
The Ring Bearer System

Written by Rowben. A young man has been working as a vigilante for the past year, though it seems nobody appreciates his help, and it’s all became too much weight on his shoulders. Just as he decides to quit, he’s brought into something else entirely. Nico Ryoto learns that the world’s more then he thought, a world full of suffering, where power often goes into the wrong hands. Discovering special rings that control the concepts of reality, and the horrible things wearers have done with such, Nico searches to find every ring to refrain from those with tainted hearts from using them.

Rowbenverse · Action
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44 Chs

“Eternal Suffering”

The two traveled the city streets, Rook leading the way with her hands on her hips, Nico's eyes stuck, locked onto the giant hole through her torso.

"Shouldn't we fix that..? Or at least cover it up.."

Nico asked, Rook shaking her head before placing her hand on her hip, the other taking out her tablet as she scrolled through the live feed of many cameras throughout the city.

"It'll be fine, I won't die if that's what you're wondering,"

She chuckled, Nico sighing as he walked up to her side, looking to her tablet screen, before she suddenly stopped on one feed, a familiar blonde man looking through his satchel.

"Wait, that's Bennett..!"

Nico took the tablet, clicking around trying to find the camera's location. Rook glared at Nico before snatching her tablet back, looking at the feed for just a moment before putting away her tablet.

"He's this way."

Rook ran in one direction at high speeds, ignoring buildings in her way as she'd run right through walls as if they were nothing, Nico struggling to keep up, well being perplexed by her capabilities.

"Holy shit, slow down..!"

Nico had finally caught up, though struggling to stay that way as she was completely focused on running to her destination, breaking through wall and wall, as Nico had to block some of the debris coming his way.


Rook suddenly changed directions, running to the left as Nico hadn't noticed in time, face planting into a wall. After a moment of pain and headache, Nico stood back up, holding his head before looking to his left, as Bennett stood, entirely surprised.

"What the fu-"

Rook suddenly picked Bennett up by his collar, tossing him over to Nico's feet, before gaining a smug expression, and placing her hands on her hips.

"There ya go..! Friend returned."

Nico helped him back on his feet, as Bennett dusted himself off, lightly coughing.

"What the hell, man.. Why'd she have to throw me..?"

Nico shook his head frantically, flicking Bennett in the forehead as he stumbled back a few steps.

"That's not important right now.. Where's Morell and the others..? You were still with them when I was kicked off the building."

Bennett sighed and shrugged.

"They went in this sort of portal, I don't know where it leads to though..It was dark blue, and was kinda violent, y'know? Like the ocean during a storm, something like that."

Bennet explained. Nico sat down, thinking hard on what to do, before a spark in his thoughts suddenly formed, his eyes slightly widened as he stood back up, unsheathing his sword.

"My sword's kinda like that… Considering that it's Morell who gave my sword power, it may lead to the same place.."

Nico activated his sword, the blade becoming a dark blue portal, just like Bennett described, as demonic hands then came out of the portal.

Rook was surprised from this sight, before her smile grew. She slowly snuck away as neither of the two had realized. Nico began slowly maneuvering his hand past the demonic ones, hesitantly reaching into the portal, before quickly retracting.

"Seems fine.. Just gotta make it bigger somehow.."

Bennett stood back as Nico began swinging the sword around, not much happening. He kept examining the blade, before suddenly the hands collapsed back into the portal, Nico slightly startled before grinning, and swinging the blade again.

This time, the blade cut the air itself, a portal forming as Nico and Bennett both fell back in surprise, quickly getting back up.

"Alright.. Let's go now."

Nico pushed Bennett into the portal without a care, waiting a few seconds before walking in himself. He entered a world that was dark, the landscape made of a dark blue sand, as the moon was replaced with the glowing white hands of a clock.

Bennett got back up, and looked at Nico with a pissed expression, dusting the sand off himself.

"What the hell, I'm not bait..!"

Nico just chuckled, beginning to walk forth without a care as Bennett followed. It didn't take much time to find a building, a sort of temple, built with a pitch black stone stood in front of them, with pale figures, skinny to the bone slowly walking in the entrance.

The two quickly snuck over to the temple, waiting for the last figure to enter, before peaking into the entrance themselves. The figures were all on their knees, circled around a cauldron of blood as they prayed to it.

"Freaky shit, huh.."

Nico whispered, unsheathing his second sword as he stepped forth, the figures looking at him, startled before he killed them all in a single slash, their blood splattering everywhere.

"Was that necessary..?"

Bennett asked with an eyebrow raised, as Nico shrugged, looking into the cauldron. Karma came to get Nico, as suddenly a gross, demonic fish hopped out of the cauldron, hitting him in the face, as Bennett laughed.

"Aright, it's not that funny.. There's nothing in here, let's go."

Nico sighed, walking out as he gestured for Bennett to do the same, the two making their way to the exit, before a stone wall suddenly fell down in their way. Bennett was quick to react, jumping out the temple just before the wall crashed down, though Nico was now stuck.


Nico shrugged and attempted to punch the wall down, but his hand suddenly stopped, a woman grabbing his wrist as his eyes widened. He turned around, Morell staring him dead in the eye.

"What are you doing here? I've gave you chances to leave."

Morell spoke in a cold tone, Nico struck in fear as his arm shaked, trying to free his wrist from her grasp.

"Maybe you need a.. more harsh lesson."

Morell slowly raised her other hand, Nico beginning to panic, trying to desperately tear his arm away from her.


Morell's hand shined a blinding blue as Nico was transported to elsewhere. He stood up, now on a planet of a light blue color, the ear piercing sound of heavy winds heard.

"You will walk until you can't."

Morell's voice could be heard echoing through the area, before Nico's feet felt heavier, his gravity increased. He was confused before he spotted heavy winds approaching rapidly in the near distance.

Shards of glass, and giant gusts of wind constantly flew towards him, his body cut and sliced as he groaned in pain, slowly taking steps forth.

"Enjoy your eternal suffering."