
The Rising of New Great Power

Kai reincarnated to the anime world—just like a curse—being an anime character that has power which means an awful childhood—and a dead parent or just a single parent—saved by an organization called the History Compilation Committee and a girl named Sayanomiya Kaoru. After finishing a lot of missions from her, Kai gets a mission to oversee Kouh Academy which were two big devil families Sitri and Gremory. And the journey of Kai rising to the top started as he made his own group power to rival not only Three fanction, but other god and other supernatural being too—

Iam_HaremLover · Anime et bandes dessinées
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4 Chs

Kai 01

Reincarnation, also known as rebirth or transmigration, is the philosophical or religious concept that the non-physical essence of a living being begins a new life in a different physical form or body after biological death.

That reincarnation means—the new life after biological death. Some people believe their life was without memories, and some believe they inherit their memories.

But that's not important here.

The important thing was the people who experienced reincarnation—were people who experienced death. And death itself was the irreversible cessation of all biological functions that sustain an organism. It can also be defined as the irreversible cessation of functioning of the whole brain.

So what do you think after experiencing something like that? And He still remembers those experiences. What do you think happened to his mental being—his mind?

There may be different variations from person to person.

But for Kai—as darkness had consumed his consciousness and he'd long since lost control of his senses—before dying. He could do nothing that accepted his meaningless life had to end as he was confined in the bed after a long sickness from a young age.

He was content with the years he'd lived—as he realized that he had an incurable disease and likely died at a young age.

Or so he thought—as at the end of his life.

He regretted it—he wanted to live—he wanted to be healthy.

He didn't want to die—

But no matter how hard he prayed—he's still dead.

—And after that, what he felt was just darkness and a suspending feeling of falling. Memories, language, senses, emotions—were falling—before they circled as he was not alone—they were a lot of HIM—as if he were water droplets in the rain.

Until it was emptiness—and in the end, you don't even feel anything.

Until his consciousness sparked back to life.


"Ah— The air is so fresh." Kai took a deep breath as he stood on the edge of a tall building. As the night fell, and time for him to do his mission. He may be strong, but his power became stronger at night, especially close to dawn.

"I don't have much time—" Kai told himself as he remembered the mission given by his savior Sayanomiya Kaoru. A beautiful red-headed young woman who was always cross-dressing as a man.

Kai remembered how that girl gave him a new mission. 'Ah— can you take care of this mystery of the many cases of disappearance of young girls? It looked like the police couldn't find any clue, and we suspected some supernatural beings were involved in this case. So please—take care of this mission! And I will give you a reward.'

"Really— she gives it like such an easy errand. Wait—till I get my reward." Kai complained as he took the blueprint of the map of the building he would raid that night.

Just as Kai suspected, the cases of disappearance of young girls had connected to the devil. Many of those girls had debt or became a prostitute—so when he caught the tail—the person who gave the drug to get those girls in debt or became a prostitute. It was easy to find the real culprit.

"Really— to think they made drugs with the devil's power." Kai looked at the pink drug with a heart symbol in the center of the pill. Something Kai always saw in those hentai mangas. The drug worked like an aphrodisiac that only worked for girl-only and made them addicted not to sex but to the drug itself. The problem was he could feel the devil's power inside the pill.

"What— a bad taste."

The building in front of him was a building. Where the boss of those people who distribute the drug and most likely the main culprit.

"After this— I hope I get my long vacation—" Kai said in a low voice before he activated his power.

As someone who reincarnated—it isn't weird if Kai got a cheat power. And as someone who reincarnated and experienced death itself.

It was no weird if his power is related to death—as he connected to many poor souls around those buildings. The soul that was lost in that building.

The man was killed because of his mistake.

The man was killed because of debt.

The woman that died after a wrong abortion.

The prostitute was killed after she was abused by a higher organization client.

The kid that—

The man that—

The woman that—

As Kai connected to many dead souls—ghosts—or anything like that. He could feel their hatred—their scream—their agony. As he finished linking to those souls—he gave them orders.

—awoken—and get your revenge—

Kai was connected to the soul so he could choose from where he saw and control one of the souls that had been awakened and became a ghoul.

The building became chaotic as the ghoul attacked every human being in the building. The screams of humans and the sound of bullets fired in the building could be heard in Kai's ear that stood in a nearby building.

Kai didn't care to control the ghoul and let them take their revenge by themself. Most of the ghouls were most likely to target the humans they hated and even if one of the human beings was innocent in cases of disappearance of young girls. Kai didn't care since most of them most likely wouldn't die, but they would probably be cursed and traumatized as long as they lived.

"Hm— it looked like I found their boss," Kai said as he controlled several souls—making it a weird-looking bridge that he stepped on as he walked toward the room where the boss was hiding from the building he stood from.

The boss looked like he tried to run away as he took his savings as much as possible.

"What–the hell—what the hell—happening—this is just a bad dream—" The boss talked with his body shivering as he tried to put away a lot of gold from his savings.

"Really—in this age—you're still collecting gold." Kai very easily entered the room and talked with such an easygoing tone.

"Who are you—" The boss screamed at Kai while he pointed his gun at him. But rather than scared, Kai still walked and looked around the room as he searched for something as he didn't fear anything.

"Ugh—bastard—" The boss was aware that the boy in front of him was the most likely perpetrator of the ghoul that attacked his base. Without saying anything, he shot all of his bullets.

But there was no bullet that hit Kai as many ghouls came forward and shielded him.

"Haha— Really—there is no way something like that can't hurt me," Kai said with a playful tone. "Hm—this room—full of hatred. Many people don't like you. Huh—"

"Damn! What do you want— how about I gave you money." The boss tried his last attempt to save his life, but when the boss and Kai's eyes met each other. He realized there was no room for negotiation.

Even though Kai talked to him with such a playful and easy-going tone—his eyes were cold. Just like those demons he worked on.

An Eyes that looked down upon him.

"Ugh—bastard—" The boss pulled a knife and tried to stab Kai, but once again, before his attack hit Kai. His movement was sealed as his body was grabbed by the hand of a ghoul—that came from all over the place.

"Guaahhh—-Please have mercy!!" The boss pleaded when he saw many ghouls from close up. Even with their decaying body—The boss recognized most of the ghouls.

"Really—you're pleading? Do you think these people will forgive you—when you never heard any of their pleadings?" Kai said while walking toward the boss with his hand slowly approaching and reaching the boss's forehead. Flick it a little.

"Ugh—what are you doing—" The boss asked.

"Hm—ah—I just gave you some curse. I mean—for you dying is just salvation." Kai answered as he finished.

"Waait—what do you—" The boss felt his body was weird. No, his body was dragged by the hand of ghouls to the window—balcony—before he was slowly dragged by those hands until he fell to the ground.

Kai could hear a scream from the boss—before the silence—as he may have died after falling to the lower floor. And not long after that—the same scream arose again and again—again—again—again—as if those souls grabbed the boss' soul to death again—again and again—repeated his demise.

"Yeah—rather than let you go to the afterlife—this will be much better," Kai said as he went to the hiding place. In that place, he found a lot of stained blood and a dead body that made a formation. A circle formation as if they tried to summon something.

"Really— This is too much even for me. Oh, well—My mission is to solve the cases of the disappearance of young girls. Not to catch the culprit—with this, my mission has been solved." Kai said as he tried to convince himself that he had finished his mission. In the middle of the formation—Kai could see a symbol. A family symbol from the devil clan—a big one too— Was Asmodeus Clan.

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