
The Rise of Slytherin Prince

After the second Wizarding war, the Pureblood families fell from grace. From being instigators they become targeted. Draco Malfoy is also one of them, still living the hell one can call life. But his bad luck has not yet finished as he got brain tumor and died. Maybe it's for the best as no one cares or so he thought. But seems like his story has yet not finished. Given a new chance with some powers and foreshadow of a bigger threat then Voldemort, can Draco become a hero he always wanted or will he again succumb to his inner demons? Find out...

Animelover1416 · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

For Hogwarts

"Draco you need to run. I know it is difficult and very selfish of me to ask you despite all this, just be happy. This is all we can do for you last time. You don't need to carry the sins for which you have been forced for the rest of your life" A pale and blond haired woman said with an urgent and emotional tone to a blond teenager whose face resembles her. Behind her is kneeling the love of her life who looks hollow and completely devastated. Although they are haggard, it cannot hide their regal appearance and noble disposition. No one have think that one of the most powerful Pureblood families, the Malfoy family would fall in such dire circumstances. The scene would be a perfect family drama if not for the continuous flying hexes and curses in the background. This is the last battlefield between the Deatheaters and Order members in Hogwarts.

As you have guessed like every fairytale, light side is winning. Voldemort is already a lost cause and Deatheaters are outnumbered. The Malfoys know that they are doomed but they still want atleast their young boy to survive who was dragged into this war by their life choices.

"Mother how can I leave you? There is no place for me in the Wizarding society anymore. I am already a wanted criminal, a bloody deatheater. It's better that if we are falling, we will fall toge..."

He suddenly felt a sharp pain at his cheek and is shocked to realize that his mother had slapped him. HIS MOTHER HAD SLAPPED HIM? His mother has never slapped him.

"Do you even realize what you are saying Draco. Your father and I have made mistakes all our life but you, my little dragon is my light and has always gave me motivation to keep moving forward despite all that. You need to live on, for us, for yourself. Go to the muggle world and hide your identity, forget that you are a wizard. It is better to live like a muggle then a dead wizard" His mother said with teary eyes and he could not help but clench his fists at his powerlessness. He is unable to accept that his mother who is the most innocent of them all, who is used as a bait against them is in such a ridiculous situation because of them. He is shaking his head in denial.

"Draco listen to your mother. She is right, you need to live on. Not for the Malfoy family, not for me but for yourself. My boy, I know I am always a useless father to you, always placing such high expectations on you that it suffocated you. But I will not be able to even pass peacefully if your life is spent in Azakaban because of me. Please Draco, listen to this last request from me, run away. Save yourself" He is shocked to hear such words coming from his father. But he guess war has worn him out. Nothing is same. They all have irreparable scars, be it on their body or mind. The bitterness and resentment he felt for his father for his past actions faded out. He realised that in life and death matters, such things are so insignificant. He previously thought that in any given opportunity he would leave his father for good. But now he really cannot bring himself to run away. He never really hated his father. If anything, he dearly love him. He suddenly felt numb from all this.

Seeing his son's distressed expression, Narcissa wiped his tears before giving him a weak smile.

"Don't cry my dragon. You don't need to worry about us. We will be fine. You just take care of yourself. Your father and I will always live inside you"


Suddenly a curse flew past them to their father who suddenly started shouting and writhing in agony. Draco took out his wand to repel the curse but suddenly saw that the space around him is distorting. He saw his mother's smile and heard her last words.

"I love you my Dragon"

Draco suddenly sit upright in his bed. His back is drenched in sweat and he is hyperventilating. Taking deep breaths, he calm himself down. He still can't forget that day. Maybe he never will but he can still try to replace them with a better memories, happy ones. Today he has to go for his hogwarts supplies. So nostalgic yet such a foreign day. It is still early in the morning and after such a nightmare, he cannot sleep. So he begin his daily routine of morning exercises. There is no point in dwelling in the past.

After taking a shower and eating breakfast with his parents, he was brushing his hair when he is notified that all his friends have come. When he came in the hall, he saw that all his friends are waiting for him while their parents are chatting with his parents. While all the males are surrounding his father, the ladies are flocking around his mother. It is like in their blood to be natural leaders as his group also view him as a leader and giving his opinions a priority. All are discussing about their future in Hogwarts. Theo and Blaise are discussing the different pranks they will play on Gryffindors. They are all confident that they will be Slytherins like it's a matter of fact. Pansy is talking to him about the different prospects they will have in Slytherins after all it is a house of connections. Crabbe and Goyle are talking about the different delicacies and sweets they will eat there, typical gluttons. After a while, Narcissa walked over.

"I will be taking you to all to Diagon Alley to buy your supplies, Let's go."

All of them nodded and followed Narcissa to the fireplace, where they used floo powder to teleport at the Leaky Cauldron.

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