
For the 3rd time

"If it's just that, I don't see a problem," Aarav commented as he looked at the rest of the group. "But Minos, if you really want to do this, be careful and don't speak unless asked. As much as high-level experts don't look at juniors like you with the intention of acting without reason, you're way off the mark.

The slightest slip on your part could cause someone powerful to look at you differently and treat you as someone to be eliminated."

"Hmmm," Charlotte commented. "You're probably safe if you're with us or elder Julian. But you could get into trouble if you're not with us. So you should be careful in this encounter."

A level 94 Demigod said. "If you want to go on this encounter, you'd better go with as few companions as possible. And definitely don't go with your wives."