
The Rise of the Black Plain

Minos Stuart is a regular young nobleman with average abilities and limited prospects for his future. However, just as he was about to embark on his cultivation journey, he suffered a severe injury that left him on the brink of death! Nevertheless, a stroke of luck befalls Minos as a fragment of the soul from an ancient specialist recognizes him, giving him a chance of one in a billion. This opportunity will open up a new and exciting path for Minos, filled with risks and thrilling experiences, as he gathers the strength to keep a promise and pursue his own ambitions! *** Notice: This is a fantasy story and, as such, is not related to any fact of reality. Disclaimer: I don't own the cover; if its original creator wants me to take down or put credit, leave a message in any chapter, and I'll do it as soon as possible. https://discord.gg/4437dvvk9x

RVN_1998 · Fantaisie
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2743 Chs


During these six years that Minos had been unconscious, Dillian, the Butler of late General Stuart's mansion, had applied various kinds of medicines to his young master's body in an attempt to wake him up.

However, there had not been much of success.

Even Minos' absent mother, who visited him quite irregularly, had tried to help him as best she could. Unfortunately, it seemed that something else was preventing him from waking up.

During this period, a few changes occurred in the city, after the attack on General Albert Stuart.

For example, the Red Valley region, one of the best areas in the Brown Kingdom, which should have been passed on to the general's family, was allocated to one of the kingdom's most prominent noble families, the Silva family, a power that was a tremendous military force, second only when compared to the royal family.

The Silva's pressured the king to change the mandate which stated for the land to be passed on to the Stuart family since there was no such need as Albert Stuart was already dead. His only son had never made any contributions and was still struggling to survive.

In this way, the Silva's obtained the property of the Red Valley after months of talks.

On the other hand, Minos was 'BLESSED' with the impoverished lands of the Black Plain, which despite its vast size, had the lowest spiritual density, the smallest population, and, as a result, the worst economy in the entire kingdom.

And having a sovereign who had been unconscious for years, despite not making the situation worse, the ones who lived on the Black Plain could still feel a particular antipathy for Minos. After all, they could not show discontent with the king's orders, leaving only the weakest link…

Now, Minos Stuart was 15 years old and had already lost five years of cultivation, since most people started cultivation at the age of ten, and was considered the best time to start cultivating.

At the age of 15, the most talented ones in this kingdom had already reached between levels 20 and 29, which was the Spiritual Beginner stage, the third stage of cultivation.

In contrast, Minos was only in the first stage, Body Foundation, while level 0 was the level of an ordinary person who has never cultivated in his life!

However, this slight delay was not so bad. After all, he had received a large amount of knowledge from an expert who had reached level 100 and also created this place itself! 

His talent, which was initially classified as Black, surpassed the Golden classification after receiving all the understanding of a God.

And with that, he would only need to face one bottleneck in his cultivation, which would be when reaching level 100, and having more than a 50% chance of achieving this level.

This number in itself didn't seem much, but it could be comprehended after trying to know just how many in the world were able to reach the level.

So, the only problem now was for Minos to wake up and gather the right amount of energy. But of course, there was a limit to how much he could cultivate at each level, considering the limits of his soul and body.

He could not just keep on absorbing the Divine-grade medicines of the Spatial Kingdom and become a God; his body would explode immediately if he tried something like that.

Even so, with his current understanding, it would only be a matter of time.


Thereby, time passed, and eventually, the now-unconscious adolescent's body started to show signs of awakening. 

Lying on the bed, his eyelids fluttered as he opened his eyes and began to observe his surroundings.

This was his room, and it looked the same as he had left it on that fateful day.

By the wall, there was a bookcase filled with books ranging from medicines, pills, geopolitics, and much other essential information which he learned while he was at the Spiritual Academy.

Apart from that, it included a large closet, a study area, and his bed. Although noble, Minos was a simple boy, and thus his room was devoid of superfluous items.

At that moment, Minos began to think about everything that had happened, from his father's death to the inheritance of the God, Henricus Longus, and when he thought of all that had happened, his eyes began to fill with tears.

"My father sacrificed himself after being ambushed... Unfortunately, I can't do anything now. I must focus on cultivation and start planning on how to increase the average level of this planet… My revenge will naturally be taken when I reach the necessary level."

Minos seemed very calm and determined. In fact, even though he was unconscious for six years and still had to have the mentality of a 9-year-old child, this was not really the case.

After inheriting a significant amount of information from the life-long of a God that reached just over 50 thousand years, Minos now had a personality quite mature for his present age.

"From the knowledge that I have inherited, there seem to be 11 stages in cultivation, each subdivided into ten parts of their own. Body Foundation, Transition, Spiritual Beginner, Spiritual Warrior, Spiritual General, Spiritual King, Spiritual Emperor, Spiritual Saint, Spiritual Sage, Spiritual Demigod, and God."

"And for vitality, it doubles at every stage from Spiritual Beginner, reaching just somewhere over 50,000 years for a God. But that doesn't seem the same for the energy, as the amount of energy in each stage increases in a factorial order."

"Like, if someone is at level 69 and has seven times more energy than someone at level 59, a God, at level 100, has eleven times the energy than that of a Demigod who is at level 99!!"

"In addition to that, someone can also fly by attaining the rank of a Spiritual Emperor. With the rank of a Spiritual Saint, one can also be able to live temporarily in the form of a soul and later on rebuild their own body anew or possess someone. And at the level of Spiritual Sage stage, a person can even travel through space and finally build spatial kingdoms at level 100."

'And those old men from the Spiritual Academy were full of themselves just because there were Spiritual Kings in the kingdom. They really are ignorant…' The right corner of his lips curved into a smirk as he thought for a moment.

'As for my Physique, haha, I was really fortunate. Although it has regressed from the previous King-grade to Common, it will now be much easier to attain the Divine-grade due to its mutagenic factor. And it looks like it also specializes in energy storage…'

Minos thought of all that Henricus Longus had said to him before getting all the information.

'Hmm and if I'm not mistaken, I must be able to store up to 5% more energy in each of my cultivation levels, and it will continue to increase as I reach higher... So, by the time my Physique reaches the Divine-grade, I will have up to 80% more energy than someone who would normally have at the same grade of physique.'

"This is just great! Although it will take longer to move forward, I will be much stronger than those at the same level as me!"


At that moment, the door to Minos' room was opened and a middle-aged man with a mustache entered the room. This was Dillian, the butler of the late General Stuart. This year, he was 150 years old and at level 45.

As soon as he noticed that Minos was sitting on the bed, Dillian immediately ran towards him, as if a miracle had happened. "Young master, did you wake up just now? How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, Grandpa Dillian. And I woke up nearly a moment ago. I feel just as good as I would after a long night's sleep." Minos answered sincerely. After all, Dillian had accompanied his father for many decades, even before he was born.

Dillian was the second person he could count on during his life back when his father was still alive.

"Good! Young master, after so long, I was afraid that you might never wake up," said the butler with a stern face.

"Hmm, how long has it been since the attack on my father?" Minos asked.

"It has been six years, young master. After the master passed away, you were brought here, and during those years, I was doing everything I possibly could to help you wake up. Mrs. Maisie also tried very hard to find help."

"Did my mother do this? As if she cared. I saw her five times in my nine years, and it was a lot. I thought she would enjoy the relief of not having to come and see me during this period," Minos said with a mocking face as he spoke of his absent mother.

The middle-aged butler countered, "Don't say that, young master. Mrs. Maisie has many responsibilities on her shoulders. The power behind her has high expectations for her."

"This is just her excuse. Forget that, tell me what happened in the last six years," Minos shook his head.

Then the butler and the young man started talking for several hours about the events that had occurred while he remained unconscious.

"So, this is how it is… For now, we can only accept this situation since we have no way to retaliate. But it isn't all bad. The Black Plain can perhaps be improved," Minos said, as he immediately thought of visiting the Spatial Kingdom and finding out precisely what he could do. After all, it's one thing to hear something from someone and another thing to see right in front of you.

He thought seriously, 'I have to enter the Spatial Kingdom and get to know the situation there before I can start dealing with the Black Plain and I must also start cultivating after getting some resources. I want to see the exact effects of a talent that surpasses Golden.'

As for entering the Spatial Kingdom, Minos had a strange ring on his index finger in his right hand. This ring was left with Minos by the soul fragment during receiving the inheritance.

The ring was invisible to anyone other than Minos, and it was also the only means of entering and leaving the Spatial Kingdom, regardless of where he was, almost like a teleportation artifact.


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