
Problems! More Like Annoyances...

Roland continued to Strengthen his foundation for an hour before using the talent summoning token.

[The Talent Summoning Talent will be consumed upon usage does Host wish to proceed.]


[Randomly Summoning Talent. Summoning Complete. Friendly reminder Host can only summon one talent per month without a token.]

With a flash of white light, a man holding Grimoire in his hands appeared before Roland. Who immediately kneeled before his Lord.

"Fernandus's Greets the Lord." The kneeling man said in a passive tone.

"Greeting Fernandus, I am Roland Prince of Graycastle." Roland replied before allowing him to stand.

"May I know of your qualifications and magical Rank." Roland asked as he could not perceive the magical level of the man before him due to his low level as he was nothing but an ordinary man if not for his keen eyesight and experience that kept screaming that this man was anything but ordinary.

"This humble servant is but a scholar that used to be the head of a Magical Academy. I am of a higher rank then the man standing guard outside." Fernandus replied

Hearing the man dodging the question of his rank only providing a small assumption of his actual rank. Roland didn't inquire further before allowing Arnadus to enter the chamber to introduce the to each other. It was either out of loyalty or simple trust but Arnadus didn't ask a single question about the man sudden appearing in the Lords meditative chamber.

After the introductions Roland told Fernandus to completely survey the territory resources, people, and its neighboring villages, towns or cities. Fernandus was ordered to stay out of sight and not to use magic in others presence unless his life was at risk.

A month passed within the blink of an eye, the territory was developing at a rapid pace. Refugees kept arriving everyday for the past month as new talent kept appearing among them. Even through Roland had made a basic map off the territory it was far from perfect; the arrival of an architect improved the layout of the territory Design to a whole other level.

With a proper architect available Roland replaced Allen with the architect as the head of the construction team and while placing him in charge of gathering and maintaining the resources needed for the construction.

Another thing that took place was the letter addressed to the king by barov and another to his sister Garcia from the former head maid Tyre. It was quite unfortunate that she fell ill and died of sickness. He merely was kidding when he kept cursing her with deadly illness in front of barov. It wasn't his fault that she died. So, barov should stop with his staring or his eyes will be plucked out.

Nevertheless, the ever reliable barov carried out his duty as usual with his constant bickering about his territories finances.

"Your Highness, recently you've had a lot of expenses from recruiting the manual laborers to providing the refugees that arrive every single day with food, clothes and shelter. If we continue such expense, we won't be able to last long." Barov held a pile of parchment while reporting the recent financial situation to Roland.

The original income and expenditure of Border Town was very simple. One line was ore in the precious stones trade. This line was monopolized by Longsong Stronghold, turning North Slope Mine's output into wheat or bread, with no tax in the middle, and Stronghold sent people to host the exchange of resources. As the saying goes, those nobles stationed in Border Town is regulators of the shareholders, and their fiefs are mostly in the east of Stronghold, where they are only temporary and different people are dispatched each year.

Ahh! What will he do without that man reminding of his impending poor financial conditions and other nonsense. The hell with those so-called nobles, he will deal with them in due time. No matter as long as he doesn't cross the line otherwise he will curse him to death like poor tyre.

Anyhow the new neighborhood will be done soon all that's left is to sell them at affordable price to the people whose old house he's going to demolish. There, Financial issues solved that man better be pleased. Oh! Who was he kidding that man will be pissed as he will be spending more and more with each new project that will be done.

With every success new problems keeps on developing. The towns food stocks are dwindling at a rapid pace and as winter is approaching there is no time to start farming. The most the Town could provide is another months' worth of food. He had no choice but to buy food from Longsong stronghold. However, that will raise the nobles suspicion of his activities in border town.

He could buy food from the system but that costs merit which he does not have at the moment. Left with no choice Roland tasked carter to hire the towns hunters to hunt in the forest for wild animals. The issue was temporarily resolved with not permanent solution as of yet available.

Even through the system raise the chances of talents arriving with the refugees so far only a single architect had arrived will the rest was pure work force.

Damn it! He was cheated by the System who completely ignores him as if he did not exist.

Taking a deep breath Roland decided to place all his hopes on Fernandus to bring him good news. As he prayed for the summoning of a Super talented person to be summoned that can help him resolves these issues.

Seriously these problems are nothing but an annoyance. if only the people of this world were not affected by the churches propaganda and not afraid of a little magic those problems would not have existed in the first place.

Roland kept cursing the church completely in the safety of his mind while keeping a cool expression as he went though the various paper work.