
Mysterious Gift

Immediately after he thought of that, the pyramid below him suddenly seemed to melt, and a dark hole appeared below Minos.

A second later, he appeared in a place that was still being built but seemed to be the top of a tower, from where he felt he could see the whole world.

But this world seemed different from the one he knew, with at least 99 times stronger gravity, strange phenomena in the skies, and beings of species he had never seen or heard of.

The surroundings finished building up, and he saw a man not much bigger than him, facing away from him, appear as if he were a shadow coming out of the darkness.

"Indeed, what you call the Spiritual World had once been my home, a small fraction of Panvuter. Unfortunately, what once was is lost forever." That person said in a melancholy tone. "I am sorry, child. The 101 races have destroyed this great world."

'101 races?'