
The Rise of the Domineering Son-in-Law

A beautiful CEO marries the disdained second son of a noble family, enduring scorn and ridicule without leaving his side. She stands by him until, after years of lying low, he rises to prominence in a single day, stirring up storms and becoming the most powerful husband. Marrying you was the wisest decision I have ever made in my life.

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160 Chs

Not We, but you

Lin Zhi's return did not bring much change.

Lin's group still did not give? Whatever the explanation, the public's patience with the Lin Group is wearing thin.

Xu Hua An is a middle-level employee of Lin's Group, he has been in the company for many years, because of limited ability, when many people who entered the company at the same time with him have been promoted to the management, he only barely came to the middle level.

However, it is also because of this, when Shen Hongyue arranged the collective resignation of the company's senior management, Xu Hua 'an was not counted, so that Xu Hua 'an could continue to stay in the company, becoming a nail of Shen Hongyue.

However, Xu Hua An is not good, because his position is not another nail Sun Wenbin important.

Sun Wenbin as Shen Hongyue another nail, has been promoted by Wang Hai to become an inspector, and in this Shen Hongyue action played a decisive role, now Sun Wenbin should have arrived in Rongjin City Shen home, and to the identity of the hero accepted the award.

To tell the truth, Xu Hua An envied Sun Wenbin very much, but very helpless, his ability is too limited, so the company has not valued him, did not arrange him in any important jobs.

"Hua 'an, the meeting is here!" A colleague walked over to Mr. Xu and whispered.

'Oh! Xu Hua 'an nodded and got up to walk to the meeting room.

In the conference room were several middle-level cadres of the company, and the meeting was held by their ministers.

The main content of the meeting is actually very simple, to reassure people.

The minister told these middle-level cadres that the company was looking for ways to solve the problem, so that everyone should not worry, and at the same time, the minister also hoped that these middle-level cadres would also give a meeting to the bottom staff after returning to let them know that the company has the ability to face the current problems, they just need to do a good job.

"Minister, did the top brass find a solution to the problem?" Mr. Xu asked.

The minister smiled mysteriously and said, "You just wait, I can only tell you that everything is in the boss's control."

'Oh? Xu Hua An this is a random ask, the result unexpectedly also got such an answer.

What does it mean that the boss is in control?

Xu Hua An frowned and wanted to ask more, but at this time the minister had waved them away.

Meanwhile, the other side.

Hongyi building materials.

Several employees nervously stood in front of Yao Jing.

At this time Yao Jing sat on the chair of Song Siqing, face cold.

In Yao Jing's side followed by a few people wearing suits, these people face is also very serious.

"Yao, the work of receiving and inspecting goods has always been done by Song, this time Song went out to travel and gave things to us, everyone of us is loyal and dutifully, but you have to understand that we are only transferred, no one asks us to inspect the goods in storage, from the first day of the company's establishment, we are just a look, so, The problem with this batch of cement really has nothing to do with us, he can only have a problem with the supplier. We just a few cats and dogs, also do not have the ability to replace such a large number of cement ah!" A middle-aged man said as he wiped his sweat.

"Don't be nervous. I'm just here to look." Yao Jing said.

Just checking it out? Then why did you bring so many people?!

Many people have secret secrets.

"Well, what you want to know, I have already understood, you are busy with your work, I go first!" Yao Jing stood up and said.

"Yes! Mr. Yao walks slowly." "Said the crowd.

Left Hongyi building materials, Yao Jing some melancholy.

She came to Hongyi building materials, it is just some kind of final struggle, she still hope that the mistake of this matter is out of Hongyi building materials here, because Song Siqing is just not in Hongyi building materials, the responsibility is not Song Siqing here, nor Tianjiao company there.

At present, Hongyi building materials people have said very clearly, they know that they are a shell company, so the work has always been left hand in the right hand out, Song Siqing in the time will also inspect goods, Song Siqing is not in, they even have the right to inspect goods, and Tianjiao company with Lin's Group have shipping and receiving inspectors, inspection of goods things have these people to do, It's out of the hands of Hongyi Building Materials.

So, in the end, the arrow points to Pride.

This is the last thing Yao Jing wants to see.

"To Tianjiao Company." Yao Jing said.


The car carrying Yao Jing arrived at the downstairs of Tianjiao Company after twenty minutes.

"You don't have to follow." Yao Jing said.

The companions looked at each other, nodded, and did not get out of the car.

Yao Jing a person off the car, and then into the company.

"Mr. Yao!" The front desk saw Yao Jing, surprised to call out, but then immediately realized that Yao Jing is already not the company's people, so immediately changed his path, "Jing sister."

'Who's upstairs? Ms. Yao asked.

"Yes, a regular meeting is being held, would you like me to announce it?" "Asked the receptionist.

"No need." Yao Jing shook her head and then took the elevator upstairs.

When the elevator came to the office floor, Yao Jing stepped out of the elevator and walked through the office area to the meeting room.

Many people saw Yao Jing, for Yao Jing's arrival, many people are very surprised, because Yao Jing has not been to the company for a long time.

"Mr. Yao!"

"Jing Sister!"

Someone said hello to Yao Jing one after another.

Yao Jing just nodded to people a little, and then went straight open the door of the meeting room and walked in.

In the conference room, Yao's family members are basically in, even Yao Tianlong, who said he had been in bed before, is also in.

"Yao Jing, why are you here? " Yao Tianlong frowns at Yao Jing asked.

'Quiet! Zhou Yanqiu also called out in surprise.

"I have come here mainly to ask for confirmation of one thing." Yao Jing said without expression.

"Yao Jing, you sit down first, we are in a meeting, we will talk after the meeting." Yao Tianlong said.

"There's no need to rush the meeting. I only have one question. I'll leave as soon as I get the answer." Yao Jing said.

Yao Tianlong frowned and said, "Yao Jing, this is Tianjiao Company, not your Lin group, you can give orders in the Lin Group, no one will care about you, but here, you are not qualified."

"Then I as the assistant to the president of Lin's Group, to your company to verify a thing, is this OK?" Yao Jing asked coldly.

"Jing, how did you talk to your grandfather? Is there anything we can't say until after our meeting?" Zhou Yanqiu snapped.

"Yao Jing, you really ox force God ah, when a few days Lin's group assistant president, really think he is what big man, to our Tianjiao company shouted, to who see it?" Yao Shanchuan said coldly.

"Yao Shanchuan, this matter concerns you." Yao Jing said.

"About me? It's none of your business." Yao Shanchuan said disdainfully.

"In the past week, you have spent more than four million yuan in nightclubs and various high-end consumption places in Straits City, and I want to ask you, where did you get this money?" As far as I know, Tianjiao Company did not have a large amount of expenses on its books these days." Yao Jing said.

Hearing this, Yao Shanchuan's face changed slightly, and then shouted, "Yao Jing, you actually monitor the company's accounts!" You should know that Tianjiao Company has nothing to do with you!"

"Don't change the subject, I will ask you, that more than four million, where did you come from?" Yao Jing staring at Yao Shanchuan asked.

"Where did I get my money? Do I have to tell you? I earned it in the stock market, I saved it, I bought the lottery, can't I? What are you, Yao Jing? Don't you dare talk to me like that!" Yao Shanchuan cried excitedly.

"Grandpa! Yao Jing looked at Yao Tianlong and said, "According to the news I got, our company has several warehouses before not shipping, it has been sold privately, this person is Yao Shanchuan!" He sold the goods that our company was ready to deliver to Lin's Group to others at a low price, and then loaded our cement bags with inferior cement to sell to Lin's Group, which directly led to the suspension of the school district housing project of Lin's Group this time, and the whole thing was the ghost that Yao Shanchhuan was behind!"

"Yao Jing..." Yao Tianlong silently looked at Yao Jing and said, "What is our company?" When you say our company, which one do you mean? The Lin Group?"

Yao Jing froze for a moment, then said, "Our company, is not Tianjiao company?"

"When did Tianjiao become our company? You are a married woman, and you do not hold any position in Tianjiao Company, you have no relationship with Tianjiao Company, so Tianjiao Company, not our company, but your company, I hope you can understand this." Yao Tianlong said.

Yao Jing stunned, she didnt expect Yao Tianlong would say such a statement.

Just half a month ago, Yao Tianlong also told her that Tianjiao Company will always save a place for her, and now, in Yao Tianlong's mouth, she has no relationship with Tianjiao Company.

It's been less than half a month. How did that happen?

"Since you say that you are the assistant to the president of the Lin Group to verify, then I may as well tell you that the more than four million Shan Chuan, is I gave, not what is stolen to sell cement, we sold to the Lin Group of goods is absolutely no problem, the only answer is that the Lin Group itself went outside to buy cheap cement, and then put on our company's logo, Using this means to replace pillars to achieve the purpose of reducing costs, this method is incomparably inferior, but also in discredit our company, we do not rule out the possibility of using legal weapons to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests!" Yao Tianlong said.

Yao Jing stayed on the spot, as if hit by a thunderbolt.