
The right Shinobi

To wake up in an unknown place, get a sensory shock from the abundance of other people's memories, and in the end also realize that you are now locked in a child's body, whose name you even know too well… For many, such a sudden development of events can turn out to be hell and cause endless regrets. For many, but not for someone who is completely sure that his past body is dead, and a new, completely healthy and literally bursting with life body is perceived as a real gift and, one might say, a dream of the last years of his past life. And it's also an opportunity, an opportunity to live another life in a much more interesting, even dangerous, world… Moreover, you already have some knowledge about this world. And plans for a newfound youth can be built simply grandiose.

FlaBer · Anime et bandes dessinées
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57 Chs

Сhapter 28

The fifth year met me with not the most friendly team and the resumption of training under the personal guidance of Iruki-sensei… Nothing special, to be honest. I already went through all this one way or another at the beginning of this year. And there were fewer clan children in the fifth year, which made it even easier for me to breathe. And especially a clear understanding that I would not stay with the new class for a long time helped me not to pay much attention to the negative in my direction…

Besides, there really wasn't a genius in the new class like the same Neji that could compete with me properly. Therefore, I even got acquainted with the new class without much enthusiasm, asking Iruka in advance to find out about my new classmates… And let the kids themselves be somewhat offended by this attitude, but they only came to me for the first few weeks. Then everything calmed down somehow, I showed my abilities to others, calming down especially violent heads, after which I seriously took up my own training.

And this time I had the same task – to master the program of one and a half years of the academy in six months. So, I would be able to move on to the seventh year next year, graduating from the academy at the age of ten… Which, although it will not be a record, but I will definitely show myself in this way. Yes, and the seventh year I will study completely at the end, consolidating all the knowledge that was given to students throughout all six years of study. Well, that, at least, is our plan with Iruka.

I didn't know how everything would turn out in the end, but the academy's training program only became more complicated with each course. And the only thing that saved me, so far, was that I had already developed a very good base in skills related to the control and use of the chakra. In the fifth and sixth year, which I wanted to skip completely, a lot of time was devoted to working with the chakra. It is during these two years that ordinary students, as a rule, manage to learn three basic techniques of Shinobi – Hang, Illusory clones and Kawarimi – the technique of body replacement.

Well, since I have already mastered the first two techniques, my actual task for these two years should have been just one technique… And a whole bunch of less significant skills related to the use of the chakra. Well, it's not the point, anyway, in this regard, I have already seriously overtaken my peers. And even though I certainly wasn't going to stop there, but my main problem was combat training classes again…

Because of this, most of my entire training was put on Iruka-sensei, and I myself was engaged, first of all, in my personal training and memorizing some theoretical subjects, like the same anatomy or the basics of first aid, which were passed only within the last two courses… Nothing special to be honest, a lot of knowledge from these subjects was already in my head anyway, and in general, a couple of theoretical subjects could not cause me any difficulties.

Everything was going strictly according to our plan, and even though it was quite difficult for me to endure almost round-the-clock classes and training, but the ability to enjoy the little things and the understanding that all this is vital for me, did not allow me to slow down… And I somehow didn't feel the burnout behind me. Mental fatigue, of course, gradually accumulated, forcing me sometimes to arrange a full weekend for myself, but otherwise I still managed not to lose motivation and gnaw, so to speak, the granite of science.

What made Iruku-sensei incredibly happy… And not only him. Hiruzen, finally convinced that his living weapon was making some progress towards becoming a real shinobi, also began to show me a little more attention. And if at the beginning it was quite difficult to notice, still the old man was able to unobtrusively impose his company, but analyzing the last few months of my life, I clearly understand that there is more and more Hiruzen in my life.

He now considers it his sacred duty to bring me orphan benefits and an academic scholarship… After each successful passing of a series of exams, he certainly visited me with a small, purely symbolic gift. And on my recent birthday, he also did not skimp on a gift, fitting me with a whole box of herbs and tinctures that helped speed up recovery after training. Well, I also did not forget to write the instructions for their use, noting that some of the tinctures and ointments are better not to use with each other ... Well, other nuances, thanks to which I did not risk one day being on the push with wild diarrhea.

In general, yes, the old man tried his best to cram his figure into my life… Which I personally treated with some caution, but still took the attention of our Hokage. I couldn't escape from this attention anyway, and spoiling relations with the head of the village in which you still have to live and live is such an idea. Instead, on the contrary, I tried to show my affection and sympathy to the old man as clearly as possible… Albeit while maintaining some distance between us.

It was painful for me to be strained by the old man's attempts in my direction ... it is unlikely that he is planning something not good at my expense. I see all his current gestures as a simple attempt to tie a valuable frame more tightly to myself, but I couldn't be sure in this regard. Still, Hiruzen is a very, very ambiguous person, and it was also not worth forgetting about his friend Danzo… And the old man sometimes threw too thoughtful glances at me.

And therefore, I just tried not to give cause for doubt on my account, playing a smart, but rather naive child that is fully capable of appreciating the kindness of our Hokage… Although, I really appreciated his "kindness". I didn't mind accepting periodic gifts in honor of passing the same exams at all. And in general, for the opportunity to study freely with Iruka, which the Hokage himself could easily take away from me, it was worth being at least a little grateful.…

Ahem, it feels like I'm grateful just for not being kicked and not trying to screw me up somehow… But I'm in such a position– completely dependent on Hiruzen. And this situation will not change soon. It is unlikely that after becoming a genin, I will immediately be able to control my own fate. And in general, I will be able to escape from the grip of the current Kage of the village hidden in the foliage only after the death of Hiruzen himself.

Well, until then, it's better for me not to show my rather cool attitude towards the old man, quietly developing and gaining strength in his shadow. It's better than incurring the wrath of powerful Shinobi without having a single chance to curb this anger. And, of course, in the future I will have to beg for knowledge, most likely from Hiruzen himself.… It is unlikely that he will give me a teacher that will not be completely faithful to him. This means that the teacher himself is unlikely to teach me anything beyond what Hiruzen told me to teach…

It's a nasty situation, to be honest. To feel that your fate is in someone else's hands, and all your kicking and efforts can turn into a simple zilch because of someone else's ill will ... infuriates. Well, it's a little annoying. Still, the desire to be self-sufficient and, to some extent, free, is strong enough in me. I don't want to live my whole life under someone else's control, playing the role of the village's faithful weapon. I don't like such prospects…

And in order for me to avoid such a fate, I need strength. A significant personal force that could inspire some fears about me even to such bison of this world as Hiruzen and Danzo… That's just to quickly achieve this power, without the help of Hiruzen himself, it will be oh so not easy. I did not overestimate my talents, despite the fact that in this life I could already boast of some achievements…

Hmm, maybe, as a backup option, it's worth remembering about the red beast that sits in print on my stomach?.. Of course, I don't really want to count on the one everyone calls a demon, but I remember that it is still possible to negotiate with this monster. But in my situation, the extra support and strength of a fox can help out so well.…

Maaaaa, we need to think about this more thoroughly…