
The Rise of the Domineering Son-in-Law

A beautiful CEO marries the disdained second son of a noble family, enduring scorn and ridicule without leaving his side. She stands by him until, after years of lying low, he rises to prominence in a single day, stirring up storms and becoming the most powerful husband. Marrying you was the wisest decision I have ever made in my life.

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160 Chs

Life and Death

Two men sent out are dead, and they were shot by long-range snipers. What does that prove? This proves that Sun Wenbin's side has long been ambushed, that is to say, someone expected that she would let people to kill Sun Wenbin.

Who is this man?

Must be Lin Zhi Zhi!

Why did Lin Zhimin expect that she would kill Sun Wenbin? That is not simple, as long as she suspects Sun Wenbin, then she will naturally let someone kill Sun Wenbin!

All of this, before this Shen Hongyue did not think, because she was misled, single-minded is to guess Xu Hua 'an back to the meaning of the sentence, the sentence did not indicate what, but this is enough to make her suspicious.

If Xu Hua 'an got an accurate intelligence, such as accurately determine Sun Wenbin betrayed her, then she may also feel that this will not be Lin Zhi set a trap, the result Xu Hua 'an happened to get an ambiguous intelligence, Shen Hongyue in order not to let go of any one person, directly choose to let people kill Sun Wenbin, which is exactly the heart of Lin Zhi.

Save Sun Wenbin can only be Lin Zhi Zhi, and, Sun Wenbin even if loyal, know she arranged to kill him, that will inevitably turn to Lin Zhi Zhi!

Shen Hongyue know, this first-hand operation, directly ruined the whole plan this time, as long as Sun Wenbin took to Lin Zhimei, when the time comes, Lin Zhimei Sun Wenbin sent to the relevant departments, Sun Wenbin put the whole process of the plan a disclosure, that the final result can only have one!

What do we do?

Shen Hongyue heart a panic.

At the same time, several cars carrying Sun Wenbin were driving on the road to Straits City.

There are three cars, all three cars are exactly the same, and the number of people in each car is the same.

In order to be able to safely return Sun Wenbin to the Strait City, Dong Jian used security methods similar to the president's motorcade, even if someone raided, he could not judge the car sitting Sun Wenbin in the end.

After the three cars got on the highway, they took three different highways leading to the Strait City, which greatly reduced the risk of Sun Wenbin being hijacked.

Under the night, one of the Jeep license plates ending in 808, is walking quickly on the highway.

The car was carrying five people, two in the front and three in the back.

In the middle of the back three, there's a guy wearing a hood.

The three cars have a walkie-talkie in the center control position, and the walkie-talkie is on at this time, enough to ensure that the three cars communicate with each other for the first time.

Suddenly, there was the sound of brakes on one of the radios.

'Attacked! A cry came over the intercom.

The next moment, the sound disappeared, and at the same time, there was an explosion, and someone's voice came over the intercom again, only this time it was screaming.

For a total of no more than five seconds, all the sound from the walkie-talkie disappeared.

This car, number 808, was driven by the Wolf.

There was a flicker of murder in the Wolf's eyes, and then, as if anticipating something, he jerked the steering wheel.

The whole car suddenly twisted, and at the same time, a huge manhole cover fell from the sky.


With a loud bang, the manhole cover hit the Wolf's original driving lane, if the Wolf did not reverse the direction just now, his head will directly hit the manhole cover that fell from the sky.

Suddenly hit the direction, so that the car of the greedy Wolf instantaneously out of control, in the high-speed lane left and right snaking position forward at least tens of meters, and finally with the strong strength of the greedy Wolf will be the car firmly stable.

Just then, a figure suddenly fell from the sky and smashed heavily on the hood of the car.

Powerful force, directly let the car tire burst, the whole front suddenly sank to the ground.

The rear wheel of the car, due to inertia, soared ten centimeters into the air and then fell back to the ground.

A stout figure appeared on the hood of the car.

The moonlight shines from behind this man, it is not clear what this man looks like, but from the outline, it can be determined that this is a man with muscles all over him, he is bare upper body, and the muscles all over him are like gas, he is not masked, it seems that he is not afraid of people to see him.

The strong man raised his hand, clenched his fist, and then hit the greedy Wolf in the driver's seat.


The car Windows were smashed first, and then the strong man's fists were unleashed.

The Wolf's face changed, his five fingers opened, and his sharp nails pierced the strong man's arm.

Fingernails that could easily cut through human flesh all broke when they touched a strong man's arm!

The flesh on this strong man's arm is as hard as steel!


The strong man's fist banged on the Wolf's chest, the Wolf spat out a mouthful of blood, and then opened the window and rushed down.

At the same time, the person in the passenger seat took out a gun and pointed it at the strong man in front of the window and pulled the trigger.

Bang, bang, bang!

There was a flash of fire and a bullet shot through the window at the strong man in front of it.

The strong man jumped at an extraordinary speed, vaulting through the air from the front of the car and landing next to it.

Pa pa pa!

The door opened, and several people with the car got off and took out the weapons in their arms to shoot the strong man.

However, the speed of this strong man was so terrible that no one could aim at it faster than the speed of this man's movement.

Within a few seconds, the bullets were gone, but not a single shot was hit.

'It's my turn! The strong man grinned, flashed his body, and instantly appeared in front of the gunmen, and then punched, taking the life of one of the gunmen, and then the strong man rushed the other two gunmen.

One punch each, no extra movement, and the two shooters were also killed.

The strong man threw off his hands and walked to the back of the already smoking car.

"And people? " The strong man surprised to look at the back row, according to the other two waves of people from the news, the other two cars did not find the traces of Sun Wenbin, that Sun Wenbin iron in the car, but now did not see people, which is a little strange.

"The man has been taken to the southwest, about three hundred meters away from you." A cold voice came from the strong man's headphones.

"Why, Black hawk, you didn't tell me earlier when people left!" The strong man swore and then rushed southwest.

At a distance of three or four hundred meters to the southwest of the strong man, the greedy Wolf was carrying the man wearing a hood and moving fast. The corners of the greedy Wolf's mouth were covered with blood, and an obvious depression could be seen in his chest.

That punch from the strong man just now, he's already broken his ribs.

"He is a strong man of the rank of Wuqing." "Said the Wolf, holding the phone.

"Wu Qing?" Dong Jian's voice came from that end of the phone, "A few pieces of Wuqing?"

"I don't know, look at least three more, I'm on my way to the ready reception point, no, he's coming!" Yaaawn... !!"

The Wolf's screams suddenly came from the end of the phone, and then the phone came from the sound of clicking, as if the phone had fallen to the ground.

Dong Jian face apathetic holding mobile phone, and did not shout.

A few seconds later, there was some noise coming from the phone, which should have been someone picking up the phone.

"Hello, is anyone listening?" A rough voice came from the other end of the line.

"Yes, I am." Dong Jian said.

"Ha ha, very good, since you are in, then you listen well, we Shen family to kill people, who can not protect, tell Lin Zhi, good play, just began!"

After that, the phone was cut off.

Dong Jian threw his phone on the table, put his hands under his head and looked ahead.

In front of him is a blackboard, the top of the blackboard is written "Imperial capital, Lin family" four words, below these four words are a line, each line below there are several words.

A few seconds later, Dong Jian's mobile phone rang.

Dong Jian picked up the mobile phone, the phone came from the end of a low voice.

"Target confirmed, Shengxi City."

"I see." Dong Jian put down the phone, went to the front of the blackboard, picked up the pen, the two words on the blackboard Shengxi circle up, after Dong Jian picked up his mobile phone, made a call out.

"My Lord, Shengxi City." Dong Jian said.

"HMM." Lin Zhimei's voice came from the other end of the phone, "How is the greedy Wolf?"

"Probably dead." Dong Jian said.

"Oh..." Lin knew his life was light, did not say anything more, and hung up the phone.

Dong Jian put down the phone, mentality did not change.

Over the years, there have been too many people who have followed Lin, some of them are rich and prosperous, and some of them can't wait for that day and leave this world early.

He and Lin Zhimin have been used to parting, Lin Zhimin once said, only the body, can pave the road to the highest, these bodies, there are enemies, there are friends, he embarked on this road, it is destined not to stay because of anyone.

The death of a greedy Wolf is so, and the death of a Dong Jian will be so.

Only Dong Jian knew, Lin Zhiming that gentle smile hidden behind, is how cold and heartless.

"If you want to follow the tyrant and build your career, you can't do it without losing your life." Dong Jian shook his head and called his men to arrange the aftermath.

Rongjin City, Shen family.

Shen Hongyue is discussing with Lin Zhixing how to deal with Lin Zhiming next counterattack.

To tell the truth, they have no hope for the collapse of Lin's group, because Sun Wenbin will certainly take shelter in Lin Zhimin, what they can do now is to try to reduce the loss to a minimum.

Just then, Shen Hongyue's mobile phone suddenly rang.

Shen Hongyue took a look at the phone, got up and went to his room.

A minute later, Shen Hongyue walked out of her room, her face full of joy.

"Well, we can leave this matter alone." Shen Hongyue said with a smile.

No discussion?

Lin Zhixing and other people face the color of doubt.

Shen Hongyue smiled, took out her phone, clicked on one of the picture messages, and showed it to everyone.

On the picture, a stout arm with one hand twisting a head, that head, it is Sun Wenbin's!