
The Great Examiner

Minos, Maximillian, and the other four Sovereigns of the group were soon standing in front of the rest of their people when they saw four aliens stop a few meters in front of them.

"Fellow special explorers, where did you come from?" Asked the weakest of the Sovereigns, a level 102 individual with green hair, four legs, and three arms that resembled octopus arms.

The people in Minos' group looked nervously at this being while he and Maximillian were one step ahead of the four newly promoted Sovereigns in the group.

Then, the being continued. "You seem to be quite different from the space explorers we usually meet here. What galaxy are you from?"

Minos looked at the individual and said, trying to be friendly, because a problem with these beings would cost them a lot. "We come from a planet we call the Spiritual World. I don't know which galaxy we belong to. We came to Zocarro by accident."