
The Rise of a Shinobi

Let’s follow Shirohi Tensuki in his rise as a Shinobi. If you recognize it I most likely don’t own it, if you have any questions about what I own comment.

Shitty_Writer · Anime et bandes dessinées
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47 Chs

Frozen Lemon Sauce

Shirohi eventually cried himself to sleep in Tsunade's arms and the warmth and comfort they provided, soon after they reached the gates of Konoha where two people stood guard. Walking past the duo with minimal effort, Yumi's eyes were filled with amazement and curiosity as she scanned her surroundings, Nomi was curious as well but with her life experience she wasn't nearly as excited as her daughter.

Tsuande led them towards the Senju Compound, only to have her brows furrow when she saw the gates wide open and unguarded… walking through the gates she saw dust piling up across the whole compound, hurriedly she ran to the Senju Manor placing Shirohi on a piece of furniture inside she ran off leaving Shizune to show their guests around.

As Tsunade reached the vault she heaved a sigh of relief, there were no signs of tampering or signs of entry. While upset that there wasn't a Senju insight, she already knew what was happening before she left… no, abandoned Konoha and the Senju… wiping a few tears for her eyes she shunshin'd


When Shirohi woke up he felt as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders, he actually felt relaxed as he sank into the couch, turning his head he found Yumi sitting on the floor with her head resting against the arm she seemed to have claimed for herself. Careful retrieving his arm he got up and stretched only to hear Yumi mutter in her sleep, "Bad Ginka, where do you think~~" her words were slowly drowned out by her slurs.

Leaving the living room he ran into Shizune, she yelped as she ran into him and stumbled back slightly rubbing her head, "Huh? Oh good morning Shirohi, Tsunade told me to send you to the Hokage's Office when you woke up…" all sense of drowsiness left Shirohi's body as he nodded "I'll prepare my gear and head that way," Shizune grabbed his sleeve "No, your supposed go the moment you wake up so leave now," her voice was slightly stern but had a hint of nervousness in it, Shirohi eyed her for a moment before nodding as he flickered away.

Appearing inside the Hokage's building, he found an assistant waiting in the middle of the room. The moment she spotted him she hurriedly made her way over, "The Hokage will see you now," the Konoha Shinobi still waiting seemed upset that this kid met with the Hokage faster than they could, mainly the genin. While some of the Jounin Instructors simply eyed the boy trying to figure out who he was…

As he entered the Hokage's office he found Tsuande enjoying a cup of tea with the Hokage, hearing the door open and seeing Shirohi walk in Hokage gestured for him to sit, Tsunade worriedly questioned "How are you feeling?" Sitting down Shirohi answered "I'm feeling fine, sorry you ha—" Tsunade ruffled his hair "No need to apologize," she had a soft smile on her face and her eyes were filled with a indescribable softness, but it all faded when the Hokage spoke, "Shirohi… it has been brought to my attention that you have no thoughts about joining Konoha's ranks, so with the help of Tsunade we have devised a position that may be to your liking…"

Shirohi sent Tsunade a suspicious glance but urged the Hokage to continue, "Upon your acceptance you will receive specialized training from some of our Jounin Ranked Shinobi, Special privileges to Ninja Wares, and Jutsu Scrolls comparable to your merits… Upon accepting you will receive 2 C-Rank Jutsu and 1 B-Rank Jutsu for the merits you've gained over the last Year and a Half…"

Shirohi sneered "You're really laying it on thick old man, I haven't heard anything about what I'd have to accept…" Shirohi 'held' his tongue and didn't go any further out of respect for Tsunade, the Hokage gave a lighthearted chuckle, "Seems like you have your hands full Tsuande," she gave a soft laugh "You have no idea," the Hokage continued "Technically your job title would be a Mission Advisor, but in truth you'd be joining some of our lower rank Shinobi on missions. Missions that we believe to hold more danger then reported, while I have heard of your skills from Tsunade and Jiraiya I have a feeling that while I am more then happy with your skill you believe it's not enough correct?"

Shirohi remained indifferent, not showing his opinion on the matter, "So what, you want me to babysit your Genin on missions you think they're not completely ready for?" the Hokage nodded "Precisely, however since Iwa has fanned the flames of war most missions you would be joining would be supply runs, there is also a chance you would be placed on the frontline…"

Shirohi stared at the Hokage for minutes on end, forcing a silence to descend on the room as he weighed the pros and cons, seeing him deep in thought the Hokage added, "I'd be hiring Ginkamen, not Shirohi…'' Shirohi instantly realized, "Very well, draw up the contract. I also want a guarantee saying that I can abandon a mission if I see it fit to do so, I wouldn't want your Shinobi hunting me down because I abandoned a mission that I had deemed 'Impossible', I'll also only take missions from you…" there was a slight sense of finality in his words.

The Hokage hid his smile as he nodded "I'll have it delivered to the Senju compound within the day, we actually already have your first mission on standby…" Shirohi shook his head "First I'll make full use of the training you provided, make sure you send them to the Senju Manor after I sign…" Despite seeming slightly displeased the Hokage gave a sigh as she shuffled some papers in his desk "Very well," getting up to leave Shirohi spoke once more "Let them know, Frozen Lemon Sauce,"

"Huh? Oh… okay," The Hokage had a smile as he realized what Shirohi had meant, a code word so he knew they were sent by him… what a sly child…