love her for who she is. Anita soon find herself into a family she has wished for, but the outcome of everything was the reverse of how she has admired a family. Anita was sent out of the house which led her into the world, out there in the world, this is where it was all made clear to her.

Mochifa · Sports, voyage et activités
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"Nika! Nika! wake up... it's your

birthday, have you forgotten?...

I happily said waking her up.

"My birthday! but it's too early"...

Nika said.

"No Nika! we've got to tidy up the

house, prepare the snacks for the

invitees...uh! there are just lots of

work to do"...I said.

"But I didn't invite my friends"

"Don't worry Nika,I did"...I said

smiling at her.

"ok !... hope I will get to fry the

snacks roll if I assist you?...

Nika asked.

"Funny you Nika! now you've

caught my neck... and what if you

help me do all works and then,

you will get to fry it for the week"

"Yes! yes! yes! I will.... pinky

promise!...Nika requested.

"Pinky promise!...I said crossing my little finger on hers.

My promise to Hoppy has been the first priority I've got.Sighting the money Hoppy told me about before her death, it's really some huge amount which should make me a millionaire if I should escape with it, but I couldn't,I am not the badass they said I am.

I firstly applied for a job of typist in the DASH CROW ORGANISATION, one might ask when I learnt to be a typist, well,I didn't, but I made them believe I am a trained typist, to meet up with my forgery,I purchased a computer set for myself and indeed,I was perfect.

Next ,I enrolled Nika in a school, it was awkward for Nika at the beginning because she has never gone to a school before.Nika was bullied by laughed at,her daily learning was interrupted, she would come back home angrily, throw herself to the bed and narrated how pissed off she is and how bad she hates those bullies. I never advised her or gave her a solution to it until a day came. I was prepared to witness the bully.

I decided to pick Nika from school that day, Nika was sitting lonely under a tree when I whistled and called her from afar off. She was happy to see me and then runs to meet me, Nika was instantaneously pushed down by those bullies,I could see them threatening her from afar off, Nika gazed at me, she expected my help and thought I would betray her. But I walked straight to the scene, the bullies made way for me still laughing at her, Nika was already sobbing,I squat down and held her shoulder.

"Nika! this is your moment to

prove those thugs wrong,hide

under your she'll and they will

kick your shell, fight them now

and they will let you be.You are

stronger and smarter than them

all, they're only group of empty

thugs trying to press you down,

stand up and show them who the

boss is".

After the talking,I stepped back to see the outcome of my inserted good disc, those girls were still standing to see what happens next. Nika bravely stood up, dropped her bag,wiped her tears and walked straight to the head bullies,they all laughed out loudly.

"Go home girl! you've got no

place here" ... the head bullies said as others laughed.

They all turned back to go, but Nika held them back.

" Wait! you bitch" ... Nika commanded.

They all turned and gazed at her.Nika folded her palm and released a heavy punch on the head bully's face.

"Jesus!... my nose!"... the head

bullies said touching her nose.

" Is that blood?... some students who gathered around murmured .

The head bullies, trying not to drown in her shame rushed against Nika, but smart Nika was so quick to give her another punch,push her down and gave her the worst beating ever.

Nika was hailed by the students around, angry Nika wouldn't stop till the authority walked to the scene and shouted with angry look on his face.

Well,it isn't a big deal to get into such a case,I defended Nika against the bully's mom, since the head bullies was at fault,Nika was let go.

Nika made more friends after the incidence, she comes home smiling and waking early to get to schol first.One of my priorities was also seeing Nika happy and actually, she was.

With the money,I bought a house for Nika and I , it wasn't much to own though as one would wonder, the new house contained many rooms, built with the swimming pool externally.

Soon,I invested the remaining of the money in bakery,I had my own bakery shop,I would get there during the weekend.Nika also comes over to help me. We begin to get invitations to bake for people during their ceremonies,we have been awarded for being one of the best bakers in the town.

Being a baker,I couldn't let it shut me down of my typing work or weigh Nika down in her education.i had to balance the equation and truly, the result was awesome.

"Who is there?...Nika runs to the door to check on who knocks.

"Vickyyy...wow!... come in! come in!

...Nika giggled.

Nika was surprised to see Vicky her friend and some of her classmates, she was speechless,her lips wide open as she ushered them into sitting room.

"Anittaaaaa! come and see,they are

all here"

Nika dragged me into the sitting room to say "Hello" to her friends, Nika still don't know who invited them to the party.

"Nika! remember when you told

me that you didn't invite your

friends...I personally invited Vicky

to do same to others and she did"

...I said.

Nika was pleased and amazingly overjoyed.In no time, someone came knocking at the door. I walked to the door and opened up.

"OMG! what on earth!... you are

very welcome ma"

She was the managing assistant of my organization sent on behalf of the organization managing director.

Sooner, the ceremony kicked off,I watched everyone amazingly,lots of smile written on their face.Nika was surrounded as she was teased, I stayed with the managing assistant who complemented me of my doings.

"Everybody ! say Cheese"...

said Vicky.

"Cheese !....

Everybody echoed as the Android light flashes on our faces.

Indeed, this is what Hoppy wished for and would have done lots more. Everyday, I watched Nika grow happily, everything changed for her, no more embarrassment,no more regrets,no more pain,no more shame, because, I always stood by her side all day long.