
The Rise of Rozane

"The Rise of Rozane" tells the captivating story of Rozane, a young orphan with mysterious powers who becomes a formidable villain seeking world domination. Fueled by betrayal and bitterness, he manipulates influential figures and clashes with Superman in an epic battle. As the truth of his tragic past is unveiled, unexpected allies emerge, and Rozane's journey takes an unexpected turn.

XRozane · Anime et bandes dessinées
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48 Chs

The Last Stand (ch 43)

As Goku and Vegeta stood ready to perform the fusion dance, a fierce determination in their eyes, Synor's keen perception sensed their plan. With a burst of speed, he launched himself toward them, determined to halt their fusion.

But Rozane was quick to react. He channeled the power of the Space and Time Stones, creating a temporary stasis around Synor, freezing him in place for a crucial moment.

"Go, now!" Rozane shouted, his voice echoing through the battlefield.

As Goku and Vegeta successfully fused into the mighty Gogeta, their power surged to astonishing levels. With newfound strength, Gogeta unleashed a mighty Big Bang Kamehameha, engulfing Synor in a brilliant explosion of energy.

Synor roared in pain as the attack rocked his form, causing him to stagger momentarily. For the first time, it seemed that their combined might had wounded the god of annihilation.

However, despite the damage, Synor's resolve remained unshaken. He smirked menacingly, his eyes glowing with intensity. "Impressive, but don't think that's enough to defeat me," he sneered, as the aura of his boundless power began to reassert itself.

Gogeta, unfazed, continued his assault. He pressed forward with a relentless barrage of punches and kicks, each strike charged with the power of Goku and Vegeta's fusion. Synor countered with his own devastating blows, the battle escalating to a new level of ferocity.

Meanwhile, Rozane felt the toll of wielding the Infinity Stones. Each manipulation of their reality-altering power weighed heavily on him. The strain began to take its toll, leaving him visibly exhausted, yet he fought on with unwavering determination.

As the battle raged, Gogeta made a split-second decision, channeling his energy into another powerful Big Bang Kamehameha. The attack soared towards Synor, who met it head-on with his own destructive energy.

The collision created a blinding explosion that sent shockwaves rippling across the battlefield. For a moment, it seemed as though the outcome was uncertain.

When the smoke cleared, Synor stood defiantly, his form partially damaged by Gogeta's attack. He chuckled darkly, his energy surging even more fiercely. "You've impressed me, but I am a god of annihilation. Your efforts are in vain," he proclaimed, his voice resonating with an eerie calm.

Gogeta gritted his teeth, determination burning in his eyes. He knew that defeating Synor would be no easy task. "We won't give up! We'll protect this universe!" he declared, his voice a harmonious blend of Goku and Vegeta's spirit.

Rozane, despite his exhaustion, channeled the power of the Infinity Stones once more. He cast a binding technique, using the Mind Stone to create ethereal chains that ensnared Synor, momentarily restricting his movements.

The combined efforts of Gogeta and Rozane allowed them to gain the upper hand once again. They pummeled Synor with powerful blows, causing him to stagger under the assault. But the god of annihilation refused to be defeated, pushing back with relentless ferocity.

The constant use of the Infinity Stones left Rozane visibly drained, struggling to maintain control over their power. He knew that this battle was taking its toll on him, yet he pressed on, determined to see it through to the end.

As the chapter reached its crescendo, Gogeta launched another potent Big Bang Kamehameha, pouring every ounce of his and Vegeta's might into the attack. The sheer force of the blast sent shockwaves rippling through the battlefield.

Yet, as the dust settled, Synor still stood, his form battered but resolute. His eyes glowed with an unyielding will. "Is this all you've got?" he taunted, his voice echoing with defiance.

With a final surge of determination, Gogeta and Rozane prepared to face Synor once more. The battle against the god of annihilation had reached a crucial turning point, and the fate of the universe rested on their shoulders