
Decisive Moment

Mid-afternoon the next day...

In the royal palace in the kingdom's capital, a frail-looking, hunchbacked man, using a cane to move, had his eyes turned towards the ground, walking slowly down a long corridor.

Surrounding this man were five guards, three of them undead in a defensive position, while the other two were people still alive, also there to take part in the routine of the old man with the very well-made clothes and great rarity.

As he made his routine way, however, the royal necromancer stopped and suddenly did the unexpected. He turned his face to the side and opened his eyes, revealing a darkness on his face that stole some of the ambient luminosity from there for the moment, evoking darkness in his domain of influence.

"First General..." Murmured one of the two living individuals as he felt his body become extremely rigid with the powers of this defiant figure.