
The Rise of the Z Horde

The_Alesio_History · Romance
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20 Chs

Chapter 7 :The Sacrifice

The survivors at the military base had been living in relative safety for several weeks, but they knew that it couldn't last forever. They needed to venture out into the world again to search for other survivors and resources.

Sarah and a small team were tasked with going out on a scouting mission. It was a dangerous assignment, but they were well-prepared and well-armed. They set out early in the morning, hoping to make the most of the daylight hours.

The scouting mission was going well, with the team covering a lot of ground and finding some useful resources along the way. But as they were making their way back to the military base, they encountered a large group of zombies.

The zombies were too many and too fast for the team to outrun, so they quickly took up defensive positions and began to fight. The battle was intense, with the survivors using all of their weapons and tactics to hold off the zombie horde.

But just as they thought they had the upper hand, one of their team members, a young woman named Maria, was bitten by a zombie. The survivors knew what that meant: Maria would soon turn into a zombie herself.

They had a difficult decision to make. They couldn't risk bringing a zombie back to the military base, but they also couldn't just leave Maria behind. They had to come up with a plan, and fast.

Sarah knew what needed to be done. She took Maria aside and told her that there was only one way to keep the others safe: she would have to sacrifice herself.

Maria was shocked at first, but she soon realized that Sarah was right. She couldn't risk turning into a zombie and putting her friends in danger. She gave Sarah a tearful hug and then walked away, alone, into the zombie horde.

The survivors watched in horror as Maria fought off the zombies with all her strength, buying them time to escape. And then, just as she was overwhelmed, Maria looked up and gave them a brave smile. It was the last they ever saw of her.

The survivors made it back to the military base safely, but they were all shaken by what had happened. Sarah knew that they had lost a valuable member of their team, but she also knew that Maria's sacrifice had saved them all.

They held a small memorial service for Maria, and Sarah gave a speech in her honor. She spoke about the bravery and selflessness that Maria had shown, and how her sacrifice would never be forgotten.

And as they stood there, in the safety of the military base, Sarah knew that they owed it all to the sacrifices of people like Maria. They were fighting for their survival, but they were also fighting for something more: a chance to rebuild and create a better world, where people like Maria could live in peace and safety.