
The Rise of the Domineering Son-in-Law

A beautiful CEO marries the disdained second son of a noble family, enduring scorn and ridicule without leaving his side. She stands by him until, after years of lying low, he rises to prominence in a single day, stirring up storms and becoming the most powerful husband. Marrying you was the wisest decision I have ever made in my life.

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160 Chs

The Greatest Suspect

What Lin Zhimin said is true, this Zhou Jiandye agreed, he has investigated Lin Zhimin's action track when he asked people to summon Lin Zhimin, at ten to twelve, that is, almost the time of the crime, Lin Zhimin is in the Hilton Hotel in Straits City.

Zhou Jianye asked such a question, it is just a routine, because now Lin Zhimin is suspected.

"I found a very strange place." Zhou Jianye said.

"Say where." Lin said as instructed.

"After you left your mother-in-law's house around 8 o 'clock yesterday evening, the surveillance around you lost the trace of your car, until about 9:30, your car re-appeared in the surveillance line of sight, and then you went back to your company, and left your company at about 10 o 'clock, I want to ask, during this time, an hour and a half, where did you go?" Mr. Zhou asked.

"Does it have anything to do with the case you summoned me today?" Lin asked.

"It doesn't matter, I'm just curious, after all, under the sky net system, your car, let alone disappear for more than an hour, even if it is unlikely to disappear for ten minutes, then we investigated, on the national Highway 4399 line, there are many monitoring probes lost their function at that point, just last night we received an alarm call, There was a car accident on National Highway 4399, a Maybach was set on fire, there were two bodies on the side of the car, and a lot of unidentified blood, the car we investigated, it was Ren Xuesong's car." Zhou Jianye said.

"Ouch! Ren Xuesong, I know, my car had a scratch with his car before, but nothing happened." Lin said as instructed.

"So this thing is very amazing, Ren Xuesong's car was set on fire at around 8:30, and Ren Xuesong himself was not in the car, we investigated the scene, found that there are many traces of fighting at the scene, and warheads, do not rule out this is a Jianghu vendeta case, we summoned Ren Xuesong in the morning, but the other side said he fled first, So it's not clear what's going on behind that." Zhou Jianye said.

"You'll have to ask Ren Cedar." Lin said with a smile.

"Lin Zhi life, in the eyes of others, you are a dormant 20 years once the rise of the second master of the Lin family, many people think that you these 20 years just saved money, saved connections, but in my opinion, what happened to you is far from everyone knows so simple." Zhou Jianye laughed.

Lin Zhimin smiled and said, "It's not that complicated."

"Yang Sandao was killed, and the three dead animals he sent you were right next to his body."

"Your car suddenly disappeared in the monitoring for more than an hour, this more than an hour Ren Xuesong encountered an attack, from the place where Ren Xuesong was attacked to your company, it takes nearly forty minutes to drive, if from the time when your car disappeared on the monitoring, this period of time is just the time you left your mother-in-law's home, went to the place where Ren Xuesong was attacked, and then returned to your company." When Ren Xuesong first appeared on the security camera this morning, it was at a junction less than 200 meters from your company, where he got into the car of his men."

"Two days ago, you just had a conflict with Song Jingsheng, and Song Jingsheng was brutally killed at midnight today, and the other side also disguised it as a robbery and murder, and stole a lot of Song Jingsheng's jewelry."

"Can you tell me how all this happened?" Mr. Zhou asked.

"Well! Lin Zhiming gave a thoughtful look and said, "Do you know that there was once a man in the world who was struck by lightning three times? Is it a coincidence?"

"Coincidence." Zhou Jianye nodded.

"Someone won the lotto and bought 99 times as much, isn't it a coincidence?" Lin asked again.

"Coincidence, too!" Zhou Jianye said.

"Isn't it also a coincidence that someone was killed by the ice of urine that fell from the plane?" Lin asked.

'Yes! Zhou Jianye nodded.

"Can you tell me, then, how it happened? If you can tell me, I can tell you, too." Lin said as instructed.

Zhou Jianye looked at Lin Zhimin, after seven or eight seconds, Zhou Jianye suddenly smiled.

"You're absolutely right, and I have no way of explaining it, so I can only chalk it up to coincidence." Zhou Jianye said.

"Yes, sometimes there are such coincidences in this world, but Captain Zhou, I can swear to God, I have nothing to do with Song Jingsheng's death, if you don't believe me, I can help you with one thing." Lin said as instructed.

"Help me with what? Mr. Zhou asked.

"I can help you find out who did this, but only if you tell me something about this case!" Lin Zhi orders seriously said.

"Oh? Did you ever think you were a Sherlock Holmes?" Zhou Jianye asked in surprise.

"Holmes is not, but he has learned a little of it." Lin said with a smile.

"How do you want to find out?" Mr. Zhou asked.

"This is not enough for foreigners, if you agree, the murderer will be found for you within three days!" Lin said as instructed.

"Three days?" Zhou Jianye surprised to look at Lin Zhimin, the city's task force now have no clue, Lin Zhimin should be three days to solve the case, this is really some arrogant.

Why would he want to help solve a case? Is it to eliminate all traces of incriminating oneself through the process of solving the case, or is it really just to clear oneself of suspicion?

However, if he just wants to clear the suspicion, if he really is not the murderer, then he can wait, there is no need to talk about three days to arrest the criminal such things.

Zhou Jiangye originally felt that Lin Zhimin is not quite like the murderer, because Lin Zhimin's motive is not enough, before Song Jingsheng's birthday party, it is Lin Zhimin to make trouble, rather than Song Jingsheng's family with Lin Zhimin, how to see is Lin Zhimin bully the family Song, then naturally there is no reason for Lin Zhimin to revenge murder, but, Lin Zhimin said, He was even more suspicious of Lin Zhimin, because Lin Zhimin had no need to do this.

Zhou Jianye sat back in his seat, leaned back on the sofa and said, "You really want to check?"

"Really, in order to wash away my own wrongs, and at the same time, for Lao Song, to tell the truth, I still respect Lao Song very much, after all, it is a local gentry in Straits City, his death is a huge loss for the whole Straits City, and now many people in Straits City are in panic, so I want to personally catch the murderer and let Straits City return to calm!" Lin knew the order and said sincerely.

'Good! Zhou Jianye nodded, "I will give you three days, three days if you can really catch the murderer, I personally apologize to you, and I can propose to the above, send you to participate in this year's Strait City Ten outstanding People Award."

"Good," said Hermione. Lin Zhimin smiled and nodded.

"What if you don't find anything out in three days?" Mr. Zhou asked.

"No way." Lin Zhiming stood up with a smile and said, "I don't do things that are uncertain, well, Captain Zhou, now, can you see a person?"

'Who? Mr. Zhou asked.

"Song Desheng!"

Ten minutes later.

Song Desheng sat in Zhou Jianye's office.

Lin Zhiming is not here, he is in the next room, but Lin Zhiming is wearing an earpiece on his ear.

"Mr. Song, I'm very sorry about what happened to your family, but there are some things you need to answer." Zhou Jianye said.

"Go ahead, please." Song Desheng said.

"Excuse me, has your grandfather had any trouble with anyone lately? Or did the Song family have any bad relations with others?" Mr. Zhou asked.

"Lin knows his destiny." Song Desheng said.

"Lin knows his destiny? The boss of the Lin Group? I know that, but it is a small thing, not enough to be his motive." Lin said as instructed.

"Narin is a very vengeful person, once we refused him out of our circle, so he had a vengeful mind, and sneaked into my home to kill my grandfather, and some of my family members, this is entirely possible!" I suggest that we immediately take compulsory measures against Lin Zhi!" Song Desheng said through gritted teeth.

"Without sufficient evidence, we can not arbitrarily take coercive measures against a person with such influence, Mr. Song, I asked you to prepare a list of the jewels that were taken from your house, have you done it?" Mr. Zhou asked.

"Done! Song Desheng took out a document and said, "I wrote down the picture of the jewelry, the name, and the approximate value of the jewelry. This time, the value of the jewelry stolen from our Song family is at least more than 500 million yuan!"

Zhou Jianye took the document over, casually scanned his eyes and said, "Mr. Song, you go home and wait for news, we will contact you as soon as we have news."

"Yes! Officer Zhou, please remember that Lin Zhimin is a strong suspect, I suspect Lin Zhimin is involved in this case!" Song Desheng said.

"I'll pay more attention to Lin." Zhou Jianye nodded, then rose to send Song Desheng away.

Song Desheng just left, Lin Zhimin walked into Zhou Jianye's office.

Lin Zhimin unkindly picked up Song Desheng gave the list of stolen jewelry, the reason why he wanted to help check the robbery and murder case, for nothing more than to confirm that the eardrop in the end is not in the Song home, there is no one to rob away, otherwise his brain is bad to get himself involved in this case.

Zhou Jianye stood and watched without saying a word.

Lin Zhimin looked at the list of jewels stolen a few eyes and found that there was no Roselle ear drop on the list.

Lin Zhi's brow wrinkled slightly.