
The Reverse Villain

In a world cloaked in darkness and rife with malevolence, a singular figure emerged to pierce the shroud with a glimmer of hope. From the abyss, he rose as the beacon of light, bearing a title that would echo through eternity. In his wake, others rallied, forming a formidable league to combat the forces of evil that sought to choke the world in shadows. A decade long battle ensued, a clash between the righteous and the wicked, marked by sacrifices on both sides. Amid the ashes of conflict, a fragile peace was woven, and salvation seemed to reign. Yet, time's passage bore witness to a sinister transformation. Once-championed saviors turned power-hungry, wielding their abilities for self-serving ends, heedless of the destruction they wrought. Their malevolent acts remained veiled, concealed beneath the image of the Heroes they were once hailed to be. A cruel veil of secrecy shrouded their true nature, and any who stumbled upon their nefarious deeds were swiftly silenced, their lives extinguished to safeguard the Heroes' facade. Thus, the very evils vanquished by the initial Hero's sacrifice resurfaced, sown by the hands they believed would protect. Nine hundred years have elapsed, and the legacy for which heroes tirelessly battled to preserve has crumbled into ruin. The heroes themselves, once beacons of virtue, have succumbed to corruption, wielding their influence to perpetrate crimes and evade justice. Meanwhile, the very villains previously condemned for their malevolence now emerge as saviors, thwarting the nefarious deeds propagated by these fallen heroes. This novel delves into the obscured shadows of heroes, revealing their darker facets concealed from the public eye. It unearths the villains who counteract the malevolent actions of these heroes, yet find themselves vilified by media portrayal. It's important to bear in mind that amidst this intricate dance, not all heroes are evil, and not all villains are good. P.S - I update 5-7 times per week

GilgameshTheFirst · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
38 Chs

Inter-Class Competition

Few months had passed since the death of Agent Rex and the mission that sent Sean, Susan, and Peter injured and sent to the hospital. Now, they were finally well enough to return to school. As they stepped into the familiar corridors of their classroom, they were greeted with warm smiles and enthusiastic hellos from their classmates. It was heartwarming to see how much they were missed during their absence.

Sean, Susan, and Peter exchanged glances, grateful for the support they received from their friends. They felt a strong bond with their classmates, who had been concerned for their well-being and eagerly awaited their return. Despite the ordeal they had been through, the camaraderie they experienced now was a testament to the strength of their friendships.

The joyous atmosphere was momentarily interrupted as Sarah, Sean's guardian and a mother figure to him, entered the classroom. Sarah's presence commanded respect and admiration, and her warm smile mirrored the one Sean had whenever he looked at her.

As Sarah walked in, she noticed a crowd of students surrounding Sean, curious to know the details of his absence. The school head had informed them that Sean, Susan, and Peter were in the hospital, but the specifics remained a mystery. Sean, with a playful glint in his eyes, pretended to zip his lips, indicating that it was a secret he couldn't divulge.

Sarah chuckled at the sight and made her way through the students to rub Sean in his head and tells him "Welcome back ". She exchanged a knowing glance with him, a silent understanding passing between them. Sean regarded Sarah as more than just a guardian; she was the pillar of strength that held him together during challenging times.

With a wave of Sean's hand, the crowd dispersed, and Sarah took the opportunity to address the class. She announced that next week would feature the school's inter-class volleyball competition, and an exciting twist awaited the students. They were allowed to use their powers during the competition, making it a unique event.

The classroom buzzed with excitement at the prospect of showcasing their powers in the volleyball competition. Sarah explained that each classroom would form five teams, and since their class had thirty students, including Sean, Susan, and Peter, they would be evenly distributed among the teams through a random selection process facilitated by technology.

Sean's eyes scanned the names written on the board by Sarah, who had taken on the task of creating the five teams for the upcoming school event. Excitement coursed through him as he saw his own name and those of his friends, Susan and Peter, among the many others listed. The challenge of forming the teams was evident, but Sarah had a reputation for being fair and thoughtful in her decisions.

"Alright, everyone, gather around," Sarah called, drawing the attention of the class. The students still sitting on their seat , eager to hear how the teams would be assembled. "I've carefully considered each of your strengths and personalities to ensure a balanced competition."

With a confident smile, she began announcing the teams:

Team 1:

Sean (male)

Emma (female)

David (male)

Olivia (female)

Ethan (male)

Isabella (female)

Team 2:

Susan (female)

Lucas (male)

Mia (female)

Caleb (male)

Lily (female)

Noah (male)

Team 3:

Peter (male)

Sophia (female)

Matthew (male)

Ava (female)

Daniel (male)

Grace (female)

Team 4:

Benjamin (male)

Harper (female)

Pablo (male)

Amelia (female)

Samuel (male)

Chloe (female)

Team 5:

Emily (female)

William (male)

Harper (female)

Henry (male)

Evelyn (female)

Paul (male)

As the names were called out, the students exchanged glances, wondering how the teams would fare in the upcoming event. It was clear that Sarah had meticulously selected each member, striving to maintain a balance between genders and skills.

The three friends exchanged glances, excitement evident in their eyes. Although they would be on different teams, they knew their bond would only grow stronger during the competition. They pledged to support each other and give their best, no matter the outcome.

Susan, with her determination, declared she would win the competition. Peter, known for his tenacity, shared the same sentiment. Sean, with a glimmer of competitiveness in his eyes, playfully claimed he would emerge victorious. The lighthearted banter between the trio was infectious, spreading laughter and anticipation throughout the class.

Sarah, their caring and supportive homeroom teacher, stepped forward and made a unique proposition. She encouraged the students to take charge of their groups and decide amongst themselves who would lead each team.

With that, Sarah left the classroom, giving the students the freedom to decide their group leaders independently. The classroom buzzed with discussions and laughter as students gathered into their respective groups, forming circles of eager faces, ready to take on the challenge ahead.

In Team 1, Sean found himself amidst a group of enthusiastic individuals, eager to showcase their skills and work together as a cohesive unit. With his natural charisma and ability to bring people together, it was no surprise that his peers chose him as their leader. Sean took on the role with a smile, embracing the responsibility and promising to lead the team to success.

Team 2, composed of diligent and creative students, quickly came to a consensus, selecting Susan as their leader. Susan's strong organizational skills and ability to think outside the box made her the perfect fit for the role. The team admired her ability to motivate and inspire them, knowing they were in capable hands.

Meanwhile, Team 3's members admired Peter's calm and composed nature, making him an ideal leader. Peter had an innate talent for problem-solving and was always willing to lend a helping hand. As he graciously accepted the leadership position, the team members nodded in agreement, confident in their choice.

In Team 4, it was no surprise that Benjamin was chosen to lead the group. Benjamin's sharp mind and ability to bring out the best in others made him an obvious choice. With a nod of approval from his teammates, Benjamin accepted the position with humility, eager to guide the team towards success.

For Team 5, the students recognized in Emily the qualities of a leader. Emily's determination, coupled with her empathetic nature, made her a respected figure among her peers. As Emily humbly accepted the role, her team members cheered, confident that they had chosen wisely.

Now, with the group leaders in place, the students prepared to embark on the challenge that lay ahead. The task required collaboration, creativity, and a display of their individual and collective strengths. The excitement was palpable as the students discussed ideas, formulated plans, and strategized to achieve their objectives.


Author Note :

What do you guys think about this new arc ,you can leave a comment below I will be opened to everyone suggestions.