
The Ring Bearer System

Written by Rowben. A young man has been working as a vigilante for the past year, though it seems nobody appreciates his help, and it’s all became too much weight on his shoulders. Just as he decides to quit, he’s brought into something else entirely. Nico Ryoto learns that the world’s more then he thought, a world full of suffering, where power often goes into the wrong hands. Discovering special rings that control the concepts of reality, and the horrible things wearers have done with such, Nico searches to find every ring to refrain from those with tainted hearts from using them.

Rowbenverse · Action
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44 Chs

“Can’t Catch A Break”

The city of New York, always busy regardless of time, the streets lit up by the lights of the cars, leaving glowing trails within the dark night.

With such a lively city, there's always bound to be crimes at every corner, whether they be a simple mugging to something far worse, crimes have been far harder for the police to stop. Times were changing, technology was being upgraded by the day, and the criminals had their hands on some of the best.

There was, however, one thing stopping these criminals, a young man, bored of the rich life as he went on to become a vigalante, named Nico Ryoto.

Nico walked upon rooftops throughout the city rooftops, his red hair and leather jacket swaying through the heavy winds, being so high up.

"What's today's threat?"

Nico looked down from the rooftop, spotting a bank surrounded by police cars, a crowd behing held back by officers as loud sirens were heard. He readied himself at the edge of the building, leaping forth and plummeting downwards as he aimed his hands upwards.

A click was heard, as a sudden explosion was shot out from his palms, his gloves disintegrated into ash as his hands were revealed to be ones of metal, the explosion sending him downwards.

He pulled his jacket off, bracing himself as he landed upon the bank, generating an explosion from his elbow to negate the impact, the roof being destroyed as he landed within the bank.

He looked around, waiting for the smoke to settle as a robber quickly came at him from behind, swinging an electrical baton towards him.

Nico ducked to avoid the attack, catching the robber by the arm upon his second attack, as Nico slammed his fist down upon the robber's head, the heavy metal knocking him out in that single blow.

Nico quickly turned around, his hand pointed forth as he released an explosion from his hand, in attempt to destroy the attack from a second robber, who has shot a sort of grenade towards Nico.

He had a smug smirk at first, though the smile on his face was wiped upon analyzing the grenade, his eyes widening as upon his explosion hitting the grenade, it generated a powerful shockwave, the explosion adding to such as he was knocked back, along with the entire bank collapsing on itself.

Police quickly rushed towards the destruction of the building, as Nico lifted the piece of rubble off of himself, coughing as he looked around, the area on fire, and the camera flashes of bystanders blinding Nico as he slowly stood up, news reporters heard, before the loud yelling of "Freeze" could be heard through it all.

"It's you again.. Look at the damn destruction you caused! We would've been better off without you playing hero.. You're under arrest, Ryoto!"

Nico rubbed his eyes, now surrounded by cops, all aiming guns towards him, as well as holding out riot shields to cover his exits, as Nico sighed, firing an explosion to the floor, to not only cover the cops' view with the smoke, but launch himself out of there, landing behind the distracted crowd, stealing the hat of one man, wearing it to keep himself more concealed.

Before he managed his getaway, one person called him out, it was hard to blend in with his red hair, the crowd all facing him, and quickly surrounding him.

The crowd was full of fans cheering for him, and girls expressing their love for him, as well as many people showing their dislike to him, calling him a hazard and such.

Nico tried to make his way through the crowd, though he was quickly stopped by photographers, blinding him with their cameras, followed by the news reporter approaching him.

"Ryoto, you've stopped yet another crime..! We have many questions for you..!"

The news reporter babbled on about her many questions, getting uncomfortably close to him. Nico simply mumbled yeah to the questions, not paying attention as he was blocking the camera light from his eyes.

He was getting dizzy, his hearing defeaned and his eyes blurred, the crowd only getting louder, more cameras flashing, he felt pressured, almost sick, before suddenly yelling out.

He hit himself in the forehead, a mark left, as well as a drizzle of blood as the crowd quieted down, him running through the crowd, pushing people out of the way, then boosting himself away with his explosions once he was clear of the crowd.

"Well.. In a turn of events, it appears Ryoto is quite hostile to his fans..! Makes you wonder if he's truly a hero.."

The reporter let out her exaggerations to the camera, to increase the possible views with this added controversy, the crowd all murmuring in confusion as Nico was long gone, though the police now chasing after him.

Nico returned to his house, a large mansion given by his wealthy mother, who was the president. He opened the door to his house, only to see his mother on the inside, her hands on her hips and an angry expression on her face.

"Geez, Nico! I drove all the way here to visit you, and you're out blowing up the bank!? It's nice to know your trying to help people, but you blew the whole bank up! You could've gotten hurt, you know.."

Her outburst of anger slowly turned to a face of sorrow as she walked to Nico, embracing him. He looked down at his mother, frowning as he sighed.

"I'm sorry, alright.. but it's okay now, after tonight I've decided I don't want to do this vigilante any more, it's too kuch pressure."

He patted her on the back, as she took a step back, wiping her one tear as she gave a slight smile of relief.

"Good.. You're a good man, son, but not everyone can be a hero.. I made you dinner.. you can't keep eating takeout, y'know."

She walked back inside, Nico nodding as he first checked his mailbox, a bunch of letters inside as he took them all, walking inside.

He sat at the dining table, across from his mother, food already set down as he placed down all the letters, taking a bite of his meal first, before picking the top letter up.

"Geez.. when's the last time you'ce checked your mail?"

His mother chuckled to herself. He reading it briefly before putting it back down. It was mere fan mail from someone who managed to find out where he lived, in fact, most of these letters were.

He sighed, dropping all the letters on the floor, with a sigh, his mother standing up and exclaiming out.

"Hey, donmt just drop all of them, geez..!"

She walked over, hitting him on the head as she began gathering them all together, Nico groaning and helping as well. The letters were all the same, white envelopes, some of the fanmail having hearts and such, though his mother picked out a strange letter from the bunch.

It was a black envelope, with a golden symbol printed on the front, causing her to raise an eyebrow as she looked to Nico, handing it to him.

"Hey.. what's this letter..? It seems interesting."

Nico glanced to it, taking it as he looked down at the symbol, looking at it in confusion, it reminded him of something…

He shrugged it off, opening the envelope, and sliding the letter up, which was also black with golden writing, reading it to himself.

"Dear Nico.

We've watched you closely, far longer then you'd know. We are an orginization, our job to keep a rather abnormal threat hidden from the media. We believe you'd be helpful when this threat gets to large. Come to the run down factory at the edge of the city immediately, the one you titled as your 'hidden base' as a child. Come alone, tell anyone of this letter and we'll have to get rid of you.

Sincerely, L."

Nico's eyes widened throughout reading the letter, especially to the writer seemingly knowing knowledge all the way back to his childhood. He thought this was a mere joke at first, but could it possibly be real.

"Nico..? What's wrong, what's it say..?"

His mother placed her hand on his shoulder, Nico shaking a bit as he stood up, placing the letter in his pocket.

"Uh, nothing. I'm not hungry right now.. I'm just gonna go sleep."

Nico rushed to his room, shutting the door as he sat on his bed, looking down at the letter with worry, thinking to himself.

"Hm.. could this be real..? How would they know where I hung out as a kid.. Hmph, it was likely some coincidence, or maybe a friend pranking me.."

He examined the note, looking closely as he realized a tiny cameras on it, being a bit startled by it as he crushed it in his fingers, breathough out in relief as he shoved it in his endtable drawer.

"Hm.. Might even be a criminal drawing me in.. I'll deal with this tomorrow."

He flicked the switch on his lamp, laying in bed as he stared at the ceiling for a while, before closing his eyes, falling into his slumber.

"Oi, wake up..!" To Be Continued…