

Three days later...

While Minos' group was moving through the magnificent forest of the Divine Continent, the group of the patriarch Longus was prepared for their arrival in the vicinity of his headquarters.

They didn't know what Minos was doing at this moment, but they knew he must be on the Divine Continent looking for them by now.

He should be looking for support on this continent to attack this headquarters and silence them before they spread the word about the Spatial Kingdom.

Patriarch Longus and his strongest elders were not fools. Over the years, they had investigated Minos enough and knew how vindictive he was.

Minos was a person incapable of forgiveness, one willing to exterminate the family of an already surrendered enemy.

So they were sure he was preparing as best he could to crush them.

However, they didn't think that Minos would succeed this time!