
The Rise Of Demon: Insatiable Evil

Era is of reincarnation, people from Earth are reincarnating to Zephyrion to make up for the population and manpower. High-tech system are accompanying them, mana is in the air, quests are in the system, crime festers on every district and level-up is everywhere. All of the humans wanna shine, all of them wanna be strongest, all of them wants to rule, all of them want to satiate their hunger and make sure that they do everything they missed out on Earth. But wait, where is our mc?? Ohhh wait, he is not from Earth. --------- **The cover does not belong to me**

writer8008 · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
22 Chs

Chapter 3

The guy swiftly moved his hand and the fireball shot towards King Maximus leaving a trail of red behind. Everyone quietened as they looked at the fireball disintegrating in the air as King Maximus swiped his hand. He looked extremely shocked at the sight of fireball.

"Oh? You are not half bad." The same guy started walking towards the king. "But why do you think we all will help you? You never asked for our permission when calling our souls to god knows where." He spoke as he lazily strolled towards the center. His voice was loud and clear and everyone could hear him clearly.

"Damn it he stole the fame, is he the protagonist? What the actual fuck. I am not gonna let him steal my land and power." Vael heard someone mumble.

"What do you mean by that? The spell I conjured gave you all second chances, you all have died one way or the other." King Maximus frowned as he said that.

"Yeah but did we asked for second chances? No we didn't! Also why do you think we will put all of our lives in danger for some people that aren't even from our planet? What if I want to live a quiet life? Did you think of this before using your spell?"

Maximus was left speechless, he hadn't expected it to turn out like this. "I am sorry," was all he could say as he lowered his head.

The guy smiled seeing him like this, "Well what's done can't be taken aback now. Don't worry King, we will help you but before that I may need to ask for some of your guidance. My name is Li Han and it's a pleasure to meet you." Li Han lightly bowed and spoke again, "do you know about how this system works?"

"System? I don't understand."

"Ah, looks like getting a system was either luck or it was part of the spell. Never mind then, I need to see all your spells so that I can decide where you stand right now. As you have already seen I can learn spell really quickly." Li Han smiled as he spoke that, there was a glint in his eyes that didn't go unnoticed by the King.

"I am sorry but I cannot provide you with the spells right now. But starting next month the preparations would be complete and you all will be provided with education and basic scrolls that will teach you spells of all sorts."

"It's alright, we people from Earth are very helpful aren't we?" He smiled as he looked at all the people looking at him.

"Yeah right."

"I guess I could h-help,"

"Don't worry King."

Some weak voices came and many people nodded. "Alright can you give us a map or something, that will get us a brief about everything and also knowledge about history and all." Li Han smiled.

And the next hour passed with Maximus giving a brief about the continent. The name for the continent was Celestra, named after their God Celestrios who saved the humanity from the demon army countless times. The planet Zephyrion had four continents in total and the planet was 50 times bigger than Jupiter! Originally there were more than a 100 billion humans in Celestra but everyone died due to the war leaving around only 6000, which now were 60,000 after 60 years. Here the average life of humans were 200 years. After the reincarnation Maximus declared that this timeline would be referred to as the 1st day of the 1st month of the 1st year. The era of humanity, the beginning after the end. One month had 30 days and there were 12 months in one year. (easy enough right?)

He gave them place to live in the outside the castle, in the city of Aetherholm, the big white mansions that were situated everywhere. And so on the day came to an end.

"Vael can you pass me the blanket?" 

Vael got up and passed one of the blanket to Lavinia who was sleeping beside him. There were 100 Mansions in total and 11,000 people from Earth, so mansions were a bit crowded until further construction. As for Vaelorion Silvercrest, he decided to end his suffering and live in the luxury.

"Tell me something about you. How were you like on Earth?" Vael turned to face Lavinia and asked.

"Hmm let's see," she thought and casually picked a strand of Vael's hair, twirling it around her finger, "I was the quiet student, I mean it was not because I was an introvert but I just liked being alone. I loved to study geography and physics but I couldn't take it because of the stress. The last thing I remember is 10 ft tall building and a thick gust of wind." Her voice trembled and she dropped the strand of Vael's hair.

Vael grabbed her hand, "You are here now, we all are so why not make the most of it and enjoy it to our fullest?" He smiled and caressed her hand.

"I can't believe that we met today, how are you so comforting and easy to be around?"

Vael smiled and closed his eyes, slumber and fatigue engulfing him.

In the same room. A guy was wide awake as he stared into the ceiling with firm determination. "System Interface," he mumbled quietly.


Name: Li Han

Age: 15


Str (Strength): 5

Agi (Agility): 7

Vit (Vitality): 6

Int (Intelligence): 10

Mana: 12

Occupation: None (High Affinity towards Mana)

Skills: Fireball


Gift of the Arcane: Quicker mastery and understanding of magical arts.


"I am going to be the king of this planet, I will never lay low like I used to do." He clenched his hand into a fist and closed his eyes.


Vitality - health and recovery rate

Mana - your total mana reserve (a basic spell might take 1 or 2 mana point)

Intelligence - your understanding about spells, how quickly you learn spells

Agility - how fast you are

Strength - how strong you are


1.) The normal system stats are 5 for each and 10 are very high for a newbie. Also the value of even one stat is very high and can make a huge difference, you will see in it in later chapters.

2.) I also do not plan on writing the system evaluation again and again because this story will revolve more around the mc, who is without a system not the reincarnations.

3.) imma try to keep the story fast paced.

4.) You might find loopholes or something cause id write stories like this at all. I will try my best to cover up everything but if still something is left then pls lemme know.

1.) The normal system stats are 5 for each and 10 are very high for a newbie. Also the value of even one stat is very high and can make a huge difference, you will see in it in later chapters.

2.) I also do not plan on writing the system evaluation again and again because this story will revolve more around the mc, who is without a system not the reincarnations.

3.) imma try to keep the story fast paced.

4.) You might find loopholes or something cause id write stories like this at all. I will try my best to cover up everything but if still something is left then pls lemme know.

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