
The Rise of the Domineering Son-in-Law

A beautiful CEO marries the disdained second son of a noble family, enduring scorn and ridicule without leaving his side. She stands by him until, after years of lying low, he rises to prominence in a single day, stirring up storms and becoming the most powerful husband. Marrying you was the wisest decision I have ever made in my life.

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160 Chs

The Final Act

Chu Ying, 19 years old, is a very talented woman.

This Lin Zhimin knew after the first sight of the woman, but he did not expect that the woman would do so!

She just abandoned the taste of bitter vegetable soup, sat down not for a while, said Yao Jing's sofa style is old, dirty, and then said that the TV is not good, and then said that the whole house is not good, too small and so on, in short, the woman sat down after the mouth is not idle.

That Yao An in Lin Zhimei eyes is also a fool, his girlfriend so disgusted with their home, he can still patiently listen to, and also from time to time to make some explanations, do not let Chu Ying to his home completely worthless.

However, this scene also let Lin Zhiming think of four years ago.

Four years ago when Yao Jing just married him, it was almost the same scene, when playing the role of Chu Ying, is Zhou Yanqiu, Zhou Yanqiu kept scolding Lin Zhimin, and Yao Jing can only keep on the side to help make up, trying to hold the face of Lin Zhimin.

At that time, Yao Jing was more difficult than you can imagine.

How many humiliation fell on Lin Zhimin, how many humiliation fell on Yao Jing.

Yao Jing did not say a word from beginning to end, just watching TV there.

Lin Zhimin listen to is very happy, and he very hope that Chu Ying can marry Zhou Yanqiu home, so that Chu Ying torture Zhou Yanqiu every day, his heart to Zhou Yanqiu that little resentment, there is a place to vent.

Finally, when it was time to eat, Chu Ying began to do it again.

First the food was unappetising, then the dishes were unsanitary, and she only ate a few bites of a rich lunch.

Zhou Yanqiu was that a meal to make angry, but no way, who let Chu Ying home condition is good? She had to keep all her resentment to herself.

After a meal, Yao An estimated also know that the family is not happy, so pulled Chu Ying directly went out to play.

Zhou Yanqiu was originally proposed to let Chu Ying live in their home, but in the end did not say it, because she was afraid that the export was Chu Ying to find any reason to refuse, that face is too dull.

Lin happily took a piece of watermelon and sat in the living room watching TV.

From the situation of the encounter just now, Zhou Yanqiu completely fell behind, because he had a plan for Chu Ying, and could only allow Chu Ying to be a demon.

The enemy of the enemy is a friend, from this point of view, Lin Zhiming is quite satisfied with Chu Ying, and, the Chu Ying from beginning to end do not go to provoke Yao Jing, it seems to know Yao Jing is not easy to provoke, which makes Lin Zhiming more satisfied.

However, Lin Zhimin satisfied, Zhou Yanqiu is not satisfied.

When she saw Lin Zhiming sitting there eating watermelon, she didn't hit a place when she was angry.

"Lin Zhimei, you said how I look at you feel angry!" Zhou Yanqiu stood in front of Lin Zhixin, said angrily.

Lin Zhimin looked at Zhou Yanqiu in surprise and asked, "How did you get angry?"

"Why do you think you drove that stupid Elantra to pick someone up today?" Can't part with your Bentley, can you?" Zhou Yanqiu questioned.

Lin Zhimin frowned slightly, put down the watermelon, and did not contradict.

"Look at what people just said, he said that we live in such a small place, how can you listen to this, do you listen to this hit you in the face?" Aren't you a multi-billion dollar boss who can't get us a bigger house?" Zhou Yanqiu asked again.

"Well, go on." Lin Zhimin calm looked at Zhou Yanqiu.

Zhou Yanqiu has not noticed the change in Lin's attitude, she continued to say loudly, "You and Yao Jing married for four years, I did not enjoy what blessing, now you are out, weekdays are also indifferent to me, I even go to your company, did not see you personally come out to meet me, you will not forget, who is in you or a poor man when the daughter married you?" It's me!"

"HMMM! Lin nodded his head.

"If you ask me, you are a white-eyed Wolf, a selfish white-eyed Wolf, you make money, get rich, and then you forget those of us who have been good to you and helped you!" Zhou Yanqiu said.

"Mom, what are you talking about? " Yao Jing heard something, came out of the kitchen, frowning asked.

'Don't talk! Zhou Yanqiu snapped.

"What do you want, then?" Lin Zhiming suddenly showed a smile, asked.

"I am your mother-in-law! I need you to treat me with respect! Do you understand? I go to your company, you have to greet me, I have no money to spend, you have to give me, I want you to help me do something, you have to help me do well, others insult me, you have to help me out, this is a qualified son-in-law! Otherwise, why would I want a son-in-law like you? I'm not afraid to tell you that there are many outstanding men still pursuing quiet, as long as I want to, quiet can change husband immediately, you can have a little sense of crisis, don't let me let quiet go with someone else, you come and cry with me!" Zhou Yanqiu said.

"Mom, I'm really angry!" Yao Jing said excitedly.

"Yao Jing, don't talk." Lin knew the fate lightly said.

Yao Jing leng for a moment, when Lin knows life is very calm to say her full name, she knows that today this thing, may not be good.

All these days, Yao Jing has been trying to balance the relationship between Lin Zhimin and her mother, so she always lingers on both sides, afraid to provoke which side is unhappy.

She had thought that with her own efforts, she could finally get the two people to put aside their differences and shake hands.

Until Zhou Yanqiu said such words, Yao Jing knew that all the efforts she had made before had no meaning.

Lin Zhimei stood up from the sofa and walked to the front of Zhou Yanqiu.

Zhou Yanqiu took a step back, looked up at Lin and said, "Why, do you still want to hit me?" I'm your mother-in-law, I..."


A loud slap went off.

This slap in the face of Zhou Yanqiu, but it seems to hit the face of Yao Jing and Yao Jianyong.

Yao Jing staring eyes, Yao Jianyong is excited to shout out.

"Lin Zhi Ming, what are you doing!!"

"The slap, because you yelled at me." Lin Zhi looked at Zhou Yanqiu said.

Zhou Yanqiu covered his face being beaten, shaking hands pointing to Lin Zhimei.


Lin knows life backhand is a slap in the face.

Yao Jing excited to rush to stop Lin Zhimin, but suddenly stopped, because Lin Zhimin looked at her, while Lin Zhimin also opened his mouth to say, "You stand, wait for me to finish."

Wait till I'm done?

Yao Jing the whole person is covered.

What does that mean? Does Lin really want to keep fighting?

"This slap is for what you just said." Lin said as instructed.

"I..." Zhou Yanqiu open mouth want to speak, the result Lin know backhand is a slap in the face.

Zhou Yanqiu stumbled back a few steps and sat down on the ground.

Yao Jing finally couldn't hold back, rushed over, hugged Zhou Yanqiu sitting on the ground, and cried to Lin Zhimei, "Lin Zhimei, are you crazy?"

"This last slap was for Yao Jing's sake." Lin knew the fate lightly said.

For Yao Jing's sake?

Zhou Yanqiu with Yao Jianyong think Lin is afraid of life is not crazy, you hit Yao Jing's mother a slap in the face, even with Yao Jing said this is on your face, that if not on the face of Yao Jing, that Lin life is not to kill?

Only Yao Jing felt that Lin Zhimin may really see in her face, just hit her mother a slap in the face, after all, now Lin Zhimin than before, to overbearing too much.

"I have been married to Yao Jing for four years, outsiders insult me, I can understand, after all, I have been a soft egg, but I can't understand, why do you want to do this to me?" Even if I am useless and incompetent, I am Yao Jing's husband and your son-in-law, and every point you disparage me is also disparage Yao Jing, and every harsh word you have said to me will also fall on Yao Jing, but if you are a person with a little brain and a little conscience, you should not humiliate me as much as possible during the four years I have been married to Yao Jing. I don't care to be hurt by you, but every time you hurt Yao Jing's heart, you know that?" Lin Zhimei staring at Zhou Yanqiu, eyes with kill, as if to kill.

"Tell me, don't talk, shut up!" Yao Jing cried out.

Lin Zhimin had never seen Yao Jing so excited, and had never seen Yao Jing so crying, but he still had to say that since some things were done, it was done thoroughly.

"Do you know what is a woman's greatest happiness? Not to master the family finances, nor to let their husband tremble, a woman's greatest happiness, is to be able to have a beautiful marriage, you as a woman, but also as a mother, repeatedly want to let their daughter give up marriage, do you know what you are doing? You really put your daughter's reputation on the line like that? So you can hook up with a better in-laws, even if your daughter gets a bad rap? Is there anyone in the world who is such a mother to you?" Lin Zhi orders sternly questioned.

Zhou Yanqiu trembling in terror, a word can not say.

"Know your destiny, enough!" Yao Jianyong said with a black face.

"Dad, a man should respect women, more should respect his wife, but respect is not a bottomless concession!" A man should have his own principles, this principle has nothing to do with gender! Don't tolerate everything in the name of love, your arrogance will eventually become a fist that others fall on her!" Lin said coldly.

Yao Jianyong was speechless and could not speak.

"Yao Jing!" Lin Zhimei looked at the tearful Yao Jing and said, "I know you are very difficult, but since you live in this world, no matter what kind of dilemma, you must have a choice, there is a trade-off!" You, as the CEO of a company, should be decisive, but you are always wavering in dealing with me and your mother's problems, you are always trying to please both sides, trying to find the perfect solution, but the end result is that neither side is pleasing, your mother does not accept your love, and I also do not see you defend my determination! Whether as a wife or as a child, you are not enough!"

"I... It's my fault." Yao Jing sobbed.

"Yao Jing, many times I actually envy you, at least you can swing, you can choose, and I?" Who am I with? Dong Jian? Or Wang Hai? Or those Lin family members who share my last name? Without me, you have your mother, your brother, your father, you have your grandfather, your grandmother, and I... Besides you, there is really no one else around me, Yao Jing, you can do it yourself."

Lin Zhi said, self-deprecating smile, then turned and left.