
The Rise of the Domineering Son-in-Law

A beautiful CEO marries the disdained second son of a noble family, enduring scorn and ridicule without leaving his side. She stands by him until, after years of lying low, he rises to prominence in a single day, stirring up storms and becoming the most powerful husband. Marrying you was the wisest decision I have ever made in my life.

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160 Chs

Meeting a Star

Yao Jing's decision, unexpected, but in reason, because everyone knows, Yao Jing once gave Yao home opportunity, but Yao home did not grasp, and now, you also want to let Yao Jing give Yao home opportunity, that is impossible, Yao Jing refused to become the master of Yao home, is to break all thoughts of Yao family.

Zhou Yanqiu wanted to persuade, but the thought of Lin Zhi Yao's attitude, she finally did not open the mouth.

This family meeting did not achieve any results, he was more like a farewell party, because many people know that after this meeting, the next meeting is almost impossible.

Yao Jing left Tianjiao company with Zhou Yanqiu Yao Jianyong.

When she reached the door, Yao Jing stopped and finally looked back at Tianjiao Company.

She's seen Pride rise, peak, and now its destruction.

This is just like the saying: "See him rise tall, feast friends, see his building collapse, people scattered..."

Yao Jing silently turned around and walked forward.

This farewell, even for a long time will not come back!

"Quiet, this Saturday to Rongjin City, know he will go together?" Zhou Yanqiu walking in Yao Jing's side asked.

"Yes. One of his classmates is getting married, so he should be there." Yao Jing said.

"That's good! We will know the fate of the most take the hand, when the time to go to the woman's home in Rongjin City, to know the identity, that will not be looked down upon." Zhou Yanqiu said.

Yao Jing heard this some want to laugh, a few months ago, Lin Zhimin or others laugh at their family handle, and now, Lin Zhimin has become the face of their parents rely on.

Things in this world are really interesting.

A few days passed in the blink of an eye.

Someone found that the two earthmoving vehicles at the gate of Jinzun suddenly disappeared in the early morning.

This scene makes many people very surprised, because Lin Zhimin said to let the golden bottle never go on, the result is now moving the car, does this mean that Lin Zhimin has compromised in the battle with Yin Lingjie?

However, in the afternoon of the same day, a notice at the gate of the Golden Zun Company surprised everyone.

The content of the announcement is generally that Jinzun is not operating well, and it is officially announced that it is closing down, and the site where Jinzun is located will be transferred.

Although the word count of this announcement is small, the meaning is clear.

In Straits City once ranked in the nightclub of the golden bottle, this time is really fell at the foot of Lin Zhi life, become the past.

Time like water, a few days passed in a blink of an eye.

This day, is Saturday, is also the beginning of a new month.

"Wan 'er, these days you will stay at your aunt Song's house, she will take you to and from school every day, we will be back in a few days!" Lin know life touch Lin Wan son's head told way.

"It's Sister Song." Song Siqing on the side of discontent said.

"Yes, I know, Uncle." Lin Waner nodded.

"Siqing, prepare more pens and paper for Wan 'er, she is very good to bring, in addition to eating and sleeping, is to draw." Yao Jing said.

"Know know, I found that you two are now more and more like Wan 'er's parents, to go for a few days, have to specially come to my home to tell it again, I a twenty-year-old girl, it is impossible to take care of a five-year-old child, you rest assured to go!" Song Siqing wave way.

Lin Zhimin and Yao Jing two people looked at each other, and then tacit understanding smiled.

There is still a big difference between having a child at home and not having a child, these days Lin Wan Son lives in their home, has become a part of their life, they do not have a husband and wife, but like a husband and wife to take care of their children, this feeling is very strange, but also very interesting.

After saying goodbye to Lin Wan son, Lin Zhi life drove to a company with Yao Jing, after explaining some things, two people changed to a commercial vehicle to Zhou Yanqiu and Yao Jianyong's residence, after receiving two people, four people went to the Strait City high-speed rail station.

Originally according to the meaning of Zhou Yanqiu, the family to find a luxury car directly to Rongjin City, convenient and long face, but because the Straits city to Rongjin City in the reconstruction of the high-speed relationship, in order to avoid taking other road traffic jams, finally Lin Zhimin slapboard to Rongjin City by high-speed rail.

"This is the business seat? " Zhou Yanqiu stepped into the business-class car, her eyes glowing around her.

"Thanks to the blessing of knowing destiny." Yao Jianyong smiled.

"The business seats are big and there are fewer people. Sure enough, this is suitable for me, you say that you, for most of your life, have never let me sit in a business seat, nor have you ever sat in first class on a plane, you say that you worthy of me?" Zhou Yanqiu said to Yao Jianyong.

"I thought I had no money." Yao Jianyong scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Mom and Dad, sit down. The train is leaving soon." Yao Jing said.

Zhou Yanqiu and Yao Jianyong two people this just stopped the dialogue sit well.

Zhou Yanqiu picked up her phone and started taking selfies, while Yao Jianyong watched the news.

Lin Zhi sat by the window position, looking out of the window a little trance, Yao Jing sat beside him, picked up the laptop began to work.

And so began the family's first group outing.

The speed of the high-speed rail is very fast, from Straits City to Rongjin City is only fifty minutes, and the middle stops in three cities, one of which is Tianlu City.

Twenty minutes later, the high-speed train stopped at Tianlu City railway station.

Lin Zhiming found a group of people standing outside the window, that group of people holding mobile phones, do not know what to shoot, seems particularly excited.

The doors of the train opened with a screech, and the crowd surged in.

Lin heard the cries of those people clearly.

"Lu Ming, I love you!!

"Husband Lu Ming, look here!! He looked at me, whoo-hoo!"

"Whoo! Lu Ming, you are so handsome!!"

Hearing these cries, Lin Zhi Mei probably understood what those people were doing.

Yao Jing was in the office, was the noise, looked back and found that it was a large group of people, she frowned.

The group of people about a dozen or so, in front of them is a very fashionable dress up man, this man wearing a mask, can not see the look, the head comb a traitors head, is said to be the most popular hairstyle at present.

The man entered the business car and walked toward Lin Zhi Ming.

On either side of him were two people, a man and a woman. The man was strong and looked like a bodyguard. The woman was carrying several suitcases.

"Stop following me, get out of the way, stop taking pictures!" While pulling the suitcase, the woman also used her hands to face the screaming people around her to keep them away from the mask man walking in front.

Just then...

The suitcase in the woman's hands suddenly hit the laptop on Yao Jing's leg, and the laptop fell directly to the ground.

The woman did not seem to notice, and continued to protect the mask man.

Yao Jing did not say anything, bent down to pick up his laptop from the ground.

At this time, the flight attendants and the police and so on rushed over, and those who looked like crazy were expelled from the business car.

The mask man sat in the front row of Lin Zhiming, the other woman was sitting next to the mask man, and the man who looked like a bodyguard, he was sitting behind Zhou Yanqiu.

Some peace and quiet was restored in the business car.

Lin Zhi Zhi reached out his hand and patted the woman sitting right in front of him.

"No photos allowed, no group photos." The woman turned her head impatiently and said.

"You just touched my wife's computer." Lin said as instructed.

The woman froze for a moment, and then turned to look at the Yao Jing Lin Zhiming edge.

At this sight, the woman could not help but whimper.

Yao Jing's beauty, even if she is such a woman, at first glance will be shocked.

"Oooooo. I didn't mean to, I'm sorry." The woman calmed down after a mood casually said.

"Sincerely apologize." Lin Zhi stressed once again.

"Do you mean you are sincere? You're not a paparazzi, are you? Have you deliberately come to find black material?" The woman angrily looked at Lin said.

"Know your destiny, it's okay." Yao Jing reached out and patted Lin Zhimei's legs.

"Seriously, I apologize." Lin Zhi said, frowning.

"Ah CAI!" 'cried the woman in a deep voice.

The strong man sitting in front of Zhou Yanqiu stood up at the end of the day.

At that moment, the mask man sitting in front of Yao Jing stood up, took off the mask on his face, turned to Yao Jing and said, "I'm sorry, madam, my assistant accidentally touched your computer, here I apologize to you."

Yao Jing took a look at each other and found that the other side was very handsome, but also wore makeup, a layer of powder on the face, and lipstick on the lips.

This looks very much like the current little fresh meat, but Yao Jing is a little face blind to little fresh meat, so she does not know whether the person in front of her is a little fresh meat star.

And, to tell the truth, Yao Jing felt that his husband Lin Zhimin was better than this person, a little handsome.

"It's all right." Yao Jing shook her head and said lightly.

This performance of her is to let the mask male some surprise, he actually noticed Yao Jing when he came up, Yao Jing beauty in the heart is also a sigh, now his assistant with Lin Zhimin conflict, he specially took off the mask to apologize, for the other party in know his identity after the heart also sigh, did not expect Yao Jing but no reaction.

Doesn't she know that standing in front of her is now the most popular idol artist Lu Ming?

Mask male Lu Ming frowned, in his eyes, no one does not know him, so Yao Jing so cold can only explain one point, she is in disguise, deliberately pretending to be indifferent.

The more disguised, the more it represents the inner waves.

Thinking of this, Lu Ming smiled and said, "To show my apology, I sincerely invite you to attend my personal concert tomorrow."

Yao Jing slightly frown, just want to say that he has no time, at this time, one side of Zhou Yanqiu ran over.

"Are you Lu Ming? Woo hoo, my God, it's really Lu Ming! You're so pretty!" Zhou Yanqiu said with surprise.

Hearing the familiar cry, Lu Ming smiled more.

That's the proper reaction!